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Filming the opening for the upcoming Suicide Squad Half in the Bag. We broke a few things.




Glad to see that toilet paper hoarding paid off.


Surprisingly good movie


I don’t see any broken copies of Vampire Assassin, thank god

d0nkatron 5000

Movie was surprisingly strong in quite a few ways, especially when grading it on the DC Movies Scale™ 🤣

James Murphy

Vampire assassin must Survive


I see you guys went thrift shopping again


everyone..............send more copies of Vampire Assassin

Dimitri German

Is the new Suicide Squad film about David Carradine?


Is George Lucas back?


It warms my heart to know that you keep the local thrift stores thriving with your patronage, buying all the crap no one else would touch.


Bear head friend is indestructable Also fine FINE I watched it and it was fine, and fun, and cute. Sharkboy and Ratgirl both have my heart.


Oh i see already decorating for Halloween


always look forward to you guys breaking stuff 💕



Andre K

So many Vampire Assassins

Tim Fuglsang

NOOO! All those VALUABLE copies of a timeless cinematic CLASSIC!


Stop hurting Vampire Assassin! It has so many wounds...


Was the Suicide Squad finally called in to eliminate the world's largest known collection of Vampire Assassin DVDs?

Night Akula

I genuinely enjoyed the new Suicide Squad.


no, not mike's precious precious vampire assassin collection.

Andréanne Dion

Is this a hint to send even more copies of Vampire Assassin?

Nathan Campbell

Any comments pertaining to the Bucks big win?


Where do i even send stuff in lol


I hope Rich sits in on the HITB. He needs to be involved in the comic book movie episodes for his expertise, his general affability, and as confirmation he survived the latest BOTW recording with the bee attack


Did you break new ground?


RLM breaking stuff? I’ve never heard of such a thing.

Eli Harold

Sometimes we do it all for the nukie and sometimes we break stuff.

Marvin Falz

Picture with the bear head -> cut to the boy saying "sad" from the video where the bear has a boner, as Macaulay Culkin pointed out.


I thought the title was "Vampire [roll credits and theme music] Assassin."


I thought it was alright, pretty funny. I certainly can't remember the last time I saw full frontal nudity in a comic book film.


Well you did tidy the set up just to trash it again for our viewing pleasure,. That little porcelain teddy head is a survivor - looking forward to the review,, sad that the movie is not out here in 🇦🇺 yet, so I will have to make do with any of the spoilers you provide


Im gonna have to watch the first episode again just to see what it originally looked like.


How embarrassing!


But it's a James Gunn movie! I wasn't surprised. He fucking rules.


Only because James Gunn wrote and directed it. Now that he's back at Marvel, expect DC movies to suck again.


How is that copy of Vampire Assassin sticking to the wall?


I watched The Suicide Squad last night with a friend (whose not a big film buff) and was surprised when they commented “Oh it’s like a Quentin Tarantino movie?” like 20 minutes into it.


They should have also given this movie a tag line to show it’s a sequel but also it’s own thing. Similar to how the Thor sequel movies don’t have a number but have a tag line.

mike bouchard

having never seen any suicide squad movies, i want to watch this just because there is an upcoming HITB.


I just watched it and I think this was a mix of boring, cringy, edgy and absolutely idiotic. Hope you rip it a new one.


I feel like, years and years from now, you or whoever owns the warehouse will still randomly find copies of Vampire Assassin


Such hate. ;)


I don’t care about this movie at all but I will watch the heck out of this HITB


Atleast they seemed to let the director make a movie this time.


I wasn’t excited for it but thought might aswell check it out. Thought it was pretty good, loved the last 30 mins. Quite a few shocked gasps in the cinema about the violence 😄


This looks very promising!

David Arcaine

It was fun. Not top tier James Gunn but solid fun. It was akin to a movie version of The Doom Patrol.

David Arcaine

They kinda did by adding 'The' to the beginning. It was also poking fun at that Hollywood trend.

David Arcaine

Time capsule them in the walls. Is it a ghost? Is it a boy in the walls? NO, it's a Vampire Assassin in the walls!


They watch the junk so we don't have to


I loved this movie. So refreshing to see a comic based film have such fun with the genre. Gunn just keeps hitting zingers.


i liked it :) it was silly and fun :)

Robert Daniel Pickard

I watched suicide squad after Pig and it was all fennel smoked berry foam that the investors have high expectations of


How old should I feel when my first thought is "I hope they don't scratch those nice hardwood floors".


Yet again, graced with their cunning skills the raccoons managed to survive another onslaught.


Too violent for me but I really liked Margot


“Grab a broom and sweep Mike’s mess up Rich!” Fuck

David Arcaine

Meseeks aren't supposed to go this long without a new Red Letter Media video. It's getting we-ird.


Needs more Vampire Assasins


A couple of their copies got fucked up in The Suicide Squad HITB we definitely need to send more