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Half in the Bag: 10 Year Anniversary!

Believe it or not, Half in the Bag has been going for 10 years now. Here's our sad, pathetic celebration!



Hook it to my veins!




Congratulations! You’re half way there!


I can't fucking wait


congratulations!!!! love you hacks

Bill Lehecka

Shoutout to all the 9 year olds conceived during the first Half in the Bag! Oh, there weren’t any?


Congrats! All these years and the long con is still paying off.


Women Love Whistlers!!!


Oh my gosh time flies!!! Thanks for all the amazing entertainment 👏👏👏👏

Peter Varga

Woohoo! YAY!! Congrats guys! 10 More Years!!!


Awesome. I can't believe I have been a dedicated RLM member for several years. Feels like only 2 years have past, but when I watch a video, each one feels like eternity. I don't get "time".


I love how the 10th anniversary video is 9 minutes and 59 seconds!


God what poor soul has to clean that set?


A legit performance from Rich Evans. Bravo!


Shit-in-mouth never brought a tear to my eye before now. Congratulations, boys!!

Peter Varga

oh no the freshly cleaned floor!

Joshua Mannix

What a touching ending imagine.

Steve Can Still Believe

Happy anniversary and thank you for all that you do! Looking forward to more laughs in the future. Especially from Rich Evans.

Marvin Falz

The beginning of the episode reminded me of my 10 year old rule for watching Half in the Bag: never eat. And I didn't (this time). Thanks for the many entertaining hours you've given me/us since 2009, and thanks for the many insights into filmmaking! LLAP. Electricity.


May the lord bless Tim Higgins and all his cats

Kendel Fargo

10 more years of smiles please!! 👍🎅🏿👍


Gotta say George Lucas is looking good for a man in his 70s. He has that rare, majestic Rich Evans physique.


Thank you for all these years.


"So let go of that awful feeling that your magical space adventure series that delighted audiences worldwide has turned into an unimaginative product produced by a soulless corporation that's been swept up into an endlessly nasty and toxic political internet subculture." Congratulations to your decade milestone! Here's hoping for a few decades more of such exceptional insight!


Happy Anniversary! Although, I do regret having breakfast while watching this. 👅💩 Thank you? 😅


Me and my wife found your channel when she gave birth to our son 8 years ago. In the hospital I was looking for things to watch on a tablet while her and the baby slept. I found “Best of the Worst” I don’t remember what episode, it could have been a wheel episode. I showed it to my wife after she woke up. We’ve been fans ever since. Happy Anniversary!

Juan Calvo

10 years of horribly consistent cynical content. You are going to heaven RLM. Hopefully, many decades in the future when you are elderly and still mocking the elderly.


Nothing quite like the physical comedy of Dick the Birthday Boy.


So... what did George Lucas die of? I can assume based on his appearance and age, but do we have a canonical answer or should we refer to the Legends canon?


10 more years so that the irony of all your elderly jokes can start taking center stage


Mike, please return Rich's diabetes medicine so he can live another ten years.


I was watching this episode and scrolling through these comments and I scrolled passed this one at the same time that he was saying all of that in the video.

Manuel Johnen

Thank you for ruining almost 25% of my life and paving my way into severe alcoholism... <3


now that you guys buried the hatchet with ol georgie. you should never mention star wars ever again. if you do, censor it. kinda like when avengers endgame came out and there hasn't been a superhero film made since


Happy anniversary, guys. Thanks for all the movie talk.


Congrats, y’all! Incidentally, March 11 is the day when Gene Roddenberry first put down his idea for Star Trek on paper, 57 years ago! LLAP, Red Letter Media!


Thanks for the best channel on the interwebs and 10 years of constant laughs. You guys are the best


Congrats you hack frauds! Been watching you, even before your YouTube channel went up. I look forward to your content in the future! Yall deserve all the success!


Although I'd previously seen a few sporadic HitB episodes, I didn't start watching you guys regularly until the start of the pandemic, which has made the last year a hell of a lot more bearable. I'm real glad you guys exist in this world and do the things you do and are who you are, and I genuinely hope you're doing well despite how shitty things have been. You're a bright spot in the lives of millions of people, whether they've only seen a gif or watched your entire library of content. Happy 10, thanks for everything. Sorry George Lucas died on your couch.


Happy Anniversary, I didn’t know you were married.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Thanks for giving us ten years of Half in the Bag! This made my day. Rock on, guys.


Man, I've watched some great movies thanks to this show. Here's to 10 more!


Nice Riker Mount onto the chair, Rich.


What a magnificent, star-studded anniversary video! I can't believe you were able to bring in George Lucas and THE Rich Evans. Congratulations on making a wonderful decade of hoodwinking Mr. Plinkett!

Kelly Nguyen

Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad.

Kelly Nguyen

But also, my boyfriend introduced your channel to me last year during the start of the pandemic and you guys have made handling the pandemic so much better than it could have been. Thank you so much for all that you do. I now wake up my household to the obnoxious sounds of Rich Evan's laughter.


