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Hey everyone! We're currently working on a new Half in the Bag. It's an episode about probably the most obscure movie we've ever done on the show, because I guess we've lost our minds. We compiled a list of the worst rated 2023 movies on IMDB so far and just rolled the dice on one of them. In addition to that, we're planning a Best of the Worst. Right now, the plan is for all three movies picked to be new or very recently released. And also the first episode of the new season of Picard comes out this month. So... uh...



I know Picard has killed your souls, but I enjoy watching your guys defecate on it and would never actually watch the show irl but I like watching your take.

Deckard Cain

I don't think that Mike and Rich will watch it (or I guess more specifically, make a video about it), but I find it highly amusing that Andor is like someone took all their complaints about Star Trek to heart, but accidentally made a show in the wrong franchise.


Andor is Star Wars done right, and what any Star Trek should use as inspiration. Seriously, of ALL the shit slung from both franchises over these last 10+ years, "Andor" is the one show I stand behind and will defend.

Chad M Jones

Did anyone else love "Reckless Kelly" growing up? If I did re:View it would be on this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIZ5xAXo-Y0


Jay, you're not forcing Mike to watch the new season of Picard as revenge for every time he's referenced TNG, are you?


YES can’t wait for more Picard reviews!!


Have any fellow patrons seen the dopey Dunning-Kruger Effect video about Star Wars made by Rick Worley? youtube.com/watch?v=2mArj6WvqzE First off, he lumps RLM in with Stuckmann which is a major insult to them. Stuckmann does look pretty dopey in the clips that are shown of his SW comments. Secondly, Worley thinks he's some sort of film savant and tries to criticize RLM video content/reviews with the worst arguments. Talk about Dunning-Kruger... :-) He is ascribing way too much to George Lucas, which is really sad. George knows he needed a lot of help to make the original Star Wars good and that the prequels were silly kid's movies, not high art referencing the great film traditions. But Worley insists Lucas is more high-brow in everything he does. Worley is a pathetic fanboy. with some potential film school experience, and he's really reaching for his conclusions. I'm sure you guys found it amusing if you watched it. So many trolls on social media and YT...


I hope they do a prediction pre-mortem and or maybe a post mortem and skip the in between dunking on Kurtzman as we’ve already been there before. These days I enjoy the whimsical “what if’s” over actual content. It’s gonna be Blues Brother 2000 all over again….