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Organizing Our Movie Collection

It's tough. We have a lot of crap. http://www.redlettermediamerch.com


Joshua Mannix

The closest we'll get to a RLM vlog.


This and the catalog of their VHS and DVD collections are such comforting experiences


Is Rich losing weight?


ive been one of the ones over the years begging for this video so i am beyond happy about this


Hey, new merch ive wanted a hoodie forever!


Rich is literally the most genuine guy on the planet. You can’t not like the guy. Love it


Instruction unclear. Sending more copies of Nukie and Vampire Assassin.

Daniel E. Passaro

Lol I’m am IT guy. “You have to sync it first.”


Lol, forever trolling nukie fans


wholesome ♥️

Peter Varga

no need for ikea when everyone's a carpenter!


If you ever want to hear some good Tonya Harding stories, my sister used to skate at the same rink as her. And Tonya's mom... They didn't even scratch the surface of how crazy that woman is, in the movie.


Endless trash!

David Hobson

I love your collection qnd now knowing that rich properly screens Wheel of the Worst contenders makes my sympathy for him grow all the more.


man, i really hope you do more videos like this. this was fantastic getting some high quality behind the scenes.


You know, I can see RLM wanting to avoid the MST3k comparisons and some fans giving them shit for doing Hobgoblins like they got shit for doing Space Mutiny, but hell, RLM is not MST3k. Both are incredibly funny crews but they have their own styles. I know RLM will make it funny in their own way if they chose to do it. Great video guys, it's a really fascinating thing to see your process.


I love seeing stuff like this! Your database system breaks my heart though. Don’t overthink it! A spreadsheet is fine!


I’m not sure how to feel after so much direct eye contact with Jay.


I love the lighting on Jay's on-camera shot ❤📽

Zach Dewoody

I think “Rich is confused/terrified by new apps” should be a regular feature.


This kinda’ behind the scenes peek is something I could watch for an hour. Thanks guys, was a great snapshot.


Trash.......Trash everywhere <3..........


Also makes his evil Christmas black spine routine hold more weight. Always seemed like Mike’s baby but now we know that Rich is the evil Palpatine-esque overlord of the black spines!

Andre K

Is the old PO Box accepting mail again? If so, I might know a guy that has a few tapes to fill those empty shelves.


That last bit with the 'empty' shelves - you know how people say you can smile with your eyes? Rich was screaming FUUUUCK YOU with his eyes.


The fact that you can just take a photo to have the movies identified is a great advantage IMHO.


Hey Rich I'd like to submit my official application for helping you screen videos: - Years of experience consuming terrible content - Good at wasting time doing meaningless activities - I hate myself - WPM: 85

James Graham

I’m wondering if they have secretly decided that the last movie they’ll ever do on Best if the Worst is gonna be Nukie.


Having watched all of the black spine episodes so far, and seeing what makes the cut as a "good" black spine, what could possibly count as "bad" black spines?


Loved the video. Really nice to get a peek behind the scenes, would not be dissapointed to see more content like this in the future. Me and my girlfriend are always excited, when we see you have uploaded something new. Keep it up, we love you and your humør.


I have nightmares about that windows update sound.

Marvin Falz

The tasteful lighting in Jay's close-ups and Rich's awesome crafting skills have already been mentioned, and I want to add the smooth look of the lettering in the shots that serve as - in lack of a better term - invisible title cards. Also, it is BTS videos like this, which show how much work you guys really put into our entertainment. Heightens the appreciation for Red Letter Media even further!


Where are all the Nukie tapes, Rich? Where do you keep those?


where’s the pornos?


Cane Toads: An Unnatural History is a legitimately good doc.

Ross Nugent

I know screening and cataloging all those videos can be crappy work. Has RLM ever considered getting an intern from UWM or other local schools? I have to think there are some students out there that would be be happy to do menial work for free as long as it's for you guys.

Juan Calvo

Hey, there's still plenty of room there to fill it with shelves.


And outside of the US I think most people havd never even seen MST3K


Loved the behind the scenes view.


As an accountant, I would love to catalogue and organize all those movies. I think it'd be fun.


Rich's tragic antihero origin story is now complete. He became "Dick the Birthday Boy" at a young age, almost burnt his grandmother's house down cooking french fries, and forced into a faustian contract to become Mike Stoklasa's begrudging champion, Now he is not only cursed to be the keeper of the wheel of the worst and black spine libraries, but must preview and judge all prospective entries. Batman, John Wick, Snake Plisken, Kratos, Wolverine, Rich Evans.


We need a letterboxd account that catalogs all the movies they have.

Jessie Zimmer

That was my exact thought. That's intern "character-building" work, right there.


Rich merely just mentioned the video S.O.S. and that song has already burrowed itself in my brain where I know it will stay there for the next week.


I truly appreciate little things like this, guys. thank you! and poor Rich -- poor, poor Rich.

Jessie Zimmer

Oh god. On rewatching, I spotted a profoundly dumb (and moderately creepy), movie I liked as a child. May you never have to watch it. Thanks for taking the time to do this! Always a treat to see the work behind the scenes.


Thanks for this behind the scenes video, RLM. It was a fun journey!

Joshua Cubbin

I love the windows noise and pop-ups mid explanation of how easy the database app is 👨‍🍳👌


If they really are Vinegar Syndrome fans, they def have a secret stash.

Ian Stewart

I’ve sent in a bunch over the years. Watch brushing teeth in your undies. Or bloody Mallory. Or the bros. Make me happy.


Urgh - I would rather delegate that activity to a lowly junior and just review the output


You can never have too many movies (maybe too many crap movies)


I enjoyed this way more than i expected to.

Big Snake

if my dad wins a substancial amount of money from suing paraquat, you know I'm gonna do? I'm gonna buy property in two places, Mt. Charleston, and near Milwuakee so I can work as a janitor at your warehouse, because I love you, and have nothing better to do with my life

Manuel Johnen

My home almost looks the same...


Downloaded the CLZ app after watching this. Gonna log my music, movies, and books as I pack to move