Turkish Star Wars!! Amazing


It's been an honor and a privilege to see you grow up from Punk teenage nerdy hoodlum kids into the heavy-hitting huge YouTube influencers that you are today here's to 10 more years of enjoying your amazing content huzzah !


Aww, good old scatologic humor. Brings back some memories... Happy 10th guys!


I'd love to see you all sit down and talk do a retrospective of the last 10 years. How you guys started HiB, things you learned worked and didn't work along the way, etc etc. Would be super fun. :)

Jessie Zimmer

Started watching last March and now I'm here, paying you people for this nonsense. Thank you for a year of laughter, entertainment, and some really fantastic movie recommendations.


Been watching since just about the start. Congrats and here's to 10 more!


Ten great years


Congratulations on 10 years guys! I started watching Half in the Bag when it first came out and I was 11. How time flies! Thanks for all the laughs!

Darren Broadbent

WTF did I just watch? Congratudolences?


Congratulations on ten years, everyone. Your film criticism has always been both informative (shot construction, pacing, sound design... and MORE!!!) as well as entertaining. I hope you’ve had fun making all this stuff, and wish you all best for the future. Thanks so much for the recommendations, too!

Mike St Louis

You guys are more entertaining than most films! That’s either a testament to your great skills or the state of the film industry. I think it’s the former. Here’s to 10 more years!

Mike St Louis

I just wanted to add how I first found RLM. It was a link on AICN to the Mr Plinkett Star Wars Prequel reviews. Been a huge fan ever since.


Thank you RLM.


The best channel on youtube. Nobody blends informative, intelligent film criticism and humor better than RedLetterMedia.


Congrats on ten amazing years!


The raccoons lived! Oh, yeah, thank you for giving the world hope or whatever.


The thumbnail title should be "Top 10 Things YOU Didn't Know About Mike Stoklasa's Stubble!!"


This would have been the perfect opportunity to announce that you're leaving YouTube to sign an exclusive original content deal with the newly launched Blip.TV+ premium streaming service as their marquee content creators! The service's most sought after feature: no matter what you're watching, it automatically plays Care Boars after every video, with no option to stop it.


Was "the 17,494th most subscribed to YouTube channel" at the time the Phantom Menace review dropped, or today (or just a random number for a joke)?


За здоровье!


Omg my husband and I share an anniversary with Half in the Bag....I feel so honored! Cheers to ten years! 🎉🍾


LOL! This is an awesome Half in the Bag!!! I love how you address the internet trolls who blames RLM for making George Lucas sell Star Wars. Freaking funny. Plus a little gross out humor thrown in. Well done, gents! Well done. Happy Anniversary! :)


Plus, I love me some Tim Higgins. He's my spirit animal.


Congratulations on 10 awesome years.


I cannot express how happy seeing RLM George Lucas again made me


it’s so dense; every single frame has so much going on.


It's all about family. And subverting expectations...

Erik Jeppsson

Congratulations on the ten years, fellas! You are certainly the longest mainstay of my internet entertainment. Thanks for all the work you put in.


10 minutes long. So thorough.


Here's to Half in the bag well into the 22nd century! Bring on 2111!


Certainly my first RLM video was the Plinkett Phantom Menace review. However, I'm trying to remember the video when I became a fan of RLM. I think it was HitB 28 where I busted a gut over Fuck Bot 5000. Certainly it was the Jack and Jill two parter where I finally decide to become a patreon member and that these guys were arguably the best thing on youtube. Ten years of amazing content. Many videos often an hour to hour and a half as well. Really speaks to RLM's ability to be incredibly smart and funny.


Congratulations on ten years!


My first RLM video was the ReView of Re-Animator and From Beyond.

Brad Bunch

Congratulations, fellas! Thank you for your work and your wit.


Congrats! More, please.


Yes, thank you. I don’t recall how I fell down the RLM rabbit hole, but I’m glad I did. Congrats and best regards to everyone.

Radu Adrian Alin

I discovered your channel after you posted the first Plinket Star Wars reviews over 8 years ago and since then you have brought me so much joy and entertainment over the years. Thank you so much! It would actually be funny if one day you did a colab with the real George Lucas.


You guys were the ones who inspired me to attend film school and make better crap then the prequels. You've inspired a whole generation of film nerds and thank you for all the work you've done over the years. Never change your hack fraud ways.

Sammy Allouba

My intro to your channel was the Transformers trilogy vid from 2014 but what kept me around was the sheer divinity of Rich Evans' laugh. Thanks for 10 years and many more to come, you frauds <3


Hey guys! Long time fan. Just wanted to offer you my heart felt congratulations on the anniversary. Your work has been an inspiration and a source of joy to myself and a lot of my friends countless times over the years. Cheers!


I started watching you guys the same month that I started my business and moved into the first lab that I owned myself. It was fun realizing that I've been at it for 10 years when I saw this video come up. Also, we're fucking old. How did that happen so fast?