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Previously Recorded - No Man's Sky

Jack and Rich play No Man's Sky which is in the rarely seen genre of "looking at funny rocks and animals simulator".


Julio Scissors

NMS is a prettier, but more boring, version of Starbound. If you could somehow combine the two, you might have a pretty good game.


This promises to be interesting. I was convinced I would buy No Man's Sky until the day I realized I wouldn't.


Sad to say this game is a classic example of spending way too long focusing on brilliant technology (procedurally generated content) without spending the time to create design that will make the experience engaging and fun. In the past few years we've all been encouraged in the game industry to learn as much as we can about procedural generation tech but not that many designers out there have had the opportunity to wrestle with design problems in that space. It's still a very expensive tech to work with so most companies are afraid to invest in it until somebody has a proof of concept to bring to the table that is fun and sells well. I think we're still looking at a minimum of two more years until somebody really nails the formula.


I loved Starbound! It has its issues but I wold completely agree that the experience was way more interesting than NMS.


Rich and the other guy are amazing in this one.


My husband had this he wanted to add, "As a designer, we've learned that the procedurally generated technology often takes just as long to build as it does to make custom content, but if the procedural engine isn't fantastic, you would have been better off just making really nice custom content. We haven't reached the space where procedurally generated content is faster, cheaper, or more worthwhile to peruse. Until then it's better to invest in your team of artists, engineers, designers, etc. and trust them to make awesome." - Brackhar


When Jack goes loopy and wiggles his hands around -- "What am I supposed to do!" -- he reminds me of Kermit the Frog having a panic attack.


I had all of the same issues with this game. The thing that pissed me off the most though was when I tried to haul ass to the centre as well to see the ending. I like Jack had at one point jumped into a black hole to see what happened. It jumped me forward 80 000 years. Now after jumping for an hour waiting for another anomaly to show up so I could find another black hole or atlas stone waypoint it just never came. After googling I found out that I couldnt get another waypoint until I went to the others first... which were 80 000 light years back... rage quit.


I'm paying $60 for this game right now!


When you reach the galactic core there should at least be a giant floating head claiming he's god and wants you to take him to your starship...


God I wish PS4 offered refunds

Clay Douglass Major

I've put 20 or so hours into it and yeah, pretty fucking bored. Once I saw that every space station interior is EXACTLY the same, with nothing but a runway and a single stupid room, I was done. But my daughter's endless sense of Childlike Wonder at every new freakshow animal we find makes it fun to just putter around on a new planet like we're on an intergalactic safari. Definitely not a premium title, though.


Did anyone notice how the space station bays have the same side panel lighting things as the bays on the death star II hangers from Return of the Jedi did? or is it just me?