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The Friday the 13th Series - re:View (Part 2)

Happy Halloween! We watched the one where Jason goes to space.


Timothy Liebe

That Guy from the STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION episode "The Neutral Zone"'s name is Peter Mark Richman. Seeing him on TNG had my wife and I both laughing because he was such a familiar face to us, having grown up watching television in the 1960 and 1970s! He seemed to be in everything back then playing either a Mob lawyer, a stern High School principal, a Corporate asshole, or a Deputy Chief of the FBI (IMDB lists 161 acting credits for him)—if the guy wore a suit and sat behind a desk, he played him. Later in life he did a lot of voice work and retired in 2010 or 2011, even though he lived until 2021.

The Real Zam

I hope it's a children's suicide video.


I'm glad Mike pointed out that the music by Harry Manfredini is terrible in the later movies. The music was great in the early movies but starting around Part 6 and onward, it dumped the "ki ki ki ma ma ma" music and just became forgettable music cliches.

Manuel Johnen

Again... 1, 4, FvJ, 2, 6, 7, X, 8, 9, 3D, Remake, 5