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Half in the Bag Black Widow

In Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson is back as Black Widow: the super spy who's here to do super spy stuff. Except not really. There's no spy stuff. She literally just asks her fake mom where the main bad guy is and she tells her and that's about the end of anything spy related. Then she flips around a bunch and her body slams full force into many, many, many hard objects which would result in her breaking every bone in her body if she wasn't made of CGI.



Wasn't expecting this one.




Damn, this dropped early in the a.m. Insomnia?



Peter Varga

wow so shortly after the last video! excellent!!

Joshua Mannix

Is this the return of two old men and clipboards?

Joshua Mannix

Also, excellent choice of shirt Jay.


Badass. Thanks fellas!

Marvin Falz

Not sexist either, but of course of you'd want to have men, in real life that is. In stories it doesn't matter.


You cannot make a convincing argument against an "Ow! My Balls!" movie. What's the difference at this point?

Amanda Foster

Disney/Marvel writers: “Hey kids! Wanna learn how a hysterectomy works?!!” Da da da da da da 🤗


I'm physically unable to click dislike on a RLM video


Crazy that The Naked Gun has a more interesting assissin premise.... It's actually too bad they didn't go with that plot, anyone can be an assassin if they are mind controlled, pick someone who's close to your target (a personal chef with cool knives, etc). BW has to track them down and stop them but the bad guy/gal is always just one step ahead, at the end in a CRAZY plot twist, Natasha is chosen to be the next assassin and has an internal struggle to beat the mind control (yeah still borrowing from Naked Gun) Instead there's a flying fortress and explosions.


Sorry guys just can’t bring myself to hit dislike, I agree with nearly everything you said and I am really glad I did not spend the money to watch this on DisneyPlus (because Sydney is in lockdown for some time it will never be in the cinemas here) Now back to binge watching TV shows 🤣🤣

Joshua Mannix

The director is from Australia and the movies they talk about have Australia in them, either character or setting...


Hi. Did you ever think about mixing the BOTW concept a bit more? I'd really like to see a panel where you either discuss genuinely good shoestring budget movies (like the Beastmaster, Battle Beyond the Stars, etc), or where you talk about disastrous blockbusters (like Gods of Egypt and such).

Rick Drake

You maniacs, it's working!

Manuel Johnen

Calling actors not by their names, but by the titles of the movies they appeared in, is a thing I'm gonna do now, too... I think Midsommar would agree...


As usual, the RLM crew hits the nail right on the head. I could be wrong, but I think this is the first Marvel movie they both disliked. Speaking of dislikes, I normally wouldn't do a dislike to RLM, but I'm always happy to support the RLM crew and their wishes. It's an interesting experiment to see who actual watches until the end of a video.


Fun fact, Scarlett Johansson hand-picked and insisted on this Director, for what reason I know not, I get that she loves working with her but talk about not equipped for this kind of movie. Also, Scarlet was a producer on this movie, her first production credit, I think she gets 5% of the take or something crazy like that. Anyway, I LOVED this, Especially the editing that you only get from RLM of like perfectly timed examples of what they’re talking about (my fave was mike talking about how the two leads in this movie were truly invulnerable, even though they have no powers - then they show a little montage of ridiculousness with the imho being ScarJo falling Whats looked like the length of a good football field or two, Captain America style, and every 50 yards or so would hit some thing and then keep falling and that happened three times and then she landed ON HER FEET. Black widow, need to change the name the black cat thanks I’ll be here all week)


He treats objects like women man


A shame we didn't hear your thoughts on the Marvel TV shows. Would love to know more about why Jay bounced off of Loki. They all sound too dull for me to watch myself!

Manuel Johnen

Oh, fuck, the director of "Lore" directed this...? Wow... what a departure... :/


Thought you said "Rich Evans" instead of "Chris Evans" and then you guys started talking about Rich being in a fight scene in a Marvel movie completely straight and I realized I misheard but honestly, I'd enjoy Rich in it more.


If you're on the west coast, I get thrown off too. I always have to remember they're three hours ahead.


which one of you does the color borders on the thumbnails? they only show up sometimes and they're really pretty!


Loki is fantastic, probably the best thing Marvel’s done


oh boy, guys... Black Widow is simulataneously overdone and formulaic and "too late", but love that man David Harbour! Also god bless all those men making Mission: Impossible, The Naked Gun, etc. This is like hot take bait. Something tells me you´ll get your wish.


What's up with the dislikes on this?? Just a standard half in the bag episode like??? You guys have ripped on marvel before and nobody cared lmao wtf is going on can someone fill me in


Okay so I'm still watching and I guess its a gimmick toward the end


You fuckers better dislike this video or so help me


LMAO okay I understand now


I tried to stretch my brain to understand the writer’s intent behind the “they just rip everything out” “joke,” and the only thing I can think of is that it was originally written to be a culturally Russian dark humor thing… but even if that was the case they were really stretching and it was so poorly directed.

