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The enormous Golu-tribe invaded the lands of the Fala-tribe. They captured every citizen of the tribe and locked everyone up. Including princess Zala and her father and mother. They were the king and queen of the Fala-tribe. Not only was Zala the princess of the tribe, but she was also the most beautiful girl in the tribe with her very long beautiful hair, her fabulous rare unique fur pattern, her very pretty face and her beautiful female curves.

The Golu-tribe was way stronger and had acces to a whole lot of their own developped technology. The Fala-tribe however were living way more primitive and had no technology at all. 

Zala was locked up all by herself in some kind of weird room with a lot of unknown weird technology in it. Before she could scream for help, there was a weird kind of tube with some kind of green liquid and a needle at the tip moving towards her. But before she could take a good look at it, the weir tube shot it's green liquid right into her right thigh which was incredably painfull...

Part 2 will be uploaded shortly!

Zala + story (C) Fixala~Nagini




I have a pretty good idea of what's about to happen