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Well, we talked about Ghostbusters Afterlife for about 1 hr 45 mins. Time to start editing!



I didn't know it was out!


Just throw it up raw. I heard that's what the filmmakers of Ghostbusters: Afterlife did with the movie.


If no one's talking, no one's laughing.


Uncut? 👀


Oh I can’t wait for this!


Don't. Just release it raw.

Andre K

So... #releasetherichevanscut!

Goldy Loxx

Jay’s predictions came true.


We need to see the barf in Jay’s lap.


Is there an afterbirth joke in there?


When I saw *the thing* they they did at the end I heard Mike groan from across the country

Zachary Marsh

Release it uncut. I DARE YOU


Looking forward to this review regardless of the film being loved or loathed.

d0nkatron 5000

I’m pumped for all three of the upcoming vids!

Michael Schmidt

I’m watching Plinkett’s review of Ghistbusters 2016 right now! It’s probably my most-watched RLM video!


Can’t wait to hear what you guys have to say about it. I want all the deets.


Oh no. I don’t know if that means it was good or bad. It looks bad. But what do I know?


Haven't seen it, but I'm curious to hear the boys thoughts on it. Particularly if they did the usual Sony thing of overloading the film with product placement.


At least it’s not as long as dune


All Good Things?


Godspeed, you beautiful men.


Starring Chris Helmsworth?


I was disappointed, I don't hate hate it, I'm just disappointed.


How much should we up our donations to cover this video's Crystal Head vodka budget?


I was watching it when y’all sent this out


Reason to live: updated


My family and I just saw it and LOVED IT!


“Chewy, we’re home.”

Changed This For Privacy

If HALF of that talk is not up to snuff, that's a 50 minute review. Damn. Nice.


No, there is a new one. You’re thinking of the 2016 version.


I liked it! It’s exactly as I expected from a nostalgic driven ghostbusters movie in 2021. Although, I think a lot is gonna be talked about for the ending. Figured it’ll be decisive but I thought it was well done.


And now I have to watch Ghostbusters before watching this video. Goddamnit.


Oh YES bring it! I just saw it tonight and saw this notification as I got out of the theatre. I heard "...and I CLAPPED" a la the Nerd Crew in my head for some of the movie and had to stifle laughter.


They somehow hit a lot of notes without jumping into complete sappiness. Even my cynical brain enjoyed it. I loved it.


I would have been good with 50% less proton streams just to have 50% more dad-jokes and a moment of them having hot cocoa in the kitchen. The older and crazier the Ghostbusters are, the better.

Nate Miller

I’m a massive Ghostbusters fan… and I just wasn’t that into it. I didn’t hate it - there were some nice character moments and some set pieces were clever. But overall it felt so ‘off’ from the feel of the irreverent, iconoclastic story and humor of the first - and, to a lesser extent, the second one.


I think most of us are fine with a 1:45:00 review. It's sad to rewatch old half in the bag or BotW episodes at 30mins and wonder what other insanity could have been said about "The New Gladiators"

Marvin Falz

Fortunately Ghostbusters Afterlife isn't like Ghostbusters 2016. Unfortunately Ghostbusters Afterlife isn't like Ghostbusters 2016, because now I can't mimic Mike making this pun: I hope you're still a...live after... you've edited your talk.

Manuel Johnen

Finally another "Ghostbusters" movie I can enjoy, because I HAAAAAAATE women...! https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/ghostbusters-afterlife-movie-review-2021

Peter Robinson

I have seen it. Hairs went up on the back of my neck a couple of times and got a bit teary at the end.


let me guess bland and boring and a great waste of time.

Michael Matzat

This is a good kids movie that could have been better if there had not been any Ghostbusters stuff tagged on. Especially the ending will just confuse Kids. But you know. Bunch kids, way to smart, having an adventure that is fun and exiting. All okay. And then suddenly there is a bunch of old people hugging a friend and some curly lady in the credits zapping one of them. I had massive Star Wars Episode 7 vibes watching this movie. It's not bad, but will never watch it again.

Michael Matzat

It's a kids movie, there is one scene that might be considered somewhat risky. Otherwise everything is fun and colorful.

Jesper Lindberg

I absolutely loved the movie. Because of the loss of Harold Ramis, and the generel age of the old gang, I think that this was one of only stories that actually made some sense, and could still tie everything together with a nice finishing bow, before the franchise could move on in new and different places. It’s not a perfect movie, and I could point out several flaws and plotholes, but I can give a pass on all of that, just because what this movie did: it saved the franchise from corporate fucks!


No editing. #ReleaseTheRLMCut


I loved the first 2/3 of it. The last 1/3 was basically a rehash of the original, which I didn't really need to see again. But hey, it exceeded my low expectations.

Damon Killian

I managed to keep it together through sheer willpower, and the power of surface tension on my eyelids. I'm going to watch this alone to get some much needed catharsis. The CGI likeness retained his dignity, and never felt goulish. I only wonder how this will color my memory of the original film. My 10 year old son asked me while we walked to the car (with tears), "Did he really pass away?" I started choking up again and said, "Yes, but even though he passed away a long time ago, his friends came back to say goodbye one last time, and that is a very special thing to do." Good lord, it was a rough ride home.


Huge lifelong Ghostbusters fan, just got out of the theatre from Afterlife. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I can be pretty cynical when it comes to remakes/reboots. A lot of Jay’s predictions came true, yet in a good way. I now have excitement for the Ghostbusters franchise again, and I never thought I’d say that after the 2016 pile of shit.


Looking forward to another iconic HITB in the league of Rogue One, Money Plane and of course Ghostbusters 2016. I don’t think they’ll ever top the Verotika HITB and I’m ok with that, because it is goddamned perfection.


Seriously, there should be a Criterion edition of the Verotika HITB.


Did you guys watch both after credits scenes?

Daniel E. Passaro

I was appalled. No Tracy the ape, no Futura, and the car didn’t even talk!


I thought it was pretty good at first, then about half way in it became clear they were just rehashing the first movie. And then the ending just went way too far.


There's a slim chance I'll watch this movie; I'm pretty skeptical about the whole thing. But I would gladly sit down and watch these guys (whether it's Mike and Jay or whether it's all three) discuss this movie for a solid hour and forty-five minutes.

Bill Wilson

Is Ghostbusters replacing Terminator?


where's the video movie daddies


post pls


So many of these reviews mention 2016 and then the original movie and I scratch my head and wonder if they have actually watched those movies.