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Half in the Bag Episode 103: Deadpool and Comic Book Movie Predictions

Mike and Jay talk about Deadpool! Mr. Plinkett tries to hang himself! Then Mike and Jay discuss all the upcoming comic book movies, which makes them want to hang themselves too!



To comment on the 'idea of a man who could do anything and the reprocussions of that': Watchmen did that, and will probably prove to have done it better than this new batman v superman movie. Watchmen was a sobering look at what the reality of superhero vigilantes would be, and Doc Manahattan was a human turned omnipotent all powerful god.


Watchmen would have really benefitted from a rated R version too...


Mike, big ideas only work in movies if they're executed well. Do you really think a meathead like Zack Snyder can helm a "big ideas" movie?


Hes done some OKAY movies but all i keep rememebering is the godawful man of steel and that suckerpunch movie.


Deadpool had to be a hard R to be true to the character. That's what I want out of a movie, for it to be true. Captain America doesn't need to be R-rated. Punisher does. FF works as PG, they're a family of adventurers with freaky powers. Hellblazer from DC does not work as a PG. Personally, I laughed my head off at this movie. I didn't get tired of the constant jokes, which I was afraid would wear out their welcome. Very happy with Deadpool.

Don Bright

Coming to theatres... R. Crumb's Book of Genesis...


A parent brought their kids to the showing of Deadpool that I was at too. And the she walked out complaining while the children kept asking her why she was surprised it was Rated R. The children seemed more well-adjusted to what happened than the parent. I'm curious though, how hard is it to google a movie before taking your kids to it?


I felt really uncomfortable watching this while sitting behind some kids who couldn't be more than ten years old, especially the, uh, "happy International Women's Day" part.


And it's already trending on FB that the next Wolverine will be R rated. That took only a few hours...


Saw Dead Pool twice in theaters - and I thought it has been one of the better movies of the year. The best theater release? The Witch. That jawn is tight.


I kind of wished Rich Evans had been in on the comic book discussion, but sometimes a little Rich goes a long way...