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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Episodes 1-4 - re:View

Mike decides to see what Obi-Wan is all about. Expecting to see a show about a night club set in the world of Indiana Jones, he's sorely disappointed to find out the show is about "Star Wars". However, after watching a few episodes... he's intrigued. It's not as bad as Star Trek: Picard. The show seems somewhat competent? it's thought out with some basis of logic on what an audience might want? Mike cannot believe his eyes. A show that didn't get totally screwed up? What gives? How did this happen? Sure, it ain't the greatest thing ever, but they tried their best and it's not too bad. Mike then recruits his stupid friends Rich and Jay to watch the show as well. Additionally, for those who have watched until the end and might be confused... Mike's analogy about "A Christmas Story" means that you religiously watch a show to the end and strung along only for it to end in disappointment. It does not mean it ends in an advertisement necessarily.... Just a huge disappointment. Hence forth this shall be known in internet slang as being "Ovaltine'd". Thank you and good night.


Marvin Falz

That After Effects wiggle is terrible. It adds nothing to the story, it rather distracts, because it calls the attention to itself. It looks kinda clumsy. I recently watched The Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, and Halloween, and though I'm aware of the camera movements, they don't distract me from the story. I haven't watched the Kenobi show, so I can only imagine that After Effects wiggle scene, would have been great to set up a story. The camera shows the idyllic scenery, while you hear someone teach Jedi teachings. The camera pulls out, you either see the younglings do their Tai Chi, or they sit quietly in meditation. (Tai Chi can be trained as a meditation, where the trainee concentrates fully on the movements of the body). The Jedi teacher tells the younglings something about what they can do with the Force, like protecting themselves against an enemy who's armed, when they're not armed. That is the cue upon which the whatever troopers storm the building, surprise the group, shoot everybody except for the teacher and one youngling, which is the inciting incident that sends the teacher and the youngling on their journey to becoming better Jedi. The teacher realizes there's something wrong, because he or she wasn't able to do what he just taught to the younglings. The youngling because he or she has to learn the Jedi way. At the end they face the main villain as usual, but ultimately the story could be written to be like the original Star Wars, where humanity is at stake to be destroyed by a force that represents death, and the counter-force which represents life is there to save humanity.


This was the best Jurassic World Dominion review I've seen yet.

Brandon Shane

Honestly, if Jay hadn't made a big deal out of it I never would have even noticed such a small insignificant detail... but then again I'm not a film maker. It doesn't bother me.

Jamie Harrold

My feeling about Kenobi is that it's a pleasure to watch once to see some new Star Wars, but I have zero need to ever rewatch any of it.


"Smoochin on that lady" over a clip of Obi Juan and baby Leia holding hands, fucking Kuleshov over here

Marvin Falz

I was wondering the same thing, but when I've started editing a couple of years ago I also started to notice more of the details, which in my mind aren't insignificant, because each element of the finished video is there to tell the story, and therefore needs to be done correctly. But I also know there are limitations to the craft, like when the footage you're working with is flawed, and you can't ditch the footage because it's integral, and you can't really work around it. Like what they realized at the screening of the rough cut of The Phantom Menace. And then there's the subjective side, where one and the same edit is epic for one viewer and a complete failure for another viewer and the third viewer doesn't even notice.


Reva is Finnish for a c*nt. Thought you might appreciate that. Doesn't work in the insult sense though, just an offensive term.

Eric Anderson

One nitpick I have of the show is that the girl playing Leia was an 8 year old playing a 10 year old. Some kids might be able to pull this off, but she seems way way younger. Especially the while running—she looks like a toddler. Not a big deal really but they keep mentioning her being 10 on the show, and I’m like “No she ain’t!”.

Diane Harten

I hadn’t watched the scene before Jay pointed that out, so I can’t say I would’ve noticed the wiggle on my own or not. I also don’t know a lot about the technical side of filmmaking. But I do think either way, I would’ve found the scene goofy and cheap looking, even without knowing what specifically was giving it that effect. Aside from the wiggle, it’s also a wide shot with a bit of a high angle. I think this contributes to the characters and action looking silly and toy-like. Maybe they ideally would’ve cut to a closer shot there so we’d “feel” the action more, but couldn’t due to budget constraints?

Marvin Falz

I definitely think they should have cut to closer shots of Obi-Wan fighting the clonetroopers, show Obi-Wan's face, his surprise, his fear for the lifes of the younglings, and cut to closer shots of the younglings running away, fear in their eyes. I think the cheap look comes from either a shallow depth of field when the footage was recorded, or the colorists didn't correct the colors to create more depth. Also, the brown and beige colors of the training room swallow the brown and beige colors of Obi-Wan and the younglings. And the floor in the training room is shining. It just looks ugly. I don't think that's due to budget constraints, that's the way they wanted the Kenobi show to look like. Or are they that incompetent? Compare the clips Mike has pulled from Kenobi to the clips from the original Star Wars, from the prequels, the Christmas Story, and to the footage of their discussion. They're all in focus, you see depth, and good contrasts between background and actors / discussants. The Kenobi footage is not.

David S

Super ok is definitely a good way to describe the show. It’s like gum, I enjoy it enough in the moment, but when it’s over (flavor is gone) my brain forgets about it and moves onto something else.


Rise of Skywalker has been the best Star Wars movie Disney have put out, not just because it was awful, but that it was clearly just a lazy, slapped-together cash-grab. It was like seeing your partner cheating in front of you, and not even trying to explain themselves. The film taught us all to just. stop. caring. Disney released me that day. The death of hope is a liberating thing. I can enjoy Kenobi because of the Rise of Skywalker. Because Disney taught me to stop caring.


I feel like that's called "The Big Bang Theory" type of show. Turn on, turn off your brain, laugh and then move on.


Yeah, Rise of Skywalker was Disney's last grasp at my attention. That blew up when Rei blew up a transport ship with force lighting.

Manuel Johnen

After "The Last Jedi", I didn't even bother with that one any more... still haven't seen it.


All Star War product is an unforgivable abomination at this point, equivalent to cultural necrophilia.
