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Half in the Bag: Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3

The summer movie season is a go! It's time for action! Time for adventure! Time for incorrect aspect ratio projections of a movie that takes up only two thirds of your giant movie theater screen of which you came to see said movie on. It's time to head back to the moopies and check out the final Marvel movie, Guardians of the Galaxy 3!


Dan B

When I saw the "consent is so important" clip, I almost winced myself in half.


I think Picard Season 3 has lifted Mike’s cynicism. He’s so positive now.


That ending was art.


Really glad they brought up that Gunn allowed the sad and uncomfortable moments to play out without disrupting them with humour and "quips" which has become such a nauseating trope of Marvel products. I actually have some faith in Gunn's ability to deliver a kinder, more inspirational Superman movie because of how deftly he handled the emotional beats in Guardians 3.


No beau is afraid?

Cruz Rivera

They might do Talk About video on it, if not HITB. Unless they’re saving it for the 2023 Catch-Up video.

Marvin Falz

I really try to be positive about things, but out of the list of 34 movies only one interests me (mildly). Can't say that I'm waiting to see more Dune. But I'm in the last chapter of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, and as funny as that sounds, the backstory, the ghost of one of the murderers' upbringing is partially the same as the backstory of the "garbage day" guy. I also see some Twin Peaks in In Cold Blood.

Christian Reiswig

I get that when they mention “there’s no original ideas in modern movies”, it’s easy and cheap to comment “BUT WHAT ABOUT THIS AND THIS AND THIS” but dang is Beau Is Afraid so original. I’d be very interested to get their reaction to such a unique film, especially in this time for cinema.

The Real Zam

Ordering food made by the torture and exploitation of animals after mentioning how difficult see that depicted on screen? I see your humorous jab at our cultural hypocrisy.


How the hell are Mike and Jay more caught up on movies than I am?!

Eric Anderson

Would love to see a Re:View of Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure. They’ve referenced it quite a few times in various videos. It would be great to bring awareness to it for a younger audience who may not have seen it. An absolutely perfect movie. The style, humor, and score are second to none.

Eric Anderson

Yeah Rich would be good. I can’t decide on who should be paired with him—either Mike or Jay. RLM fan fiction is fun isn’t it haha.

The Real Zam

This time Mike & Jay literally phoned in their wraparound skit.