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Hey everyone. We just shot a new "Mike and Jay Talk About" video for the Nicolas Cage movie Pig. So that should be coming out soon. Also Rich has begun work on building new podiums for another Trivia Showdown video, this time about David Lynch trivia. No idea how that video will go, but we're going to give it a shot!


Gar Kelleher

Click the random button twice on Netflix and review those movies.


Don't worry, at least it won't be like Pop Quiz Hotshot! 😂


First Star Trek, and now David Lynch movies? You guys have to stop bullying Jay. When will you do a trivia show on something he actually enjoys, like Jurassic World?


It’s Jay’s time to shine with the Lynch trivia hahaha


Pig was so damn good, highly recommend everyone see it. Stoked for Lynch trivia too


Go, Jay go!! You get em!!!


Oh also can we get video of Rich building the set? Instant entertainment!


I was really hoping they'd cover Pig. Heard good things. I guess I'll try to check it out


Can I hire Rich to fix my door? The screws are stripped and I can't put the hinges back in place. :(


Oh damn, I am beyond ecstatic for David Lynch!

Peter Varga

Gotta go and watch Pig then!


Oh my god I got my dream post right here!


So looking forward to seeing both the review and the trivia show. Sad I can’t watch Pig before I watch your review as no Theatres (germ boxes) are open here, but happy that Jay will have a chance to show off his memory skills for the trivia. Only thing that will make me happier about this update is when you release the content 😁

Eli Harold

I enjoyed Pig I picked mushrooms with my parents in the forests of Oregon so it brought back good memories.


Great! Any plans of doing a re-view of David Lynch's Dune since the new one is coming soon?


This is the best update yet! Can’t wait to see Pig and Lynch trivia is going to be hilarious.


I love you fellas

Ryan Morris

I'm very excited fore the David Lynch Trivia episode. I know you guys said Josh should be the moderator but making this one a more legitimate competition would be funny too (cause it subverts your expectations, obviously) and have him face off against Jay and having Jack ask the questions. Please... this. Please.


Love the previous Trivia Showdown video, so can't wait for the next one.


A David Lynch trivia contest? I got so excited, I farted.


David Lynch sex weirdo trivia just like you promised in the Star Trek trivia showdown. Woo!

Brad Bunch

I'm frankly shocked there hasn't been a Wild at Heart re:view, speaking of Nicholas Cage. Seems right up your alley. I also want say that I miss Colin from Canada.


This is gonna be amazing. I wanna see Jay trounce Mike on David Lynch trivia.


I actually saw Pig! I wonder if y’all noticed the CGI mountain…


I'm so happy


I just watched Pig, loved it!

Andréanne Dion

Star Trek Boy VS Sex Pervert, yes!

Peter Varga

hey I watched it! it's great! looking forward to your Talk About!


That should hold me over until THE Suicide Squad review comes out! 🤪🐷

Rick Drake

Pretty much everyone I hold in high regard as far as movie opinions are concerned has high praise for Pig, and it's playing nowhere near me.

Marvin Falz

David Lynch trivia quiz!

meghan scullion

Looking forward to the upcoming videos!


David lynch trivia?! Can I be the phone a friend?


Can’t wait to see Mike fail in this trivia contest

David Arcaine

I loved Pig. Nicolas Cage just breaking people with words and food.

David Arcaine

Also *Spoiler* After seeing it I immediately said "The Pig was Cameron Mitchell; he was top billed but only in it for ten minutes."


Same, I live in Belgium and it isn't playing in the whole country.


David Lynch is always a topic worth discussing. Will you be drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon?


I honestly thought this was streaming but whatever I'll contract the Delta variant to see Nic Cage be a real actor


Excited to be able to to know some answers in this next trivia showdown! If anyone is a David Lynch fan and hasn’t read Room to Dream, I highly recommend as it’s written like a biography/autobiography and the parts where David talks about his life are fascinating!


Wonderful! But where is the Rich Evans ASMR channel the world so desperately needs so we can sleep at night during these uncertain times?


love this idea, and despite its flaws I also mostly love Lynch's Dune. Hell it has Patrick Stewart so you can even bring Star Trek into it....


A24’s Zola is available to rent now. It’s directed by Janicza Bravo who did Lemon.

Jessie Zimmer

I need Jack to be the host of a quiz show. I don't care which one, or when, I just think he'd be great at it.


Bold Prediction: David Lynch trivia gets hijacked by The Emperor and becomes awesomely bad Star Wars trivia.

Ian Stewart

Saw Pig tonight. I'm pumped.

Ian Stewart

Shouldn't The Wizard, host the David Lynch trivia?!


excited for the david lynch trivia video


Regardless of host….that is going to be freaking spectacular


I guess the dodo's luck ran out again :-/