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We've officially lost our minds.


The Nerd Crew: A Pop Culture Podcast by Red Letter Media

Join media, pop culture, nerd culture, and geek culture experts Mike Stoklasa, Jay Bauman, and Rich Evans as they discuss the new movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story



I will enjoy the journey in to madness


Best thing I've seen in a long, long time. Sign me up for an RLMCrate.


Man, I'd hate to be a nerd and or geek culture commenter right now!


This is the most passive-aggressive thing I have ever seen. God bless you guys, keep on fighting the good fight.


Thank you for taking a piss at Loot Crate. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. lol


Is this what going through chemotherapy feels like?


This was everything I was hoping it'd be after seeing that picture of the set. Bravo.


<a href="https://youtu.be/cbKMEDIEcBQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/cbKMEDIEcBQ</a>


Would love some details on how you guys set up the lighting to account for all the shade in that room... 😂


Is it a problem when I really want to see Darth Vader hacking people to death with a Lightsaber? If it's not I won't.


It's a fun video, but the fact that they can make even such an unexciting topic (yet another Rogue One video) entertaining only makes me wish they had a real podcast. Still, I get that talking about superhero and SW movies guarantees views and we've had a good amount of more original content lately, so I can't complain.


I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I laughed the entire time because I got my start on one of these websites five years before I ever ended up in the industry. It hits close to home but anyone with a sense of humour should be able to appreciate this video even if they work for one of "those sites." I used to hate covering press releases that were "crafted" because I felt like an ingenuine hack so I'd spend hours trying to develop an opinion and critical thoughts about (often random) things I often didn't even give two shits about. The reason you see so many of these bloggers and casters devolve into boring territory is because we slowly went mad reading so many fake as f*ck press releases! Never change guys. Your honesty rules &lt;3.


I have a sneaking suspicion that an outtake reel of this would be a thing of beauty.


I'm so glad they left Rich Evans' laughter at the end.


Nice work lads, very funny.


I fucking love you guys!!!


I don't understand. What's happened to the world? The gang isn't drinking beer (well, they're drinking from coffee mugs, I suppose it COULD be beer in the mugs). Have my beloved snarkers sold out AND gone sober? Also, how can I get a subscription for nerd box? I search google and it doesn't come up... Is it only available to corporate shills and hacks? Also, I searched iTunes for this series as a podcast so I could subscribe and get it on my iPod, but it's not there so I'm REALLY confused... IS THIS THE END OF RED LETTER MEDIA AS WE KNOW IT?? But seriously, were you guys really invited to a preview thing and you didn't go? If you guys have integrity, I think I'm gonna shed a tear.


This is just glorious. Please guys, please release the outtake reel. I imagine it will warm the cockles of my heart.


At least now we know how long Rich Evans lasts - 14:32. Impressive stamina.


I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking that "geek culture" is a shallow, marketing buzzword designed to coerce people into buying cheap trinkets emblazoned with their favorite logos from childhood. Funny that fandom seems to place being a fan first and actually liking the content/source material second.


You guys are such assholes. I love it, fucking brilliant.


OMG I'm already dying and i'm only 90 seconds into this WTF you guys this is genius.


Just when i thought i was sick of hearing about Rogue one, you hack frauds pull out brilliant satire. really great video, laughed my ass off




An amazing 15 minutes of dead serious sarcasm. An alternate ending could be a sudden cut to rich jerking off his Star Wars robot cock.


Pure joy! Are you guys considering putting the audio up on podcast networks such as Pocket Casts, iTunes or Spotify?


Personally speaking, I personally loved this Podcast... Personally. Yes yes.


Personally speaking I would like to, and I don't speak maybe for everyone, unless I do, but personally I think there are quite a few films, like Rogue One, which personally I adore, which could do with this sort of podcast treatment.

Sammy Allouba

Please do more of these. This was hilarious.


This was actually theraputic for some reason. :(


I laughed when Rich Evans life was meaningless! Keep it up Guys!! Your podcast is the only thing that keeps me from throwing myself off the golden gate bridge because my tech job doesn't give me any fulfillment and I don't know to do anything but work constantly!!! P.S. How should I send you my analysis on how schindler's list is actually the greatest love story of our generation?


I loved the visual effects in this episode!


Honestly, I personally liked Rogue One, but I agree with the criticisms and I can't get enough of Red Letter jabbing the fanboys. Please keep up the good work.


Same here, I loved Rogue One, but I can't disagree with their criticisms. I realized what was wrong with the movie when I took my wife to see it an, not being very familiar with A New Hope, she found it mostly boring. The RLM review explains perfectly the way my wife feels about Rogue One.


SO great! More please!


An unscripted/lightly edited RLM podcast would be welcome.


I thought the same way...then realized it would just be an audio-only version of Half in the Bag and BotW.


I enjoyed RO for what it was and the visual of DV at the end in the dark hallway was the stuff of my childhood nightmares, but RLM is correct about it, especially with regard to Jyn and Cassian, whose characters are massively underdeveloped.


Even funnier after you watch that collider review


Impossible! Il n'y a rien sur www.geekcrate.com/rlm. J'ai été eu ! Excusez mon français!