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Half in the Bag: Christmas 2021

It's that magical time of year yet again! The one where the gang watches awful movies that may or may not have anything to do with the holiday of Christmas. Ho ho ho! Will they get a Christmas gem in their stockings, or just a lump of coal? And by coal, I mean an outdated corporate training video on VHS.


Joshua Mannix

YouTube title says Half in the Bag FYI, unless you're meaning it as a joke...


"Merry Christmas, Motherfucker!" - Rich Evans, 2020


Damn! Tim is kinda unrecognizable without that moustache. Glad he is back.


"Baby Jesus is an Asshole" - Rich Evans, 2016


Told the Ol'Lady to pick me up a six pack. Date night is off. BotW just dropped.


Rich is looking good!!


what a lovely early Christmas present

Damon Killian

I can't wait to get home, I'm going to make my family watch this, I hope it's inappropriate! Also, have you considered a Rich Evans Christmas ornament for next year?


Woop! You've made our day. Thanks Guys. Merry Christmas to you all.


Fa la la la fuck yeah. Merry early Christmas to all!


Hooray another year goes by where my family won't find my lifeless body


Thank you for the early Christmas wish!


man, rich looks great


Ok, I got a bit of insight into William Wegman. This is a DVD marketed to a very specific niche of people that are obsessed with do Weimaraner dogs. They crack up over this and go bonkers over it... at least that was the case with my parents in the late 90s. It terrified me as a little kid. The people who buy this are also the subjects of "Best in Show"

Lionel Mandrake

Thank-fucking-God - and you fine gentlemen!!!


Is there a webby for “least constipated movie discussion panel” or something because folks, we have a strong nominee for that category.


Mike was thinking of The Bear of Wall Street very easy to mistake that


How many frumpy minutes in an hour?

Peter Varga

Merry Christmas dear RLM crew and guests and audience!


Another great Christmas episode, thanks and enjoy a little yuletide break! See you in Fuck You it's January.

Marvin Falz

I wish all of you in this webzone a Wiener-Meiner Christmas! Alternatively, a Merry Wiener-Meiner!

Marvin Falz

The dog video reminds me of Rabbits. They look weird, and the two that sit on the couch mostly stare (a hare stare) in the direction of the camera. As far as I remember, there's no zoom-in in Rabbits. Unlike Best of the Worst. The slow zoom-in towards the dog to horror sounds is pretty effective! Now I need to see Rabbits and The Shining.

Michael Parker

Merry Christmas to my favorite Midwesterners who talk about movies on the internet and to all who derive joy from your videos!

Michael Parker

On more of a downer note. Upon my annual rewatch of all the previous Christmas BotW episodes I realized the Curse of the Worst eventually caught up to Ed Asner. :(

Michael Parker

Oh and on another BotW related note, The Ice Cream Man starring Clint Howard is not Shudder. If I feel so compelled I could see for myself what we apparently didn't miss out on when ya'll abandoned that movie.

Bill Wilson

Baby fucking Jesus! Michael Bolton impersonators be all up in this place!


I’m saving this for Christmas to make the day extra special. I hope yours is as well!


Anyone else want to see the guys talk about the Beatles for 2 hours? I'd totally be down for that.

Manuel Johnen

Check out Brett Leonard's ("Lawnmower Man", "Virtuosity", "Highlander: The Source") godawful 2005 thriller "Feed" if you're into that kink. Merry Christmas. :)


Thank you for your work.

Manuel Johnen

Speaking of forklift training videos, have you seen "Staplerfahrer Klaus"...? :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChOHnSL7ZCg


Goodnight sweet cats


I remember when those William Wegman dogs were popular in the 90's he always had photobooks of them at Barnes and Noble. I'll bet good money this is when he jumped the shark. All the people who bought the books thought "Oh that will be so funny!! and were horribly disappointed. Rich was exactly right, a photographer that tried to cash in on his 15minutes of fame and learned that somethings just do. not. work. in video.


I came here to post this. This is one of my all time favorite internet vids.


Yeah it took a couple seconds to figure out who that was. Commentary was still on point, good to see Tim again.


Will watch it on Christmas. Also, the first BOTW episodes were about half an hour long, now I'm disappointed if one is under 90 minutes, lol.


I’d honestly love an episode on Get Back

Michael Parker

I love how genuinely upset Mike seems to get in particular over animal cruelty or mistreatment. He seems like he has more respect for the lives of furry creatures than he does his fellow human beings.


