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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - re:View

Okay, Doomer! Mike and Rich embark on an epic adventure without leaving the comfort of their chairs! On the eve of the release of the "final" Indiana Jones film "Dials of Density", Mike and Rich decide to look back at the least loved film of the trilogy, Temple of Doom (Rich was the least loved child of 18 children) Listen to these two morons talk about a movie from 1984! Four decades before all of you were born. They can't possibly be THAT stupid right? Why aren't they posting TikTok prank videos? Or on Insta filming car wrecks and laughing at bum fights? Or making a true crime podcast. Or giving their cash away in piles like The Beast. Why don't they argue about things on Twitter with total strangers? Does Rich Evans wear diapers? YES! What would possess these two to talk about something old and pointless. Well, kids it's because they love moopies. They really love old moopies and make mud pies in their pants.


Manuel Johnen

Saw "Dial of Destiny" yesterday, and after sleeping one night over it, I think I gotta talk about it, because I'm actually kinda bothered. Not gonna spoil anything that happens in the movie. HOWEVER, I'm gonna talk about what DOESN'T happen in it, so consider yourself warned. Don't read on, if you haven't seen the movie yet... or do read on, if you don't give a shit, I don't care... This was a bittersweet experience overall. The single best thing about "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" is seeing Harrison Ford going at it in his full Indiana Jones attire one last time on the big screen, which was kinda glorious. I've got no problem with him being old af, I do find that rather charming. Ford's 80, Indy's probably about 70 in his movie world, so what? I found the de-aging in the beginning also quite well done, not 100% perfect, but believable enough. So, that's good, too. Not so good: Phoebe Waller-Bridge is an oddly unlikeable actress, who doubles down and plays an extremely unlikeable character here... and she didn't work for me at all. Also, her chemestry with Ford is the worst of all the sidekicks in the entire Indiana Jones franchise, the best being Sean Connery as his dad, of course. I can't for the life of me understand how people can watch this movie and say it is better than "Crystal Skull". It's not. The last 20 minutes or so are horrifyingly, catastrophically bad. They come across as godawful fanfiction. Nothing in "Crystal Skull" even comes close to what happens at the end of "Dial". To me - being not entirely an idiot - it's absolutely clear, what should have happened in the third act here: Indy goes back in time and follows Voller to the train from the beginning, where Voller convinces his younger self to kill Hitler. So Indy has to team up with his younger self to fight both young and old Mads Mikkelsen. They dispatch of him - preferably in a cooler way than what actually happens - and then both Indys share a nice moment together, the old one tells young Jones to make sure his son doesn't enlist and goes to fight in Vietnam, and then returns to his present. There, Waller-Bridge takes possession of the dial, but instead of trying to sell it, she imediately destroys it, giving here something like a nice character arc or some shit. Indy goes to his appartment, where Mutt's still alive now, his marriage is well, everything's fine, yaddayaddayadda. He shares a heartfelt moment with his son, maybe mirroring the nice scene at the cliff from "Last Crusade" with Connery. Then Mutt meets Helena, sparks fly and they both go on future adventures together (after you've recast Waller-Bridge with a more likeable actress) and you can keep the franchise alive with spin offs for another 30 years. Voila. This isn't rocket science, this shit basically writes itself. I don't even want to know how many negative test screenings and panicky reshoots were necessary, until they ended up storywise, where they finally did... it boggles the mind... Easily the worst Indiana Jones movie of them all for me.

Gavin Scott

I loved it. Absolutely loved it.


I wonder if the miniatures and puppets were less noticeable in the original theatrical run. Film prints are at least 4 generations removed from the original negatives, so you get a little bit of indistinctness in the final presentation. This gave filmmakers some leeway to hide wires and other rough edges of effects. I think it's too bad that video releases don't provide the option to mimic final release prints.

L. J.

Loved Dial of Destiny. Especially after Lucas age Spielberg shat the bed last time it was good to see it in skilled hands. The hate for the movie seems to be rooted in some weird hate for Disney and women. This is a Paramount Film and made by a man. I guess if you go in wanting to hate it you will. But as a life long Indiana Jones fan who saw the original in the theater. This was a great finale.