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Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #24

New Year. New Wheel. That's right, idiots! It's back! The Wheel of the Worst with new tapes and new terror to terrorifyer your dreamz. On this special episode comic books artist Freddie T. Williams the 3rd returns to the mean streets of Milwaukee to tempt his fate once more by spinning the wheel to select a random tape or dvd to watch. This time there is a mild twist to yet another gimmick, but the twist is so mild I won't even bother mentioning it. What does the wheel spin too? whelch tapes wioll be picked? Jay, Mike, and Rich are in classic form as they continue to be the oldest and least influential internet clowns around. Well, kind of influentional. This time 4 tapes are watchted. Which in the end prooves to be 4 tapes to meny. As the fiurst tape salected is really good. Enjoy this latest plepisode of blesta off the wist: whel ofk det shfjki



JFC... CARMAN is on Spotify. The Standard. https://open.spotify.com/track/602otoaP8ITTHNlpAbe1WT?si=a44b17e7bf484b3c

Jessie Zimmer

This video takes the cake as "RLM video with the most childhood trauma". I was raised by Pentecostal Christians. I hate that I know who Carmen is.

James Quinn

Imma hafta go back and screenshot the HOT BLONDE TEENAGER’s FACE sitting in the front row of Carman’s class- suspiciously close to his groin area. The FBI might want to open a file on him. A PEEEEEDO file! (rimshot) ba dum tssss. You say it’s “A-okay” because in the video- it was HERRR FANTASYYY to be rescued by HIM 🤔 but the whole thing is his own EGO TRIP fever dream that he rescued a super hot schoolgirl fawning over him (I mean look 👀 she wasn’t FAAAAAAT or anything) you get what I’m sayin’! It’s a little bit, I mean a lot weeeird for a guy who’s preaching Jesus on people (gaaaaays in particular) like he’s got something to prove sexually. It’s usually the big closeted homoes who speak out against sodomy sins the most 😉