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Mike and Jay Talk About Midnight Mass

Mike and Jay talk about that Neflix show from a couple months ago because they only just now watched it.



Either Jay is shrinking or his coffee mugs are getting bigger. Love you guys...


Thank you for your work.


Thank you for your courage.


Dooooooooon! I do hope you talk about it sometime, maybe a year from now...


I wish to see you dunk on Eternals if it's not too much to ask. I haven't seen it, nor do I plan to, but it just looks so boring and awful that you shitting on top of it would be a nice "cherry".


You have good mugs, Jay. And sometimes shirts too.


Monologues!! But in all seriousness, this was a nice casual review. Hope you keep doing more of these in the future!

Kris Luedke

You took the fire extinguisher off the wall, but why is the shot of both of you keep dollying back and forth?


Great stuff. Sounds like another solid series recommendation from the RLM crew.

Joshua Mannix

Are there hidden monologues in Midnight Mass just as there were hidden ghosts in Haunting of Hill House?? Will have to watch it. From the monologues you guys have noted, it reminds me of the earlier seasons of Game of Thrones. Yoren, Jaime, Tyrion all had excellent ones.


I sorta don’t want a Dune review now. I’d be happy with the next ten videos starting with a Dune comment and then kicking off into something else. Though I do miss Colin.

Sammy Allouba

I really wanted the camera to linger on Bev burning at the end. I hated her so much that I wanted to enjoy that moment.

Kjersti Chippindale

"Its about the horror of existence" - no wonder Mike is a fan


Curious what you guys have to say about it. I found it a very mixed bag. Strong beginning but as it went along I found it way too talky, too obvious in its metaphors, unfocused, and in the end.... rather annoying. Strong performances all around though.


Now I have to watch Midnight Mass before watching this video. I have no choice in the matter.


Yes! I was hoping you would talk about Midnight Mass.


Pretty much my exact reaction as well. "Ooh, this is interesting." Then "lotta monologues this episode." Then "ugh, just end already."


There were certainly elements about this show that were attracted me. When I was in the fifth grade, my stepdad explained religion in the same fashion; that early man saw the stars in the sky and believed them to be the fires of the great men in the sky protecting them. It impacted me enough that I ended up studying anthropology in college with a focus on religion as it functions in society. Anyway, I appreciate that this show focused on these elements, and how it affected the characters collectively and individually. I will say, I thought Bev's performance was the highlight. Also, nice new set!


you're doing the Lord's work. well, *my* Lord's work anyway... no accounting for anybody else's taste in lords...


Classy production values. You got a robot working the dolly now!


Honestly, sounds like the guys got annoyed with the Dune video news being leaked and being hounded by it. Doesn’t sound like they want to release it anymore.


Oooooh. Subtle dolly.

Marvin Falz

My childhood was practically religion-free, but I did like to read in my mother's bible from time to time, because I liked some of the stories. Still read in the bible today. But I'm also aware that humans can become pretty religious in the negative meaning of the word. Doesn't matter if it's the belief in a deity, or the belief in science, or in 'end of the world scenarios' or whatever makes a group of people insane enough to want to force everybody else into compliance, even when it means to actually bring more harm and damage as opposed to leaving others alone. ----- I'm probably going to check out "Midnight Mass" later. Also, nice set. Also also, I like the seriousness of the "Talk About" format. Great addition to all of your other formats.


Loved this chat, boys.

Peter Varga

yay! I loved the show too! Flanagan fans should check out his forgotten movie called "Before I Wake" (it's on Netflix here, maybe elsewhere too), which I also totally adore.


I liked the camera work on this review. I don’t recall the camera trucking side to side like this in previous episodes.

Bill Lehecka

Did you have a cameraman to do the swaying camera shots? Or did Mike hire Zak Bagans to find him a ghost camera operator?


If I had to guess, it's just that it's one of the biggest sci-fi movie releases in a long time and their audience is composed of many sci-fi nerds so people are probably asking them about it a lot. The video probably takes some time to create since they're going in-depth with a comparison between the two films. Interested to see it but I'm more interested for them to take their time and really nail the video.


Too many monologues!


It was Rich Evans but he was so bored he kept pacing back and forth.


I love the addition of the dolly cam. However I think it's slow speed is making me sea-sick when it cuts to a static shot and then back again to the dolly cam. Or maybe it's just me and I need to get my inner ear checked.


Nice discussion. Makes me want to actually watch it now (had to dodge some spoilerish stuff here in the comments). The dollying was… unexpected.


