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Right now we're putting the final touches on our LAST spaceship set for Space Cop! Whew. We constructed SIX freakin' spaceship sets last month. After this current one, we're totally done with spaceship work, which is a big relief. As you can see, we finally posted our Len Kabasinski interview. Len was a good sport and hopefully this video sheds some light on him and maybe even us a little bit, and how we all view criticism. We're currently editing the latest Best of the Worst and tonight we'll be doing another livestream of Rich Evans and Jack playing video games. The goal is to make that a weekly thing.



Man I can't wait for SPACE COP! Livestream?! I had no idea! It'll be on very late in Australia, but I'll stay up for it.

Marvin Choi

Red Letter Media, you are quite good at turning me on.


Yeah we quietly did a stream last week as a test. You can find the channel here: <a href="http://www.twitch.tv/previouslyrecorded_live" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.twitch.tv/previouslyrecorded_live</a>


When are you guys planning to go live? I'd love to tune in on those shenanigans.


Great work guys! Can't wait to see those ship sets brought to life!