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yeah my parents rented this for us, cause i guess the trailers said it was a comedy or satire. But, for me at like 5-6, it was the scariest shit in the world. It really traumatized me for a long time.


AK AK! Or is it “EK EK!” ?


One of the few Burton movies in the 2.35:1 aspect ratio.


Ack Ack!!!


I haven't watched that in a long time. I wonder what I would think of it now.


This movie is insane. So many running gags; but the best one is how wrong pierce brosnan's character is all the time. 😆


Eric The Midget

Damon Killian

Independence Day was made, 'for stupid people to clap at the screen'. Mars Attacks was never in danger of being that entertaining.

Kerri Lewis

Yes!!! I loooove Mars Attacks!

Lee Noble

Just thought of another movie from that Vintage that I think deserves a Re:View. So I Married An Axe Murderer. “Head like Sputnik” “He’ll be crying himself to sleep tonight on his HUGE pillow”. Don’t think I’ve laughed as hard at anything since to be honest. Practically hospitalised myself.

Jim Partridge

I had a traumatic experience watching this movie. I wanted to call this girl’s dad and ask permission to bring her to the beach. So I fretted the whole movie and then called. The dad said no. Jokes on him I brought her to the lost world and men in black and made out with her in the theater like the whole time. (True story)

Jim Partridge

That is a really good pick for review. Like the big lebowski there’s always a hilarious line and it might be different each time watching!



Lee Noble

and The Hudsucker Proxy. Seems to be continually overlooked in the Coen Bros. oeuvre. "You know. For kids!" That's another film that had me doubling-up in pain from laughing (the hula hoop scene since you asked). I would watch the shit out of a Re:View of that! As I will the Mars Attacks one.

Jason Paul

if this re:view isn’t as long as the movie i’m going to downvote it


RIP Jim Brown. I know it was something you guys said during the re:view. Too much of a coincidence...


RIP Jim Brown. She was the greatest actor of his time


And now Jim Brown is dead. I hope you're happy.

Damon Killian

Rest in Peace to the fallen Stalker, FIREBALL! He died coming from together in a glorious celebration of light, and heat. Rest my friend....we'll be right back.

Dafydd Brooks

Brilliant!!! cant wait :)


My body is ready.