Today I saw a very old man dressed in a mis-buttoned cardigan, pageboy cap, and wrap-around sunglasses stumbling slowly down the middle of the street. Merry Christmas, Mr. Plinkett.


I think William Wegman used to do a bunch of dog skits on Sesame Street. At least I remember that as a kid not sure it is the same guy or not. E: It is and oh boy those poor dogs.


Giving thanks for all the great RLM content through 2021 and this year-end bounty.

Lionel Mandrake

"Oh Great Ruler, what is your Measure?" (s~h~u~d~d~e~r)


That fucking Santa Claus wipe was uncomfortable . And then Santa helps you learn about Feeding


I'm hoping for a behind the scenes video with some of the Beatles discussion, I'd love to hear your thoughts!


You guys are looking great! It's always pleasant to see Tim in a video. I feel like there's a story, or stories, behind why he was made to watch some safety videos during his time as a forklift operator.


God, life is fucking good. I love you guys. Thank you so much for everything you do. Happy holidays you bunch of geniuses. ❤️❤️❤️


LOL. Was Tim blackout drunk during this one? :D


Someone probably already said this, but those weimaraners are from Sesame Street. I recognized them right away.


I've updated my will so that my funeral will consist of me being buried in the woods in a burlap sack after Rich Evans beats me mercilessly with a tiny shovel.


That was awesome! What's the amazing music that plays over the outro short movie starring Rich Evans? Edit: I found it! Marc Torch - Deepest Woods! It perfectly fits the rare, serious Rich face!


More Star Trek III content, please.


I thought for sure we'd hear the meows of the cats from Tim's shirt when Rich was beating that sack.

ben stewart

mike vs jay: recut the dog video with new vo. the winner gets to force rich to watch their version in it's entirety. the loser gets to force rich to watch their version in it's entirety

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Every time I see that big red question mark on It's Pat in the background, I think it's a copy of The Last of Sheila. A really bad movie mistaken for a really fun one.

Daniel Frank

Regarding the Swedish Chef and his human hands, once the puppeteer forgot to take his wedding ring off and so the question of fandom was “Is the Swedish chef married?” I have a plush doll of the Chef and it has a wedding ring on it.


Knew it was a black spine xmas as soon as I saw Tim's face! Hilarious episode, hope you didn't hurt yourself when you fell, Mike, but I laughed my ass off!

Jessie Zimmer

So much great editing in this. Thanks for the entertainment this year, fellas. I hope you all have a great Christmas. I'd also like to add my vote for BTS footage of your Beatles discussion.

Andrea Johnson

Wee mariners HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Rich Evans never fails to delight.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

I honestly thought Mike was going to say, "Mill Creek is just downstream from Versace Entertainment." Aren't they the ones who re-released The Last Vampire on Earth? Anyway, gotta say I loved the loose feel to this episode. This one was a riot. That ending immediately made me think of the middle of the first act of some crappy new Nic Cage movie, where the antagonist forced his wife to watch those four tapes so she would commit suicide in a barrel of sulfuric acid, and now those four movies are all he has left of his wife so he's going to bury them before he goes on his quest for revenge. That makes sense, right? I mean, as far as Nic Cage films go?

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Seriously, the end of this year has felt like a fucking Christmas miracle. I can't believe how much content they've pumped into my face. I just want it to keep coming all over me.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Jay is awesome at editing. Of course I enjoy when Mike edits too, but Jay has an amazing sense of timing and creativity.


Mike was on fire in this episode. Mike when he's on fire is absolutely hilarious: the Osteoporosis dance, the Star Wars Holiday Special two parter, etc. The stuff about Hulk Hogan in particular was so funny. I also appreciate that Mike didn't bag on Rich for having pro wrestling figures and made reference to his own gay men toys. That was very egalitarian of him. I feel like we say it in every episode, but congrats to Rich on his weight loss. It was noticeable how trim he was looking. Him and Tim looked great, but I miss Tim's mustache. Another classic Christmas episode, RLM. Have a happy new year filled with great content.


Great episode! What happened to the Feeders time capsule? Has it been destroyed or is it still there?


Jay we've seen Dude Bros we know about your feeding fetish. Something about the low effort narration for the dog hands video plus the dogs' complete disinterest in anything they're doing makes it weirdly funny to me. I wonder if seeing it on Sesame Street when I was little awakened my love of absurdist humor. Or of horror. Mike I'm sad you haven't used your Zak Bagans Christmas mug I sent you last year. It's probably not full of lead.

