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Half in the Bag: Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead

Zach Snyder's back! Again! To make both a zombie film AND a heist film, and fails at both. Booooo-urns. Come for the blurry, nauseating cinematography, and stay for the dead pixels.



Another terrible zack snyder movie, how odd

Peter Varga

I wanted to like the movie, but it was so bad :( I hope at least Tig gets a movie career out of it.


Oh, yes! I watched this over the weekend. Took 3 sittings. I need closure!


My bf and I were gonna watch this the other day, then we remembered how sick we are of Zack Snyder AND dumb zombie movies


Breakfast club gang!


I thought it was a great nihilistic film. Like no matter what you do it's not enough and nothing good always happens no matter how hard you try. You can tell he wrote the script a few weeks after his tragedy. It feels like it comes from a broken soul. But I still thought it was wonderful.

Top Hat Monkey

"The four horsemen"? What a Revelation!


I made the exact same references in a post online a few days ago about how it is a ripoff of ALIENS, to include the bandana, Bishop's helicopter "savior" moment, etc... I laughed like a loon at 4:45.

brad hawkes

lol that scene with zombie crossing the bank vault taking the darts etc is painfully similar to a supernatural episode but just with an immortal guy instead, *operation pandoras box lmao, like calling your ship the Titanic.*

Lance Batty

With every review I learn more and more about filming, camera depth, angles, etc... it's like mini film courses... for freeeeeee lmao

Joshua Mannix

"You didn't even know there was one, did ya" I did not.

Marvin Falz

I think the mention of the four horsemen is symbolic on the meta-narrative level. Secretly Army of the Dead is about the first Metallica album. It is Zack Snyder's intent to bring Metallica back from the dead. --- On a less serious note, is there a way to migrate to the US? I mean, you got Hollywood and Satan, but we got the Bundesregierung and their "federal emergency brake" against the virus of unknown origin, and the measures have become even stupider than an Adam Sandler movie.


Zack is what? 6 to 1 now in awful films and ironically his only good one which is great is also a zombie movie <.<

Peter Varga

it's not interesting because it's a "new Angelina Jolie movie", but because it's "a new Taylor Sheridan movie". still, it seems to be pretty lackluster.

Manuel Johnen

As a German, I do find it absolutely hilarious, that Matthias Schweighöfer is in this... ... ... for all the wrong reasons... XD

Manuel Johnen

No. Nothing Snyder ever did was even remotely good, especially not his godawful "Dawn of the Dead" remake. If you turn that one off after the first ten minutes, you've seen an alright short... if you watch it to the end, you'll want to shoot yourself.


I was going to watch this movie but I saw that it was two and half hours long. Wtf, Hollywood. Stop making movies so damn long. Unless you are returning the One Ring to Mordor, keep that shit at 90 minutes.

John Kott

I will be adding "Sex Pest" to my lexicon for future use.


Fuck yes! I can fall asleep to this tonight, forget most of it and watch it again tomorrow! I love RLM.

Kelly Nguyen


Tony C

i'm only 1 min in and i'm already laughing my ass off 😂 thank you guys!


Release the Pixel Cut!


started watching the re:View and after Jay made the Aliens reference decided to put on pause because I have yet to see Aliens… would hate to spoil a movie that’s actually supposed to be good.

Manuel Johnen

The problem isn't that one pixel is dead... the problem is that all the other pixels are still alive.


I usually watch the movies shown on Half in the Bag. Even the ones NOT recommended. And although I generally like the zombie genre I have absolutely no interest in seeing this movie. It looks beyond horrible. :(


omg I finally understand US action movies! The deadly quest for money is like their ordinary life of having a job good enough for the health insurance costs! Who would ever do this crap for money?


Billy Crystal is contemporary! Fucker has a movie out with Tiffany Haddish.


Great review as always. I really hope when they eventually drop the curtains on this whole thing it ends with the whole crew doing a impromptu stomp style musical number as they do silly dances out of the the studio as the sun sets ala Last Crusade. That would be perfect.

mike bouchard

omg. Thanks for diving in to the dead pixel. I thought I had to start shopping for a new 4K tv. incredible.


