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Half in the Bag: Rogue One

Mike and Jay are paid a visit by the City Inspector! They also talk about Disney's™ Star™Wars™ Rogue™One™A™ Star™ War™ Story™.



RLM nailed it again. Thank you boys for vindicating my feelings on this movie.

Marvin Falz



Jesus guys, we get it, Star Wars is nothing but a consumerist machine and you're a dumb mouthbreather if you get any enjoyment from it, all right. Now let me watch the movie again, this time with the knowledge of how it's not fun. Should be fun.


I honestly appreciate your analysis, guys. You have sharp instincts about what works and what doesn't, especially in story. You're also sounding jaded. Like you can't be pleased, here. I haven't seen this yet, it is indeed going to be my Christmas Day present. And I do want space battles in my Star Wars and I do want a rebel bodycount. So I guess we'll see if its any good. I saw the Force Awakens 3 times and liked it less and less each rewatch. Wish me luck.


Always like your episodes, gents, but I think you're off the mark on this one. Keeping a consistent world isn't necessarily fan service. If a ton of new ships and walkers appeared, we'd be criticizing them for trying to sell more toys. Star Wars is an enjoyable universe to spend time in. There's nothing wrong with wanting to see the parts of it that make it enjoyable. It's the filmmaker's job to ensure that's in service of the story. For the most part, I think RO does that (some cameos excepted). I'm glad Jay noted the tough situation Disney finds itself in regarding consumer expectations vs. creative freedom. While RO was certainly not without flaws, it was far more inventive than TFA.

Kyle Williams

I'm hoping they picked a minor story as a test project that they can learn from to do future movies better. I think people will get pissed if the Han Solo movie isn't good


Yeah, the movie was pitched by the guy who "ran the computers". I mean, he "ran the computers", how dare he pitch anything. He should just crawl back to the hole he created photoshop in, because again "he ran the computers", and as we all know, people who run computers are the worst. Funny. I've come to expect better from you guys.


Very ouch


Yeah the characters were the weak part of the movie but I loved how bleak and depressing it ways. Quite a new look on the Star Wars Universe. I always loved the more serious parts of the original much more than the wacky parts. And come on they killed everybody in this movie. How awesome and daring was that.


This review is great for me, I wanted everything I got ;). Seriously though, I had very similar feelings while watching this movie, I become not just bored, but frustrated half way through as I knew I was in for more of the same boring shit. It also completely goes against how I and probably a lot of other people envisioned how a rebel spy worked based on how they were talked about that one time in Revenge of the Jedi, they sounded exceptional, sneaky, daring and cunning all wrapped into one, not like these turds who bumble there way into the death star plans. In that regard though you can't please everyone as everyone has likely envisioned this story in a different way.


I agree'd with most of the complaints. The movie has some strengths. I think the overall plot was fine, especially how it gave answers to the flaw in the Death Star. I just didn't care for most of the characters. I mean even with Donnie Yen, who is always awesome, didn't bother me when he walked out to push the button.


I agree'd with most of the complaints. The movie has some strengths. I think the overall plot was fine, especially how it gave answers to the flaw in the Death Star. I just didn't care for most of the characters. I mean even with Donnie Yen, who is always awesome, I didn't really feel anything when he walked out to push the button. The amount of times I said, oh look that guy, or hey it's that place was getting a bit ridiculous by the end. Some fan service moments are fine, but this one was all aboard the fan train. First 30 minutes was a complete mess too. Would have been a lot better to focus only on Jyn's character and her aging at the beginning rather than jumping to 10 different meaningless locations.


I'm just realizing now, as I watch the trailer clips you guys splice in, that there's several shots and lines in there from a still-bald Saw that clearly didn't make it into the final cut. It gives me the feeling that the backstory we so desperately needed for some of these characters is lying on that ol' proverbial cutting room floor. That said, I still disagree with most of you guys' complaints about the film. But your reviews are no less entertaining for it. Whatever are next, keep it up.


Your comment about this being the best fan film ever made is spot on. Of course, I've watched and made some terrible ones... so it was still pretty great.


They made Vader's voice sound off, so when JEJ kicks the bucket they can bring in a new fraud to take his place.


(full disclosure: I haven't seen the movie) I agree that they shouldn't do all new stuff but I think the concern is more "did we need to have all these things instead of a tighter, smaller scale, character focused movie" or in another way "could you have written this story without Vader and AT-AT's?" to which I would guess the answer would be "yes". At least, that is the impression I got from the review.


