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Star Trek: Picard Season 2, Episode 1 - re:View

Your favorite Midwestern Morons™ are back! It's Mike and Rich here to complain about their favorite complain to complain about Star Trek: Picomplain! Will they likes it? Was they hate it? Don't it matter? Nobody will remember this show in a year after the bombs fall and we all hunt each other for food and shelter.



Deeeeeeeep hurtiiiiiinnnnnng


Ohhh shit


You did it. You’re killing Rich Evans, you crazy bastards!


Kurtzman is a bastard man


Rich, let us know if you need more Tums. I know I will

Mike St Louis

Oh my god! Please don’t torture yourselves on this dreck. Peacemaker is the way to go.

Sarah Low

I’m ready to follow you into hell Mike!


Finally !! So hyped !


Was playing Doom yesterday, this'll be a good chaser

Eli Harold

I've never watched Picard but I have watched the review a dozen times looking forward to this.

Tony P.


Joshua Cubbin

Rich Evans doesn't deserve this. He is Defeatable.


Grown Ups 2 HitB vibes from this thumbnail - very excited!


Guys, you can stop licking the wall socket. You don’t have to do this to yourselves


Similar, I've watched all the reviews and none of the content.


I had a good laugh from "I absolutely fucking hate myself".


I honestly enjoy your disdain for new Trek so much. Never stop making these. :)

Frazzled Doo

I really like what all RLM has produced. Stay Golden Pony Boys!


loll the gorilla interrupted hell set


I love the first episode of Picard season 2. I just wish it had some characters from Star Trek in it.


I feel the same way about Star Trek now as RLM feels about Star Wars. Not angry anymore. Just stopped caring entirely.


I see you making Picard/Q fanfic with those shots Mike. Old man gonna get that qussy.


Is putting yourself through star trek picard really better than another black spine edition? :P I do appreciate this content though. It helps remind me that paramount+ is a sham.


Men will literally do a re:view of Picard instead of going to therapy.


Ironically, I can tell that a Re:View will be great based on the first 6 and a half seconds. And then it is confirmed when Mike unfolds his handwritten notes sheet.

Rick Drake

After making a whole Plinkett review about it, you went back in?


Thank you for your work.

mike bouchard

this is what our measly contributions can achieve. great work everyone!


Building on Rich's theory of "Borg Queen of Queens is Picard's mother" I'm guessing they are going to do some cheesy thing where it's like: "The Borg randomly abducted some humans, one of them happened to be Picard's mom, and once she was connected to the collective, her overwhelming and unstoppable love for her son began to slowly move through and influence the hive mind. Thus leading the Borg to subconsciously search for Picard. The day is saved when the federation makes peace with the Borg because there is nothing as strong as a mother's love." 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮


Man, Mike's head is so warped by the green screen. It's disturbing. =D

Amanda Foster

I am not a Star Trek fan by any means. I know the basics, I’ve never seen a complete episode from any incarnation, never seen any of the original movies apart from one of the newer Chris Pine ones. But dammit I am so committed to this damn channel that I’d watch Rich and Mike talk about the weather for 2 hours! You guys are awesome! 👍🏼👍🏼


Hey, It's funny you bring up why the probe comes to Earth in The Voyage Home, because I am pretty sure I actually figured it out a few years ago. It was by far the nerdiest thing I'd ever done, but I wrote this up about it and it got voted post of the month on some star trek subreddit: https://imgur.com/a/UuZd8bS Basically it came to Earth looking for whales because there is a lot of whale song on the golden record that Carl Sagan put on the Voyager Probe.


I hope there's more episodes of "I Absolutely Fucking Hate Myself" in the future. I don't watch Picard but I could listen to you guys nitpick it for hours. I'm curious if Rich's prediction is correct. Seriously though, thanks for this video. The world is shit and I really needed the laughs. Cheers.

Steve Can Still Believe

They should do a Talk About episode of that. Idk I guess they're just tired of superhero crap. Can't blame em. James Gunn did a wonderful job on it though.


My prayers have been answered!!!!!!!!!


The clips of Wil Wheaton are fitting, given how he and his followers are like the wokiest group on social media. They really are the target audience for "Picard", not old Star Trek fans.


You can watch Pickhard season 2 so I don't have to. Thank you for your sacrifice.


LOL. And I thought there was no way Mike or Rich bother watching Picard Season 2.