I loved everything about Midnight Mass. Such a beautifully executed meditation on death, faith, addiction, guilt, and humanity’s potential for both good and evil. I was also discouraged and baffled by the complaints about the “monologues” because I found them so engaging and rich. They give such depth to the characters and the themes of the show. I also love the set design and how weathered and lived in the little island feels. Just perfect in my book. Thank you guys for talking about this show! ❤️👏


Thanks for talking about Midnight Mass, I have been desperately trying to convince my friends they need to watch it so hopefully they’ll believe it coming from you guys!

Darren Broadbent

HAHAHA! Don't ever do a Dune review! 😅 Also, Midnight Mass was great.

Manuel Johnen

I don't give a fuck about "Dune"...


How about you do a review of Dune, but you call it "Don't?"


I give a fuck about "Dune"


Mike I wish so, so bad I could just sit down with you and talk about this show for hours. Everybody in my life who’s seen it wasn’t raised in a particularly religious environment and I very much was. I kept wondering what it would be like to watch it without that upbringing, if it’s something that resonates with those people the same way, and it doesn’t seem to be. It's definitely my favorite thing that Mike Flanagan has done too, as much as I loved Hill House/Bly Manor. I love how you guys made mention of how theatrical it was. The makeup, the dialogue/monologues, the island almost acting as a stage, the boat scenes never looking quite real, all very reminiscent of a theatrical production. Pruitt and Riley’s one on one conversations during their meetings were some of my favorite parts, just two actors in two chairs talking. Everything was paced so well, the tension rose steadily until that procession sequence which was one of the best things I’ve ever seen. Sorry I have way too much to say about it. But I’m glad you guys loved it and are recommending it, I hope it gets lots of other people to watch.


I love that they're basically just trolling everybody with the Dune video at this point....LOL.


Well said! I couldn’t agree more. Also, same here with the religious upbringing. That familiarity and strange nostalgia for those old hymns, the cynicism versus misdirected certainty, the questions of what happens after we die, all made it really hit home for me.


Really liked it overall, but I’ll defend to an extent the monologue criticism based on (a) what you guys addressed about mismatched expectations coming off Flanagan’s prior 2 shows and (b) personally some monologues started to feel repetitive and MOST egregiously started to all sound like just one person’s way of talking. But yeah, Tarantino comparison counterpoints my point well - that’s the style, that’s why you’re there. It’s easily in my top 10 this year and as an ex-Catholic raised Catholic I’m extremely glad it exists.


I had to turn off the video a minute in because the panning was making me seasick. Guys, please stop.


I went in seeing Midnight Mass cold (and also went to a Catholic school). It is a lot better when you don't know anything about the plot. As for the series, it is probably the best Steven King book not written by Steven King. I won't spoil anything but it is a great re-write of a very particular Steven King book.


The show was good but I’m not going to criticize other people’s criticisms. Not everyone gets the same thing out of a movie, song, show, etc.

Jessie Zimmer

This is on my "to view" list. First got interested because of Rahul Kohli. Looking forward to sitting down and getting immersed in it. More importantly, y'all upgraded the *hell* out of that room, and it looks great. (Is it weird that I didn't notice the dollying until my second watching? Also, please make the Dune review the Nukie of reviews. I love it.)


The only problem I have is the first episode, where Zach knows Erin is pregnant. I thought she was just fat.


omg Mike which saint did you pick for your Confirmation name??


There is a difference to me in what's a monologue and what's pure exposition. The monologues that you guys talk about in the video are excellent and good fun. Then there are moments of pure exposition that fall flat. The scene of the three women sitting around a table drinking coffee and talking about how some of the things going on could have a scientific explanation was filmed with all the inspiration of an insurance commercial. The other uninspired scenes were the backstory dumps for the sheriff and the drug dealer. Those scenes could have been cutout and we would have never known or cared. My pet theory is that much of the exposition was supposed to be done in flashback, but because the production occurred during the early days of COVID, they had to keep their sets to a minimum. Hence, instead of doing something more cinematic, they had to stick to the main location as much as possible. I will probably give this series another watch someday - loved the tone and world Flanagan creates - but the ideas don't really take you anywhere. It takes one hopeful and unconvincing version of the afterlife and replaces it with another. I would rather he just explored the ideas and never showed his hand.


Mike gives a gentle rip to Stranger Things. Ditto on noticing that camera movement in your two shot. I’m actually surprised it’s garnered so many comments here given how subtle it was. Please don’t use it on Re:View.


I really liked Midnight Mass. We went through it in a few days. I thought Riley's monologue in the boat was the best one. My only complaint, and where I can understand other people hating it, is with Kate Siegel. She is a very good actress but I think she was miscast for this. Everyone else was so on point but I think her character would have been better served by someone more fragile. Her ending monologue was cringey because I never found her believable. That took me out of it at the end.


