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Hey everyone! Over the weekend, we shot a new Best of the Worst! The episode features a new "favorite" as well as the triumphant return of both Cameron Mitchell and Frank Stallone in the same movie again (last time was years ago when we covered Terror in Beverly Hills). We're also planning to film a new Half in the Bag soon for Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead. We may throw in a brief discussion of some other recent "direct to Netflix" movies as well. And lastly, we're planning a re:View for Bram Stoker's Dracula from 1992. Coming soon!



I'm so sick of Zack Snyder's name at this point lol


So... good news all around?


Seriously the best news I've gotten all day.... No, all month.


Yaaay BOTW. I like them because they’re long


I wanna make some snarky comment for some good chuckles but all I got is: Keep up the good work, looking forward to these videos.


Every day I live for your guys’s content. Keep it up boys.


thanks, jay

David Given

Yay Bram Stoker's Dracula!


Yeah I keep a lot of the BOTW catalogue on repeat when I need background noise or just something I can listen and still laugh to while playing games


Excited for the re view of Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Keanu Reeves’ accent is the star of the movie.


Looking forward to all of it, but especially that re:View. I love 1992's Columbia Pictures' Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula.


Speaking of star packed schlock... Are there any plans to ever review any of Len Kabizinski's recent films. I wonder if he's gone the route of Asylum (Sharknado) films where in trying to make "so bad it's good" films that they just end up bad.


I'd like to see something like a "Mike and Rich Talk About Star Trek Lower Decks." LD isn't an amazing show or anything, but it might be just enough to appreciate again. STD split the fanbase, PIC widened it, but LD might be able to stop the bleeding. LD has a different writing staff and all too, so there's less Kurtzman in these as well.

Manuel Johnen

Could we not all just collectively ignore him, maybe he'll go away then...?


Dang that's a good update. Maybe throw in an Empty Man mention in that direct to Netflix bit? Idk just spitballing, just spittin balls.


Bram Stoker's Dracula is great, it along with Interview with the Vampire pulled me into gothic literature.


I finally gave Lower Decks a chance and loved it so much more than I expected. I would love to see Mike and Rich discuss the show if they’ve seen it. If they haven’t seen it, I hope they do. It’s the most enjoyable Star Trek I’ve watched in a while. It does what The Orville is trying to do but can’t because it’s not actual Star Trek.


Really looking forward to all of this!


Lots of good stuff! Awesome.


I've SEEN many strange things already... bloody wolves chasing me through some blue INFUHNO!


Finally, more Frank Stallone!

David Hobson

Sounds great! Cant wait.


You guessed it, Frank Stallone ¡


For the Bram Review, please check out the Nick Jonas SNL sketch where he plays the Prince in Cinderella... It's Keanu's English accent 100%.

Peter Varga

all awesome news! I hope it's gonna be a favorable re:view of Dracula!


yesssssssss any way to find out which direct to Netflix movies you guys will be discussing? I'd love to watch them before the episode comes out.


Aw yeah this is excellent news, thanks for keeping the content coming guys!


Color me very intrigued.


Cool Beans!


Excited for the Dracula review! There's so much I love about that movie, and so much that is terrible, but the things I love far outweigh the things that are terrible.


Good, I needed an excuse to rewatch Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

Boyan Konov

Have you guys thought about doing re:views about some european cinema? Would love to hear thoughts about Bergman,Tarkovsky,Fellini,Godard etc.


Duuuudr yes Bram Stoker’s Dracula is my shit! Outside of Keanu, such bad acting. Everyone else is awesome, the aesthetic is awesome. Really hyped for this!


So much good news!!!

Matthew McCoy

I love pretty much everything that you guys put out, but Best of the Worst is my favorite, by far. Can't wait to see the new one!


Aw, I was hoping for more single joke throw away star trek bits stretched into full half hour videos! ... .... But fine, I guess I'll take a new BOTW with Cameron Mitchel. Is the border to Canada open yet? I'd love to see what Colin and Jim are up to in our post-apocalyptic world!


I love you guys. Just make anything. Every time I get the notification that something new was posted I get excited and text my girlfriend that when I get home we've got a rlm video to watch and she gets equally excited.


I appreciate you guys watching these Snyder movies so I don't have to!


Well I certainly didn't expect that for a re:View. Looking forward to it.




I've watched "some " other Youtube programming , and I'm always struck by the massive quality difference in terms of editing, shots, etc. You guys are great

Manuel Johnen

Did you know that they released an official novelization of "Bram Stoker's Dracula"...? Crack's me up every time... :P


Me personally, I loved the new shows.


I enjoy (OK love) everything you guys put out definitely looking forward to all the things listed. Had been thinking that a BOTW was due to come out soon. What I really love is these online forums for posting thoughts


You could say that this news is... All good things...? HUH?




Super excited!


TNG S2 or riot!


Will there ever be a discussion focused on the other Star Trek series'? It'd be interesting to hear more about Voyager, DS9 or even Enterprise.


Check out the subreddit too if you haven't yet! reddit.com/r/redlettermedia


I think we’d have more fun with crappy European directors and movies actually

Kendel Fargo

My pants won’t need starch this week!👍


Y'all should delete some old stuff so you can always have 666 total videos. obviously don't listen to me or any one of these other scumbags.


Love the content tease. Very excited for Bram Stoker's Dracula re:View!


Good movie for re:View a lot of interesting backstories to this one


I would love to see the RLM fellas tackle the island of dr moreau, a lot has been written about what a disaster of a production this was and how the original director Richard Stanley ended up living in the woods near the production and eventually becoming an extra in creature makeup. I want to hear what they have to say about the actual film that was finally released.


Interesting film but given recent revelations about Stanley doubt they’ll touch it with a barge pole anytime soon


How about a Re:View about Ravenous :o


Still no Grabowski updates smdh


We need more Cameron 'close the f***** doors' Mitchell.


Another movie with Frank Stallone? I should've guessed that!


Just finished Army of the Dead, very curious what you guys thought of it.


new space jam comes out in july.....give the people what they want 🙏🏻 (space jam re:view)


Bram Stoker’s Dracula! Exciting!


I’m hoping your new “favorite” movie is Vibrations.

Ian Stewart

Obviously you'll be discussing Hubie Halloween right, in the direct to Netflix section?

Rick Moen

the canadians?


Oh man, you guys are doing “Easy Kill?” Cannot wait to hear that discussion. That movie is... something.


Dracula! Great choice. So much to discuss in the acting front (even though film making is usually your focus).