Why you guys keep doing this to yourselves is beyond me. You must love the horror and disappointment.......LOL

Marvin Falz

My only window into the building/ruin that is Star Trek is Mike, Rich and Plinkett talking about Star Trek, and I'm glad that I'm not too attached to Star Trek as a whole, but I would absolutely hate it, when the creators of modern Star Trek would deepfake Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura etc. into any of the new shows. Doesn't even have to do with the Star Trek message, I just like those characters, as they were a couple of decades ago. Their story is over. In my mind, anyway.


What the hell are you talking about? Star Trek has always been woke! The new trek also happens to be total garbage.

Top Hat Monkey

Thanks guys, for watching this stuff, so I don't have to. I couldn't help noticing the edges of the green-screen effect made a very creepy effect on our heroes, especially when they turned their faces slightly sideways. Normally, I wouldn't say anything, but nitpicky asshole-ery happens a lot around here.

Juan Calvo

Another instant classic.


I think this is spot-on. More of the new Trek emphasis on abtract and ambiguous spirituality and emotion over science. There's a place for that but it's not Star Trek imo.

Manuel Johnen

... ... ... this really was not-very special, indeed. I hope, "I Absolutely Fucking Hate Myself" now becomes a regular series. It somehow seems tailor-made for me... :)


Star Trek Prodigy is the "other show" that has Janeway in it and it is quite good even for adults. Best of the new era. IMO

Tony C

Nine minutes in and I'm in stitches. Appreciated!

Tony C

please do every episode! super funny. thank you!


Thank you for your work.

Sammy Allouba

The as-always awesome video aside, congrats to Rich for whatever he's doing because he's losing a ton of weight. He looks great!


And from the right angle it even looks like his hair is getting thicker, but only from the right angle... Props for rocking the 'balding' look instead of going chrome dome like everyone with thinning hair seems to do these days!


Oh sweet Jesus please review the second episode


I'm now convinced that kurtzman wasn't abused as a child but wanted to be and is envious of those who were


Either the Borg monster repeating what Picard's mother said is a big misdirect or that is the silliest crap ever if she really is his mom. Also maybe since Picard is a robot he can unite the Borg and organics and they can steal ANOTHER thing from Mass Effect. Also missed opportunity to say DON'T "Look Up", Picard! And then have Jennifer Lawrence puking


Watch, The Borg queen says “look up” and Picard does and then a space piano falls on his head


Agreed about your point that people in Star Trek should behave as though they are in Star Trek. At least in Picard s2 (so far) Rios has not gestured killing himself with a handgun in the mouth. For someone in the 24th century, that would be like me gesturing to kill myself by loading a ball and powder musket or running myself through with a cutlass.

Marvin Falz

The characteristic in Star Trek (at least in TOS and the movies with the original cast) that if you save the universe you go scot-free, is a characteristic you also find in the James Bond franchise. Bond saves the world, and that vindicates his actions, like forcing himself on Pussy in Goldfinger. Seems like that movie from one of the earlier Best of the Worst's, where Marc shoots the bad guy with a rocket, then the movie stops mid-explosion in a freeze-frame, and the title reads that Marc has reported himself to the authorities to be punished for his crimes, has better morals than Bond movies, even though Bond saves the world.


I was shocked that this first episode of Picard season 2 was not completely terrible... but my expectations were pretty low going in and I have no doubt that the new season will b-line down to that level soon.


It's not the best analogy. Bond is a spy sent on secret missions authorized by the British government. Marc from the film you reference was just a vigilante. A better analogy might be various superheroes who cause enormous collateral damage while stopping some villain. Superman from the final fight in Man of Steel are probably the best example of that. Superman and Zod destroy most of Metropolis (New York City), kill or injure thousands, but all is largely forgiven by the next film.


It was very 'not nearly as bad as I expected' indeed. I suspect it's rapidly descending back into hell given that second episode though. Curse you for making me watch this, by the way. I was ready to let it sail on by until I saw your review....

Marvin Falz

I agree with your points, except that a government authorizing violence is inherently better than a vigilante taking matters in his own hands. Also, I understand that there can be situations where the ends justify the means, life doesn't necessarily follow human sentiments of justice, but the bar for cases where the means to an end are justified needs to be very high, because if they're too low or non-existentent, one can always find a reason to do whatever they want, since the ends can always be justified.