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Mike and Jay Talk About Red Rocket

The title of this video is also what the video is about. Mmm steak fries.


Peter Varga

yay! thanks for the vid :) I'm curious about your opinion, I was on the fence about this one. it was very entertaining but quite uncomfortable at the same time for me!

Lance Batty

I can't wait to see what they say about this. I liked the film. Until the end. Normally I like ambiguous endings, if it makes sense. But, I don't know it didn't make sense to have one in this. Maybe Jay's perspective will help me make sense of why they decided to do so.

Bill Scurry

Not what I expected to see from the RLM crew today.


Is this one of those weird sex art films that Jay likes?

Daniel E. Passaro

Mike, I’m two minutes in. I’m having a bad day, but thank you for the opening bit. I feel so much better already.


Never even heard about this one


Mike, you ask for fries right off the bat, they will bring them and you eat them while you wait. Then they bring fries with meal. Eat those first, when they come for the first is everything okay with food check, ask for more fries. Eat half your burger while eating fries but polish off fries before starting second half of meal and ask for more fries. I have it to a science. I get their Royal Red Robin with the fried egg on it and the large mug of draft Guiness. You probably wont believe this but i only weigh 175 lbs and my skeleton is supported by my stiff arteries so I am kind of like a super soldier.

Bill Wilson

Didn't know Fat Mike, from famous fast food review channel Fat Mike Eats, also reviewed movies. Judging by the ending he's quite new to the game.


I had to watch this movie in installments it was so uncomfortable. And that ending, wow. Thank you for your work.

Peter Varga

confession: I liked Don't Look Up. maybe the hype and the director's tweets blew it out of proportion, but I think it was pretty alright as "just a movie". so what if it wasn't subtle? Dr Strangelove wasn't subtle either. not every movie needs to be.

Peter Varga

update: I've watched the video! I agree with you and you make great points! the movie really is from Mikey's perspective from which it is hard to notice what an actual dirtbag he is, as is usually the case with such people who don't think of themselves as dirtbags at all. his positive outlook on life and high level of energy even makes the viewer root for him and search for any redeeming qualities, but there really are none to be found.

Matt Herlihy

You guys might like this Italian movie The Hand of God by Paolo Sorrentino. Similar old cinema vibe. It's nominated for an Oscar and a available on Netflix.


I went to the FatMikeEats website, and I was NOT disappointed.

Bill Wilson

But of course! Of course no bottomless fries, who cares about burgers! Get cancelled, Red Robin!


Is there something wrong with Jay's mic in this? It sounds muffled.


You guys are hilarious! My daughter would agree with you on the bottomless fries scam, she never thinks the portion is enough. lol

Peter Varga

I did not like it :( but I didn't really like anything by Sorrentino before either. it seems to me he just has nothing interesting to say.


Fat Mike and Skinny Jay Talk About Fast Food


I love the shade thrown at Don't Look Up. I don't understand the praise that movie got. It was essentially two hours of Adam McKay going "We live in a society! Get it? Do you get it???" Remember when satire was actually clever and funny? It's a shame because I appreciate and agree with the points he was trying to make but his execution of it was just awful.

Steve Can Still Believe

Never thought I would see Mike and Jay talk about Dirty Nasty.

Marvin Falz

Thank you. That cut to the woman puking into a garbage can made me laugh out loud. --- Maybe Strawberry has a dark, unexplored side to her. Or maybe she hung up the poster because it looks neat. In any case, I want to see Wild Beasts now.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

These beginning increasingly-divorced-from-the-subject-and-sometimes-reality tangents are becoming my new favorite thing.

Zeke Faust

Regarding your comments about Don't Look Up, I will say that one of the reasons it speaks to me is that it accurately represents the burning rage that people who care about global warming feel on a daily basis. It screams the message in the viewer's face because that's how we feel at this point, like screaming it out loud because it seems like nothing else works. As Harold Pinter said, that's the difference between political drama and political satire. In drama, you have to be nuanced because you're representing many perspectives (i.e. "the characters must be allowed to breathe their own air"). In satire, you have free reign to exaggerate, make caricaturizations, etc. precisely because you're not presenting many perspectives. I will agree however that the editing is bad. I had the same problem with The Big Short, makes you feel sick.


