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Very cool!


Great! I love podia!


Good job rich


So perfect.


great job rich!


Better carpentry than the work of Jesus probably


I can't believe people are seeing amogus on the podiums. But veeeeery cool.


Slamming full throttles eh? I knew these guys weren’t actually straight edge.


With the price of lumber today I kind of assumed it was just a repurposed box from something. Should have known that Rich Evans goes all out. They looked great!


Great job Rich


I love seeing pictures like these, so cool

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Why didn't you guys just recycle some Geek Crates and Nerd Boxes? Is it because they stunk of Marvel Vienna sausages? EDIT: Rich should become a house-flipper. The man is a master carpenter. I legit wish I had 1/50 of his skill.

John Kott

Now there's some quality work I could stand behind *rimshot*

Andre K

Rich is an artist!




All kidding aside, Rich Evans is actually talented as hell.

Marvin Falz

I like to think that Rich has always been that talented, even back in the days of the GMP era, where he was captured on film, looking like someone who isn't able to hold a screwdriver to prepare a worklight for the shoot.

Peter Varga

looking forward to part 2! I wonder who would win THIS TIME!


RLM Star Trek stuff is the best content on the internet.

Mike St Louis

That wood is valuable these days!


Everybody's praising Rich's carpentry and painting skills, but these are some sick shots. The depth of field on the 3rd photo, the composition and framing of the last one. I'd let this guy photograph the inside of my warehouse anytime.


That's what I was thinking. RLM must be rich flaunting thousands of dollars worth of lumber like that. 😉

David Perek

Next time should do ghost hunter trivia, just to dig into Jay's remaining life force reserves even more.


CBS should be paying RLM for the only good Star Trek content out there these days


I love seeing the work/effort/detail that goes into getting to the end product. These podiums have to withstand leaning on them, bashing the buzzer, can be repainted or used for more episodes (please). There are some really great photos in the group as noted in other posts. Talented boys. Can’t wait to see what else is coming in the future


I bet they have great plans to use these plus they needed to withstand bashing the buzzer snd leaning on them - sturdy work


Guys, is this official RLM merch? https://www.amazon.com/Collage-Letter-Redlettermedia-ceramic-printed/


how much do i have to pay on patreon to be flown to the warehouse and participate in a star trek quiz show episode ?

Rick Drake

Technically they're lecterns. You stand behind one to give a lecture. You stand on a podium. It's from the Greek root word podi, meaning foot.

David Arcaine

All that ketch up and mustard to get that authentic hue.


I would watch videos of just RIch building things and talking to himself


What's the weird crumpled person in the background :o


unbeknownst to only a few men is that these were made of California redwoods ripped out of the ground by Rich’s bare hands and sliced with his finger nails for he is a true giant of men! Only with the skills of forced prospective and technology on loan from nasa can we see the screen shared with Mike and Jay.


Wow, I just realized that Jay was on the "Red" podium. He was "Red Shirted". Nice touch!!!


it was a trap! oops, wrong show.


How many quatloos did these suckers cost?