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The infamous Arizona Horror Con that was brought up during the Star Wars Holiday Special episode of Best of the Worst gets expanded on even more in this outtake from our Dawn of the Dead re:View.


Mike's Horror Convention Stories

Uploaded by RedLetterMedia on 2016-11-02.


Poo In An Alleyway

Damnit, you could've gotten Jeffrey Combs' autograph, why the hell not?!


Thanks for sharing, guys!


Reminds me of a horror/tattoo convention I was dragged to. There was hardly anyone there for the horror part and didn't know who any of the actors were. Found out I'd been talking with most of them at the bar.

William Sircin

moral of the story: showbusiness kind of sucks


Same thing happened to me at San Diego Comic Con with John de Lancie. He could not have given a fuck less.


On that note, I would love a chance to see "Oranges: Revenge of the Eggplant". I know its out of print, but someday?