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Wow, you nailed it. You boiled it all down to a pithy definition that completely, totally encapsulates the subtleties I was trying to express and the nuanced nature of the topic. Bravo.


The difference being that "That's My Boy" had a script. This is conversational banter and for all intents and purposes, improv. It's a different kind of comedy not contingent on the standard set-up and pay-off style of joke. Your comparison doesn't hold.


OMG the ending cracked me up! Rich is a genius.


The ending was worth the money! Also I feel like I bought some friends, thanks RLM!


Good to see Colin back, it's nice to spice up the cast from time to time. And good idea switching the title back to Best of the Worst. Having two shows titled Half in the Bag could potentially get very confusing.


So I see that the ending was what was being shot in the studio while Jack & Jessi were doing the livestream.


Great one! The shootout in Killing American Style is hilarious. It reminded me of that scene in Police Squad! : <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvJACHg1WGA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvJACHg1WGA</a>


:/ I love RLM and the hosts, but it's honestly become a thing for me that I brace for Rich's insensitive impressions whenever I see an Asian actor in one of these films. And as much as I want to be nice about bringing it up, I have to wonder how many Asian viewers get really dissuaded from the channel or just simply insulted by it. Rich is funny, and I enjoy y'all's chats, but can we move away from that racism and using "retarded" as a slur? I thought we were supposed to leave that behind in grade school. I learned to appreciate film much more through watching y'all, and I wouldn't be a patron if I didn't care.


Well, Ross, I'm assuming before you brought it up that number was 0. You can take solace in the fact that very few people are as thin-skinned and uber-sensitive as you.

Jacob K

Great episode! Is there going to be one with Canadian action movies (are there any?) as well?


The end had me in stitches! I literally couldn't stop laughing! Rich you are fantastic!


I just hope the hosts realize that this guy doesn't speak for all of us. Love your stuff, guys, please don't change a thing.


To Pedro Mizukami, I can't respond to you directly because the thread is so narrow, but RLM does the "Can't remember famous celebs names" constantly. It doesn't matter if it's a director or an actor, and their race or gender isn't the point. I'm female, and am no way offended by the times they' either mis-pronounced or put another actor's face up for women like Carey Mulligan, Charlize Theron, and Amanda Seyfriend. For their Drive review, they didn't even mention the actress' name, but put up another picture of Ryan Gosling. It's a running gag they've been doing for years. Why should anyone here think their gags are a crime when it personally offends them, but not the 50 other times they've done the gag to other races or another gender?


The disputes in the comment section had me expecting something much worse than what was in this episode.


Forgive me if this is too cavalier (and perhaps off-topic), but what do you think of all the apparent insensitivity to rape? I'm a man and am not personally offended, however I can't help but be bothered that others might be.


I think RLM knows their audience quite well. And, a big reason they're getting my money and growing in popularity is that their comedy and commentary is honest and not directed by a focus group. If you want politically correct, socially-sensitive-to-every-imaginable group entertainment, try network television.


"they aren't really jokes... its funny cause he's fat; its funny cause she's old; ...he has a funny voice..." - Jay(&amp; Mike) HITB(34):That's My Boy "Jokes" made at the expense of others race, culture, etcetera and their perceived differences to your own are cheap and lazy. There is no need to defend mistakes made by employees at RLM, or jump down the throat of others who point it out. "Offensive" is a pretty loaded term but it can still be used to describe something accurately; you don't need to be uber-sensitive to recognize it.


Never did I expect to read so many posts from someone crying about racism. And it is also interesting to learn that racism means anything said about a culture that you don't like being said. Way to go, Ross L. You have enlightened (sic) us all.