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Red Letter Media Poorly Performs Minor Tasks

From hanging pictures to repairing precious movie props, Red Letter Media is generally bad at most things. In this video, we chronicle several of the random projects that we work on in between filming and editing our normal videos. Chaos ensues.


Michael Parker

So I guess cats aren’t included amongst the furry creatures Mike has a soft spot for. Anyway, I just moved into my first apartment last summer and I’ve been decorating so I can personally relate to the challenge of trying to properly frame and hang a poster.

Jeff Kleist

Really enjoyed this. Get on rich to get that coffee table going. You can do snow white, flowers, the dress, everything. You've already got Sneezy (once the cats arrive), Grumpy, and Doc


I could watch the guys do random chores for hours. Make it a series.

Michael Matzat

What was that Paris Hilton reality show called again? Anyway, if you can afford it to mess these things up you know you made it big time. Superstars!

Juho Huuki

You guys could make the table from clear epoxy, with the gremlin in it. It would protect it from decay and would be neat coffee table too.


...they said to people poorly performing minor tasks. Even if you get a good careful pour, no bubbles, sufficiently hold the gremlin in place while curing, I think the exothermic reaction of curing epoxy easily deforms latex foam.


Mike's purr almost sounds like Suburban Sasquatch.


Don't you just hate it when SOMEONE forgets to remove the protective coating before framing a poster? What is wrong with people like that, really?


More of this.

The Real Zam

The next one should be titled "Rich & Mike Accidentally Break Things."

John G

Rich is so impressive

Kelly Nguyen

This is my 5th time watching this video this week and I lose it every time when Mike rocks baby bink only to drop him to open up baby bink #2

The Real Zam

Waiting to see the jaundice Baby Bink in a "Dick The Birthday Boy" shirt.


I hope Mike sees this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6oUz1v17Uo


Hi Mike. I thought I’d say hi to Mike as I can’t spell J.