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Star Trek: Picard Season 3, Episodes 8, 9, and 10 - re:View

#FATEOFTHEPLATE #STARTREKLEGACY Mike and Rich's wildest dream has come true. After 30 years the Enterprise D has returned with the Next Generation crew at the helm. Y'all got yours now we get ours. If you got a complaint please email it to


Nada Leona Sheppard

I wait in anticipation for the "Mike Points Out All The Crap In TNG" video.


Hahaha I only just noticed that during the Wil Wheaton cuts, there’s a small ornament or picture of rainbow jumper Wesley crusher in the top left and now it’s all I can see


Let's STOP with what fuckin censorship. It totally takes me outta it hearing phaser beeaps and blasts. Ugh. NO FUCKING 12 YEAR OLDS ARE WATCHING RLM! Its all adults and I think we can handle adult words. It's working my nerves now.


Shelby walking out of that turbolift is still stone cold.

Frazzled Doo

I’m glad yous2 liked it, kinda happy for ya’


I waited until this episode dropped and as soon as Mike said he loved the entire season I subscribed to Paramount+ and watched the entire season. I LOVED it. I too, by the way, thought of Redjac--because they named dropped Argelius, the planet where the TOS crew encountered the entity.


I don't even watch Picard or any ST franchise, but here I am loving this video.


Could Mike start a series where he describes TOS episodes? It was so enjoyable when he described Wolf in the Fold!

Niklas King

I really do feel like this season made up for the disaster that was S01/02. If TNG/DS9 is a 10 and ENT was a 4, Picard S01/02 were 2's. This season was better than most Voyager Episodes even. And yes as far as Movies go if you want to consider it one long movie even better than First Contact but only slightly.


Umm so Rich at the very end made a comment that made me take note. "I already have cancer." I don't know if that was a statement because he just ate off the plate or or something else. I've noted him not being on as many episodes over the last year or so. Is he OK? I legit care about these guys as they have gotten me through some shit times over the course of the last 10 years with their humor.




I hope Mike sees this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6oUz1v17Uo

Chauncey Frend

I started a P+ subscription partially to boost Mke & Rich's influence on the future of streaming trek. I don't even watch star trek lol


I bet Rich is a great singer.