I thought it was like Guardians of the Galaxy if you take away all the music, all the laughs, all the fun, all the camaraderie, and kill everyone at the end. So... not like Guardians at all.


It's hard to agree with you guys. The film has its problems, but I wouldn't call it a fan film or bad. I thought it was quite good, though the first half was slow and jumping around a lot, I can appreciate a different tone. Felt more like a war movie than an adventure movie, which like you guys said was different but unlike you guys, I thought it worked.


Wow this was verbatim to my reaction to Rogue One - I agree with you guys more often than not but this was 100% the same reaction


I thought the movie was okay. BTW... I'm a 48 year old fat bearded guy. Keep calling 'em like ya see 'em!


Does anyone else think the original cut might be significantly better? If Disney thinks there's a demand for the director's cut on home video, we might get to see it. There's certainly precedent for it.

Michael Matzat

I just saw the movie and have to state that the block of advertisements before the movie lasted a whooping 37 Minutes just like this episode.


Didn't have high hopes for this movie, but I was bored for most of it. When they went off to the final battle I realized that I didn't feel like anything had happened to lead us there.


Re: the Plinkett discussion - it is a 'Star Wars story', of course. I don't know if it's always possible to ask: "if we remove x, does it still hold up as y?" If you take the romance out of a romantic comedy... If you take the angsty characters out of Dostoevsky... That does then become a question about what a thing must include to 'qualify' as Star Wars, though, and if swiftly-likeable and identifiable-with characters is on someone's list and AT-ATs and Vader aren't, then fair enough, I can see that. Although I guess my list would be different enough that we couldn't do much but talk past each other at that point! Potentially showstopping proviso aside, I do think the point was to say 'yes, TIE fighters, absolutely' but let's also try and do something a little different. So far, so not controversial. But I wonder if they originally had even _less_ likeable characters to begin with, and perhaps tried to walk that back a bit after an executive failure of nerve, meaning that they ended up falling between two stools. I'm a contrary git, so that fact alone will likely explain that I ended up liking these characters more precisely _because_ they seemed not to care whether I liked them or not. In contrast to TFA, which seemed both desperate that I care about its characters as well as almost arrogant in it's too-swift assumptions that I would. (I'll admit the extreme subjectivity here. But, I ended up caring a lot more about Cassian than I did about Dipsy. I mean Laa-Laa. Dammit!: Poe.) Here's where I think some of the disconnect might be, and why you're seeing potentially unexplained hyperbole. Because, if you somehow managed to get as far as that third act _caring_ about the characters for whatever reason, then the action took on an elevated character of its own, and became something really quite special! You can probably imagine it for yourselves, even if you totally don't agree. But to see that kind of action and spectacle topping off a story one _had_ got involved in was quite wonderful. (It's the first time I've gone to see a film twice at the cinema since Reservoir Dogs! And tho it'th not tholey down to the prethence of the lightthaberth, for thure.) I seem to be rambling on at inordinate length so I may as well double down - no, settle down, Neil - and throw out some more random thoughts: -One thing the prequels don't get much flak for - other than an overreliance on - is the quality of the space action stuff, because in itself it's actually pretty good! I don't know if it's just better/faster computers but I thought RO blew them out the water. -You'd probably still need the plans even if Dad did just tell them about the exhaust port, because they'd need to hit the right one. I don't know how many ports the Death Star had and I'm not about to find out, but I suspect it's a number north of 'an Imperial ass-ton'. -I think one (one!) of the reasons you've got some folks so worked up is that whilst they care about Star Wars, they also care about _you_, and I'm not sure there isn't a giant backhanded compliment in there somewhere... Anyway, keep up the great work! tl;dr Reservoir Dogs is a quality film.


I would have been excited to see stormtroopers and Vader and Tarkin and whatnot if they were in a good film, the problem is that the fan service is the only thing keeping this turkey afloat - If I cared about Jyn Erso and the heist, and whatnot then I'd be delighted by the other stuff, as long as it was used appropriately. Not sure why they didn't just make Vader the principle Antagonist, then it wouldn't have been a shoehorned in and embarrassing cameo, and would serve the story. Likewise if they had just replaced Krennic with Motti. But Mike's porn analogy is apt, and Rogue One without the lazy fan service would be like a porno without sex