What is it with the Oscars and editing?! Bohemian Rhapsody won the Oscar for editing a few years back and even as a lay person I thought it was all over the place. I swear one of their criteria must be most cuts.


A jackoff of all trades...........5 minutes later I'm sitting here bordering on hyperventilating from laughing so hard. Also https://fatmikeeats.com/img/fatmike.jpeg *chefs kiss* I don't know if RLM did this but this is fantastic.

Thomas Malley

Can we just get a show where mikes pre-ramble is the whole show?? I could watch an hour of that. Him just talking about random stuff and Jay trying not to laugh.

Michael Parker

I had a dream recently that I encountered Mike and Jay and what a shocker Mike was talking about Star Trek: The Next Generation. I knew it was a fantasy because Jay actually seemed like he knew what Mike was talking about and could engage in conversation with him. I tried to engage them too because I've actually been watching TNG recently, but they didn't acknowledge me. :/


"Sandra Bollocks" is Mike having a Rich moment?


I was hanging on your every word when you guys were praising set design, colours, lighting, props, framing of shots, not telling the audience how to feel. It seems like you guys have so much more to share here which would be bloody fascinating, at least from my perspective. Maybe like an hour of you all just talking about your favourite uses of colour in film, your favourite use of sound, favourite zoom shots? 😍


Oh, wild. I've been wondering for some time if I've even heard mention of Mark Borchardt on RLM before. What with the Milwaukee filmmaking connection and American Movie being (in my opinion) one of the single greatest documentaries ever made and all.

Amanda Foster

I’m just gonna go out and say it (even if he does see it) but Jay is so freaking adorable! Hearing him gush about 16mm film was the cutest thing ever! 😍🥰


I wish you guys would do some re:views on some slapstick comedy stuff. Mainly, Tommy Boy. But others as well. I’d love to hear what you guys think about those movies. Taking them for what they are, I think older Sandler movies and the few Chris Farley movies are pretty good for the most part


God this one was kind of a difficult watch. Just the creepiest, scummiest, most pathetic, narcissistic guy (with the not-so-subtle backdrop of another creepy, pathetic narcissist's rise to power). Sean Baker really knows how to make the prettiest movies about the people I'd never want to meet and the places I'd never want to go. He might not outright tell you how to feel about Mikey but he sure makes him easy to hate. I love when you guys focus on production design in your conversations. That's what I'm trying to break into and movies like this are so inspiring. ***spoiler*** Also I think I had the biggest gasp I've ever had watching a film when they show the highway pile up Jesus fuck.


goddammit someone made https://fatmikeeats.com/ already

Bort Ward

13:10, George Clooney is always the same character. I didn't buy that he was an astronaut in 'Gravity.' He felt like his character in 'Oceans 11'... IN SPAAAACCCEEE!


Thanks for recommending "a new drama indie film that will make you feel like shit". I'm looking forward to it!


Mike what's your favorite type of fries? It's okay if the answer's not curly but you're wrong


Sorry, Mike, but the reality, as someone whose work books every single work event at Red Robin for some reason, but they give you and ton of fries and never stop. Maybe they dislike you personally. Sorry you had to learn this way.


The last time I went to Red Robin it was 2003. I remember because I met a friend I hadn't seen in five years and I talked about a class from University of Wisconsin-Madison. That was summer of '03. Has it changed at all since?


Just wanna say I'm sad that it's so hard to see things on film now. Apart from the texture, I've seen colors on film that digital has never reproduced. It's an unlucky coincidence that the switch to digital happened when the desaturated look was popular. I think it made it easier for audiences not to notice a change. Now people just look at me funny when I rave about colors.


In Denver they tried to change their image by having a large beer selection and under the sign it says, "Gourmet Burgers and Brews." But I've not been in to one for ages. Fun fact, as a kid I almost choked to death on a cheese stick there.