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Half in the Bag: The Black Phone

Mike and Jay take a break from binging Mr. Plinkett's prescription pills to talk about a movie called The Black Phone! Not to be confused with The Black Cauldron, which is a completely different object that also happens to be black. The Black Phone stars Ethan Hawke and is directed by Bagul.



Woo hoo! Hope you're all well ❤️


Thank you for your work.

Bort Ward

As impressed as I am with the film knowledge that re:view puts on display, I'm always happy to see the buffoonery and slapstick on HITB/BOTW. ...'Dick Tracy' Re:View?

Michael Parker

Well what d'ya know. They did like The Black Phone more than Sinister.

David S

I saw a matinee showing of Black Phone today. I enjoyed the movie a good amount for the reasons listed in the review. They probably could have done without the Max character, but it is what it is. The only part that annoyed me was that the detectives knew there was black balloons left at the kidnapping sites yet the black creeper van with Abracadabra written on the side never drew suspicion. Keeping everything vague was good, and Ethan Hawke came off believable as a serial killer. I was worried he’d ham it up too much or act like the clown from ‘IT’.


Petition for Mike to say "cunt" without the censor. 🥴 I'm glad you guys mentioned the end scene with the dad begging the kids for forgiveness and their subsequent lack of reaction. Fuck that dad, piece of shit. The first It was pretty good regarding showing kids being kids, cursing and getting in fights. I still really dig that movie despite the over the top spooky clown stuff.

Manuel Johnen

The kid stuff in "It" was good... unfortunately, it failed in all other regards...


Bill Skarsgård was extremely good and sexy and I refuse to hear otherwise


I hope they do more re:Views of '70s/'80s movies. The more I go back and watch movies from that era, the more I think it's some sort of golden age. Not only are the best movies from then better than the best movies now, but the worst movies from then are better than the worst current movies. Just more entertainment value throughout it all.

Manuel Johnen

If you've got a thing for child murdering demon clowns, I guess he's sexy... ... ...


Bro I'd absolutely destroy that interdimensional clussy

Damon Killian

Indeed. I've always been partial to Steve De Jarnatt's, 'Miracle Mile' but also shocked he directed 'Strange Brew'.

Diane Harten

I saw a poster for this movie when I went to see Thor 4, and thought it just looked like another lame teen horror. I remember saying, “Sheesh, what a dumb looking movie. What if a phone was black, wouldn’t that be scary?” Now I find out apparently it’s actually a well-crafted film with themes and ideas, that thoughtfully illustrates the horrors of child abuse. Do I feel ashamed of myself. Thanks, RLM!


"My bones are aching, Ani." That was a stroke of pure brilliance and had me in stitches.


great film. thx for the recommendation