Me too - took 3 tries to get to the end - Mike summed it up - boring


Watched the movie on the weekend. OMG Mike was right, boring. Just an action movie the happens to have zombies. The comments on filming - spot on, pixel issues, lack of depth, focus - irritating. Had to walk away a few times. The zombie baby subplot went nowhere ?? Love that RLM released something new to watch been waiting for it to come out

Manuel Johnen

"The zombie baby subplot went nowhere ??" Like the zombie baby subplot in "Dawn of the Dead"... the circle closes...

Leo Puppytime

‘Only if you’re Vietnamese.” Y’all are killing me right now. 😹


Just watched this, definitely not watching the film now lol. RAPE ZOMBIES. Amazing. I wonder what kind of bullshit "commentary" he'd justify it with. He should make that film so though you guys can review it and tell us everything he ripped off from Humanoids of the Deep.

Michael Parker

The way Mike looks in the thumbnail reminds me of one of the posters for Ben Wheatley's new film "In the Earth." Is this a secret Half in the Bag for that too? Probably not I assume.


You know, I really got to hand it to RLM. I would have never picked up on a single dead pixel in a shot. Avoiding spoilers, I just thought what we learned about the "queen" was so incredibly stupid. And sure enough, you guys mentioned Land of the Dead, but I missed the more obvious references to Aliens. Great job, RLM.

Juan Calvo

"The movie starts...and I start to see things I recognize"


Great movie to have in the background when you are watching its half in the bag episode.


Walgreen's is No Mask


Damn I didn’t pick up on the details when it came to ripping off Aliens essentially


You guys have to do a Re:View of Mars Attacks!


Army of the Dead more like I Wish I Was Dead so I wouldn't have to hear about any more Zack Snyder movies. I'm stealing your Tig script idea Mike.


Apart from the movie being way too long (as usual): I just can't stand those typical Zack Snyder mannerisms that make his movies borderline unwatchable for me. Most of all the constant way-too-close-but-out-of-focus shaky cam that is mostly used without any actual purpose and makes me nauseous after a while. Also his movies look like they were shot entirely in front of a green screen. Always. His best movie is still the Dawn of the Dead remake, I actually like that one. Just imagine Escape from NY meets Oceans 11 meets World War Z and you've seen this movie.

Jessie Zimmer

I listened and watch Psycho before watching the Re:View and it was absolutely worth it.


I watched it and I tend to agree with Mike's assessment of it. If you want a better movie, watch Aliens. However, it does show Tig Nataro may have a future in this kind of action tough guy roles. For all the bs about female lead this and that in Hollywood, Tig felt more natural in it than say Brie Larson in Captain Marvel.


I’m surprised they didn’t mention the fact that a big piece of the zombie lore was how all the ‘dead’ zombies sprinkled around town were just dried up and would come back to life if they got wet. It’s the first thing you learn when they enter the city. I was CERTAIN this would play a big role in the story, like them trying to avoid getting the zombies wet or maybe a rainstorm is coming and they try to hurry before the rain, or the zombie king rips up a fire hydrant to add water to his army in the streets and reanimate them…. But nothing ever happens with this!! This story mechanic is completely forgotten about. I was really interested in “just add water” zombies and they didn’t do anything with it. Wild.


I'm surprised nobody mentioned the weird robot zombies... There was blantant zoom in shots of zombies with mechanical parts being blown off their faces and the like. I thought there would be an interesting revelation or something. Also, the scene where all the corpses of past groups trying to break in. They were literally wearing the exact same attire. Right down to the red scarf, the key necklace, and other things that escape me at the moment. This movie had so much potential and just got lazy, it seems.


Were there really robot zombie things?? I didn’t even notice. That’s terrible.


Good catch, dude. I'm thinking like that pool scene in Poltergeist except, you know, zombies. That would have been creepy so, of course, no scene.


I put that new Angelina Jolie movie on and could not pay attention to it. I think I pay for HBO Max just for the Adult Swim shows.

Tony C

freaking funny! thanks guys


Hey, Zach had a vision, just a shame he coudnt focus on it.

Lance Batty

I was pretty ecstatic to hear Jay say he wished the opening was the actual movie. That's literally what I was saying as I watched it.


Where is Cameron Mitchell when you need him?

Netero H

Our national treasure, Jay, came up with another gem: Sex Pest. Another great video RLM!