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Ranking Every John Carpenter Movie (part 2 of 3) - re:View

PART 1: https://youtu.be/H_Nt1_TWdv0 Despite having very different tastes, Jay and Rich both love John Carpenter movies. Just maybe not the same John Carpenter movies. We decided to do a ranking of every single one of them. Disaster ensues. Halloween commentary track: https://redlettermedia.bandcamp.com/track/halloween-half-in-the-bag-commentary-track Escape From New York re:View: https://youtu.be/ff2YU6XtZ9o The Thing re:View: https://youtu.be/wSFXYKl_rf0 In the Mouth of Madness re:View: https://youtu.be/e6VNAcd1Dgs



You can’t do this right before work on a Friday. Some of us hacks have real jobs. Now I’m going to have to have an unproductive work day while I wait to watch. I’m going to send my boss your email.


Rich and Jay is a pairing that doesn't happen too often and I love it


Boy I needed this

Yahsho Jinn

Great way to start the weekend.. Though I will definitely sneak and watch before I watch with my wife on Saturday lol.

John Kott

I legitimately smiled when I got this notification. Thank you RLM!


Did I miss something or didn't Jay say before that him and Mike were gonna talk about the new American Horror Story season?


Please RLM, at some point, do a Re:View of Near Dark. I love that film. Bill Paxton is so great in it.


All of a sudden, I’m thinking CHRISTINE is going to be Rich’s #1


Right? Their dynamic is REALLY interesting and rarely seen!!


I love how much Rich talks about James' Wood! :D

Manuel Johnen

Well, this is disappointing...


You should do a re:view of Soldier. Russel is hilarious in this.

Marvin Falz

There's something cheesy about Vampires, James Woods' lines and their delivery especially. And I like that. But the main reason to watch Vampires was Sheryl Lee. Thanks to re:View I watched Fire Walk With Me, then binge-watched the whole series, and her performance and screen presence made me curious. Most actors kind of look the same in every movie, but Sheryl Lee looks different in almost every scene. It's hard to describe, but perhaps egolessness is the right word. She seems to be in tune with the vision of the director, and lets herself completely go to become the vision. See her poem to Laura Palmer http://www.dugpa.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2285 Or watch Laura Dern in Inland Empire. One of the few movies I'm looking forward to being availabe is Never My Love https://nevermy.love/ Grace Zabriskie is also in the movie.


Split into THREE parts?! This is like The Hobbit all over again!

John Kott

Oh man, I can't believe you suggested #cancelchevychase on his birthday!


Only 30 minutes long??? Release the Stoklasa cut! Actually that might be shorter... The Bauman cut?


So The Thing, Big Trouble In Little China and They Live are definitely in both of their top 5s. But which one will take the cake? I'm gonna make a guess and say that The Thing is gonna be their both #1s as it fits each of their preferences (Sci-Fi for Rich and Horror for Jay).

Jessie Zimmer

"I don't know that I can buy Amber Heard being a horrible monster." Someone give Rich an award. He said that with a straight face.

Mike St Louis

Continued in Part Threeeeeee The novel “Memoirs of an Invisible Man” is quite a bit different than the movie.


Some of us have been saying do a Near Dark re:view for years! :o


Where is Jay's shirt from?

Juan Calvo

Rich probably has Big Trouble in Little China as his #1, but The Thing has that scene of Wilford Brimley trashing a room, which is right up Rich's alley, so maybe he'll switch at the last moment. The suspense is killing me.


I love Rich cause he just has all these opinions and he just shares them with the world all willy nilly


Waiting for part 3….to quote Willy Wonka and Oscar Wilde: the suspense is terrible. I hope it will last!


I love the bit where they praise the final scene of "Escape from L.A." It's not enough to redeem the cheesy awfulness of most of the movie, but that scene is a great ending for Snake Plissken.

Top Hat Monkey

How funny was it that Rich gestured for a link in the top corner to the ReView of "In The Mouth of Madness", but was denied by editor Mike (I presume)? Very much, and it was intentional.


My guess is "The Thing" is Rich's #1 but I think it will be Jay's #2 and he'll go with "Halloween" as #1. (But I'm probably wrong with this prediction given I never even remotely thought both would have "Starman" in their top 6. Starman?!??)