Michael Parker

I liked the movie, but now you’ve made me realize I’m wrong for liking it so I’m going to dislike the video for that reason. In all seriousness though Mike and Jay made a lot of valid points that I can’t say I passionately disagree with despite enjoying the movie. The issues just didn’t stick out to me or bother me as much.


I mean as a female bodied person sometimes it's fun to see another female bodied person kick ass and do cool flips and be invincible. This doesn't sound very fun though but I still might watch it because Florence Pugh is hot.


I did my part.

Rick Drake

I'm keeping my Like on there, you hacks. You don't tell me what to do.


I'm confused it says patron only video, but it's on YouTube? Are they the same?



Peter Kostka

Why isn't there a dislike button on Patreon too? Why are you treating your paying customers this way?


Leslie Nielsen could’ve filled in the hole that RDJ left behind


Funny that you mention The Naked Gun. Enrico Palazzo just officiated the latest Milwaukee Brewers series against the Reds. This IS a sports subreddit, right?


Hollywood is the opiate of the masses.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

You know what? I WILL go watch The Naked Gun! Thanks for making my night much better! And I'll watch 2 1/2 tomorrow (I have the whole trilogy, but it's getting late here). Sorry I can't dislike, but I don't have a Youtube account. Please review Abraxas next. And then do, um, Taken 3 or something stupid like that...yeah...Sorry. I'm not very funny. :sigh:


Did Joss Whedon do the story concept for this? His series Dollhouse has plot points in common with how M&J are describing the movie. Mostly mass mind control and specifically women being assassins without knowing that they were, but being 'programmed' to kill when they hear a certain phrase. The way BW's origin story was portrayed in the avengers movies Joss was involved in always reminded me of Dollhouse too. Also he loves misogynist villains who get time to monologue about how much they hate women but it's fine because eventually they get murdered by a female action character.


Dollhouse had volunteers who got paid after their contract was up. I doubt the Red Room works the same way.


25k+ dislikes! It’s all love!

Peter Kostka

I seriously can't wait to see the ratio and comments when I wake up tomorrow. RLM is giving me a reason to keep living! This is something I would have expected Internet Historian to come up with.

Mike St Louis

Wow! You’re doing it! Twice as many dislikes!

Mike St Louis

I can’t believe how much I missed in this movie. I watched at home with some friends and there was too much talking I guess. But thanks for verifying that I don’t need to rewatch it.


I totally disliked this episode. Keep up the great work.


33K dislikes haha


I agree with a lot of points the boys made except the time they focused on ScarJo not being able to "get hurt", especially since they brought up the MI and Jason Bourne movies. Come on boys. They're action heros. They don't get hurt lol. Ethan Hunt would be dead as shit by now. There's no way "IRL" he'd have been able to survive the end of the last movie with just enough time to push that button. Jason Bourne got shot and knocked out into a body of water and then literally just swam away. Do you think Keanu Reeves jumping out of an airplane with only a gun and no parachute would've ended with his survival? The boys are so jaded now that movie magic has died for them. 😢


is there an old sword dropping lady in the ceiling or is that just a common thing in milwaukee?


So apparently it was improvised by Florence Pugh as a response to a dumb 'women on their period' joke that was actually put in by the writer (which I assume was said by David Harbour's character). The more you know. 🌈 Should've just cut it.

Manuel Johnen

Also, I disliked this... for "Event Horizon"...


HA! Looks like the campaign for down votes are working! As far as Black Widow, I think I’ll pass. The main reason is….well…. Screw it. I’m coming out of the closet. I’m a sexist. I don’t care anymore. I don’t care who knows. I am a hard core androphile. I’m sick of movies where women are masculinized and playing male roles. In movies and tv we deal with the same tiresome, two-dimensional tropes of women are perfect, angelical bad-asses (even the villainesses) while men are incompetent, weak, stupid or evil. These days we are so married to the idea of political correctness that we fail to recognize true nature of men and women. There is male bashing in virtually all commercials, movies and television. Hollywood not only hates men but they hate women as well. Female characters lack feminine qualities that show their inner beauty and strength. Entertainment industry sees femininity as weakness, which is stupid. Interestingly enough the only decent movies today with female leads are of women who are troubled or damaged in some way. Now there is a push to downplay women’s attractiveness and sex appeal. I really miss entertainment where men are men and women are women; whereas both genders are celebrated and embraced for their differences. And I can already hear the feminists’ arguments. We hear that nonsense every day. I DO NOT CARE!

Juan Calvo

This episode would be the second contemporary art masterpiece from RLM. The first one would be the cube of Star Wars melted figures.


I'd argue RLM's video is more artistic than the movie itself.


Why am I not surprised your avater is an anime character.

Leo Puppytime

I remember “Lore” being pretty good. It does have some rough scenes so I’m pretty sure it was the mouse holding the director back. They had a whole year+ to fix this movie and didn’t bother.


kings please the people (me) are begging for a Space Jam Re:View

Jessie Zimmer

"I guess I don't see her as lady ..." [dies] Also, female spies *do* have uses (see: honey pots / traps) but yeah, they're typically not assassins. They're decoys and information gatherers.