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Friday the 13th Sequels - re:View

Happy Halloween! Last October, Jay and Josh discussed The Exorcist, one of the greatest and most critically acclaimed horror films of all time. This year, they talk about a franchise that features a scene where a guy gets a harpoon shot into his crotch.



And my to-do list got exponentially shorter today.


I haven't slept for 23 hours. Time for bed- D'oh, no it's not!


YAY!!....my fave re:view Duo!!

Zane Magers

Yesssssssss :)

Daniel E. Passaro

YES! This is what the world NEEDS right now!👍


I saw the email while I was going to bed. No way I was going to sleep without watching my favorite creators talk about some of my favorite Friday the 13ths. I assume Jay has the new box set.


Long hair, don’t care!


Also good job getting this out on a Friday. 😎💀


Is Cooking with Josh replacing re:View?

Marvin Falz

"In other words, if you like this picture, what you have liked I believe is the idea that someone will get a stick put through their body." - 'Unrelated picture of Jay' ---- At least Siskel & Ebert didn't come up with the idea that watching and liking slasher movies will somehow turn a viewer into a murderer. An even more ludicrous idea I read about one month ago is that the font "Tannenberg" somehow turns readers of words written in this font into Nazis because the font was used during the Nazi era. ---- Favorite parts: Machete movie magic and the chart. This re:View showed me that at some point I have to watch all the horror movies that have been presented over the years in re:View.


Excited to watch this today! I recently watched Jason goes to Hell for the first time this week and I don’t think I have any words for how bad it was


Ah, so self aware with the splicing in of Siskel & Ebert as Re:View is the new At The Movies with Josh & Jay as the best deep-diving duo. Wish you two would do a deep dive into the Twin Peaks series


I can't imagine how long it took to get that "people calling other peoples names" montage together. Great stuff

Manuel Johnen

Nice, Bava-esque lighting on the side of your heads... little stuff like that doesn't go unnoticed, I appreciate that...


I have to know what's on the other poster boards Jay prepared...

Manuel Johnen

Also, at least the song Alice Cooper did for this is better than the one he did for "Class of 1984"... XD


Jay I love the hair! Looks really good!


It's good hearing Josh's opinion on stuff again. I like Josh.

Dan B

Has anyone ever confirmed that Crispin Glover and Andy Kaufman are different people?


Cue the Rich Evans "Ffffuck Yeah" masterbating meme


I liked going out with Crispin Glover dancing to the Re:View outro music.


Crispin Glover's dance synced up with the re:view theme should be the new intro for the show.

Jessie Zimmer

This Re:View had me laughing from beginning to end. Starting with Josh's marvelous laugh, to the end credits. Looking forward to sharing this with my sister, who's a big fan of the series. The montage of name calling was so good, and "Ted, where the hell's the corkscrew!?" is gonna be in my head for a while. Great conversation, great editing!

Jessie Zimmer

Also, every time y'all reference shows that you think no one's, it makes me smile. My sister and I watched *a ton* of Nick at Nite as kids. Welcome Back Kotter was one of them. But I'm also roughly in your age bracket.

Clancy Murphy

Lol wait, is he just saying "...where the hell's corkscrew," as if it's a goddamn proper noun?


Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I liked the unexpected shout out to Funny Games. Love the original and the remake.

Jessie Zimmer

He always has interesting viewpoints. Plus, he knew about Turtle Dreams lady. What's not to like? :)


Slasher films have always felt a little bland to me due to the lack of any real characterization (excepting TCM and Scream) so it's good to hear that 4&6 bother to try in that regard. I'll definitely check out that documentary at least. Also I appreciated the Haneke mention. Funny Games and Caché have both had a huge impact on how I approach film and filmmaking.


Short story. 4 weeks ago I was camping alone, because covid19 :\ and I was on furlough. So I was camping Saturday - Wed. Because of that the group camp sites were totally deserted. The closest person was probably 3 miles away. Watched Friday the 13th for the first time in front of the fire. Outside the ring of tiki torches and the camp fire, it was pitch black. Not a damn thing could be seen. And it was cold enough, in MN, that no noise at all. No crickets, only the occasional howl. I don't know if that was the best way to watch that, or the worst but it creeped the crap out of me.


Oh my gosh, Josh, is that a San Jose Cactus Club Cactus Club T-shirt? Or was there some other awesome Cactus Club out there in the universe hosting punk bands back in the day?

Manuel Johnen

"Also I appreciated the Haneke mention. Funny Games and Caché have both had a huge impact on how I approach film and filmmaking." Sorry to hear that... :(


I didn't realize until watching this that I had such a hole in Friday the 13th knowledge. I think the only ones I've actually sat down to watch were 1, 2, Jason Goes to New York, and Jason in SPAAAAAAAAACE! So thanks for that! Time to fill in the middle.


Dude, you missed the Tommy Jarvis films and watched the tail end of the Ft13th series which have some of the worst films. That's like watching Halloween then watching Halloween: Resurrection and Zombie's Halloween films. I'd say 3 through 7 are arguably prime Jason. When Jason gets his mask and it's pure 80s cheese.


I am surprised Friday the 13th Part 3's part in the brief 3D revival of the 1980s wasn't mentioned. That, and Jaws 3D were the two I remember the most as a kid.


Ok so "The Man Behind the Mask" is kinda lame but how dare you not even mention "Teenage Frankenstein", sirs


No mention of Weird Al's song Nature Trail to Hell (in 3D)? Unsubscribed! 😜