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Half in the Bag Episode 117: Box Office Number Crunching

Mike and Jay take a break from watching new release garbage movies to talk about the garbage movies that have already come out this year. Mike also makes cynical predictions about the 2017 box office. Also, WE'RE HACKS! Our Box Office figures didn't factor in the theater chains' take of the profits.



I can almost taste Mike's misery.

Michael Matzat

I liked the Warcraft Movie. It was very strange mixing the CG and real Humans, but the story was realy refreshing compared to anything in fantasy.


Don't you have to subtract the amount the theaters keep from every dollar grossed at the box office?


Yay - dinner entertainment!


In the US the split is around 60/40, outside of the US it is usually more along 50/50.

Daniel Leach

I think I love Bollywood Transformers


RLM is full of terrible people. I love it.


I hesitate to be a China apologist, but I think the "re-editing" thing goes both ways. I remember Ashes of Time having an international version and a local version, and more recently Red Cliff too. (Strangely I can't find any record of this on IMDB for either film, so you'll have to take my word for it.)

William Sircin

Solution: start charging one billion dollars per ticket.


What happened? I was half way through it when it went off and started saying it was a private video😞


I wish they would have watched the Mag 7 remake. That movie...well, it had some good things, but what a pile of crap compared to the 1960 version. Which only old people have seen. Like me.


I really enjoyed this video! Nice breakdown in an entertaining way. This is why I pay you guys 15 bucks a month.


I had an idea. You should watch all Resident Evil movies at the same time, like you watched the transformers movies.


They already watched them seriatim. It led to mass hysteria. If they watched them at the same time the space-time continuum would likely break down.


Power Rangers was filmed up in British Columbia to cut production costs and their budget was still crazy. The day I got called in for (extra) work there were around 150 (unassigned) extras which is pretty ambitious considering you generally end up being unable to use even half that amount per day.


PS: We can't see stars in the Hollywood sky, they've been consumed by all those cheap lights and hot air. ;)


Only review movies that broke even. That would be an interesting list.


I love this. I hope you do more videos like this.


Mike didn't factor in President Trump and the fact we will probably be at war with China!

Marvin Falz

I like that statistic stuff and all the detective work to uncover truth in moviemaking too.


Really enjoyed this episode and would love to see more like it in the future.