Bill Wilson

Having watched the surprisingly Christmas themed "Abraxas", with Jesse Ventura, I would have put my money on a "Santa or Sci-fi" episode. Would have made for a great double feature with "Santa with Muscles". Worst of the gay action figure men, anyone?


You guys looked kinda miserable that night. Thank you! 😊🙏


Oh man, I loved The Last of Sheila. Such a hammy cheesefest of a movie.


The wording used sounds like Mike got Covid. (Granted that might be the wording of a drunk man. :D ) Everyone OK? Alive, obviously, but long Covid is a thing.


Isn’t watching this as a little kid kind of like training wheels for watching David Lynch movies later on?


Mmm those frosting cookies are so good


Merry Christmas! Thanks for another year of great content 🙂


Lol all the allegedlys since other youtubers are getting sued by a certain hollywood producer rn.

Michael Parker

I think Tim was the only one that came close to correctly pronouncing Weimaraner despite appearing to be the drunkest out of the four.


The destruction segment looked great. The part in the woods particularly. But couldn’t you guys have given Rich a normal person sized shovel?

Jessie Zimmer

Thank you! I had this exact thought. Great scene, but I kept thinking, "God, that must be killing his back." Can my Patreon go toward a proper shovel? :)


Merry Christmas guys! Thanks for all the laughs this past year!


Well after yet another weird pandemic year of enjoying your creativity and authenticity, sharing laughter and cynicism, experiencing delight and disillusionment with the film industry, you guys feel like long lost friends. Thank you for all of the recommendations, the sense of camaraderie, and all of your hard work to create wonderfully original, insightful, and absurdist content. Wishing everyone at redlettermedia and all the fans a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year! So happy to be a part of this community! ❤️🎄


Patreon - where the actual fans gather


What is Mike’s hangover cure? Every drinker has one.


This is great, but Where is Plinkett “Wish Upon”’review???


Hilarious, excellent. Thank you guys. 🎄🍿🎥❤️

Eric Anderson

The Wee Mariners sounds like a faction of Munchkins in Oz, kinda like the Lollipop Guild.


You cannot get hungover when you just stay drunk all the time.


Funny when Tim said 'are we sure this isn't a Tool video".... A little before that I thought to myself, without a beard Tim looks a little like Maynard James Keenan..........ALLEGEDLY. This was a hilarious episode, thanks guys!


Have we ever seen Tim and Ryan Reynolds in the same place at the same time?


At least give us the Get Back discussion they had on here!


“He’s not wearing rubbly gloves!” “My gay action figures are different than Rich’s gay action figures.” “What do you call kids with no parents?” Drunk Mike FTW


I laughed so fucking hard when they did the horror movie music to the Weimeriner video and then cut in that scene from The Shining - 🤣🤣🤣- my husband came out from the other room to check in on me 🤣 - great Xmas BOTW, thanks guys!

Bort Ward

Like "nostalgia bukkake" and so many other moments, "Salmon with Muscles" was a stop the video and laugh for a few moments moment.


An idea for a future xmas BOTW, endure three Hallmark movies (suggest "Dear Christmas" be one of them) and we can watch your cold hearts tear this genre down while we sip hot cocoa.


I love the idea of an Xmas BOTW with just grossly saccharine movies rather than horrible violence haha


I want to see the forklift video now


Just want to shout out the RLM crew for promoting bowel health and staying regular, I guess they brew the beer to be high-fibre in WI

Paul Spence

I re-watched the episode last night. I love doing that, but not with this one. I can somewhat and I mean somewhat appreciate how punishing it must be to watch these films at times. The weimaraner (pronounced WY-ma-ryn-er) film short was awful. Just a few minutes really made me just depressed. No exaggeration. Hats off to you guys for giving use many many hours of brilliant entertainment and insight. God bless you for surviving the crud.

Top Hat Monkey

(Sorry, I meant to make this comment when it first came out.) I've always thought the oddly-shaped presents in the boss' office in "Christmas Vacation" were all the gentlemen's..... umm, packages, err....... wedding tackle, umm, cock n balls. Anyone else?


Beatles fans had to wait 51 years for The Beatles "Get Back" to be released, so I guess we should mark the year 2073 for the release of RLM's review.