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Hey everyone! We're currently editing both part 2 of the Half in the Bag mid-year video as well as the Best of the Worst spotlight, which we just shot the other day. The Best of the Worst episode is jam packed!



Space Jam


Part 2 HITB is the movies part!




* watching The Batman not guaranteed


I like jam.

Marvin Falz

I hope - but it won't be - that it's a Neil Breen movie. I was walking through the woods earlier this day, and there I got the idea, that the god-like character Neil Breen plays in most of his movies has a similar attitude towards humanity, as the Q character in Star Trek: Next Generation, when Q first appears and tries Picard as humanity's representative in his court. Q then learns about the positive side of humanity, and that this positive side outweighs the negative side. Neil Breen on the other hand seems to be soaked with negativity, which I guess is no wonder since the news are 24/7/365 full of negativity. What I'm saying is: we need more bad movies and more Wheel of the Worst. Bad movies are more relevant than ever before! 😉


Cool thanks!

Timothy Liebe

OMFG - The Breen Continuum! So that's what they're hiding under those flat helmets... "Pic-Ard! Who am I? WHAT am I? Why are you HERE?" Just pray Alex Kurtzman has never heard of Neil Breen.


I need my RLM fix man! XD


Forget Batman. Everything, Everywhere All at Once kicked everything’s ass I’ve seen lately. Just a flat out fun/sad/touching/ great film.