I don't mind. The guys have been releasing great content for ten years. If they want to talk about a big release then that's great and if they don't that's cool too. I know whatever they're doing it's going to be great. They can talk about a big release and why it's great or crap. They can expose us to a small release that we might not catch like Midnight Mass and bring exposure to it. Either way, what's important is they do what interests them and what works for their business. All I ask is keep up with the great content and not start a shitty 80's music cover band like a certain other youtuber.


Great video. Slight Camera movement was distracting. Not a huge fan of that but still a great discussion.




Damn. Great suggestion. This is good stuff.


Auto camera trucking a bit distracting. Was alright for the Halloween episode, but wouldn't want it anywhere else. Interesting discussion on a series I would have dismissed as a basic horror series. I love anthology/mini-series types shows, so I'll definitely check it out soon


It's a good series. I'm glad Mike and Jay are talking about it. I didn't love it as much as they did because I couldn't figure out the rules and I think it was sloppy, particularly in the end. But it's really a compelling watch and I'm pro-monolologues(!!) if they are well-written and delivered.


This one made me seasick.


really appreciated this you guys, so, thank you. being raised Catholic (now very much lapsed) also took this to another level for me. and, going in mostly blind was and is definitely the way to go.


Loved loved loved Midnight Mass.I’m curious what Mike and Jay would have to say about how one’s own personal background with religion may influence an opinion on the show? And whether Flanagan was saying God does exist or doesn’t exist with this show, but also perhaps who the f*** knows.


I love Jay's "I run on coffee and Jesus" mug

Manuel Johnen

You know what movie has really good old age make up? Believe it or not: "The Mangler"...


What I appreciate about RLM's Dune review delay is that they're shedding light on content they want to see more of. It's a strategy that I think we, they're discipleship, can and should agree with. Can I get an amen?


What I appreciate most about RLM's Dune review delay is that they're shedding light on content they want to see more of. It's a strategy that I think we, their humble discipleship, can and should agree with. Can I get an amen?

Top Hat Monkey

**Spoilers** I saw this morning that you guys did a review of this, so I put this video aside and after work I watched the entire series. I really enjoyed the series, and the time and care they took to build this world and these characters. I was so relieved that it didn't fall into predictable tropes and sentimentality. One question nagged me, after the reveal of the main villain. Would it be a mistake to presume the villain was (SPOILER) satanic? Perhaps it wasn't. Now that is an interesting, terrifying thought, for me at least.


Thanks for the recommendation guys! Wonderful show to watch with my wife.


I’m so glad you guys talked about this instead of the awful Dune movie. This series was phenomenal and I thank you for turning my attention to it.


“The Dolly” is “the Monologues” of this comment thread.


Hey guys I was wondering about your thoughts on Hamish Linklater specifically. The only thing I remember him from was season 2 of The Newsroom.


Need to see this.


God I love Neil Diamond. As someone who gave up being Catholic many moons ago I found myself reciting along with the mass and being a bit irked that there were changes. I loved how the theme of isolation carried across location, community, and religion. Really fantastic find and well worth a watch. Fun fact: I got suspended from high school for making paper airplanes during mass (out of copies of the readings--gasp) and throwing them at people all while humming the Imperial March. Ms. Nicholson was not amused.


I like that you're both sort of wearing "Father Paul casual" cosplay


Wow, thanks for the recommendation. Netflix had been pushing it on me but I had written it off. It was beautifully shot and written, and the MONOLOGUES had me slack jawed, staring at the screen. Both the Erin/Riley conversation and the Erin monologue in the last episode left me feeling hollow... but in a good way? I dunno. I'll be thinking about this one for a while


The priest was probably the best villain I’ve seen on TV all year. I still do think the mONOloGuEs were a lot. I wholeheartedly agree they were well written but I think those could be accomplished through dialogue or something else conveying the message. It’s supposed to be theatrical but it was TOO much. And with the old person argument, yes it made sense but all of his work casts young people as old people. give the elderly some jobs 😂 Of course the death conversation was beautiful and important and a few others,


Absolutely loved Midnight Mass. Thanks for the recommendation.


Has Mike's dementia gotten so bad he forgot he had a mic on? Someone tell that old man to stop blocking his mic with his arm!


Thanks for recommending MM! I am way behind on my RLM videos, tried to fit this in one day because it was short - got 2min in and decided that Midnight Mass was something i needed to see for myself based on your enthusiasm - watched it and loved it and have recommended to many others.


I don’t understand why everyone is complaining about the camera moving. Everyone has to be a damn critic, I guess.


This was an awesome recommendation, I literally would not have seen this show without The Mike and Jay Podcast on YouTube. Bill might not like it but the cast is great boys.