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When we built this dvd wall not too long ago we thought we'd have more time... we were wrong. 




More Nukie tapes!


Just make Rich build another


Rich Evan's Cam?


Does anyone know what kind of dvdcs arenin the fourth row? It looks like one collection.


Holy crap! More things to fall over when Mike drunkenly stumbles into them


Oh mah Gawd. Time to start building again!

features creatures

Just watch Nukie you cowards and then destroy every tape, ridding the world of 95% of all Nukie tapes.


Who's we? You got a Rich Evans in your pocket?


You should string together a time lapse of every resetting of the shelves after Rich or Mike destroy a room. Dear Lord, the man hours.


You need to move some dvds to Site B, where the Best of the Worst episodes were secretly made the entire time

Carly Robinson

so how many copies of vampire assassin do you have to get rid of?


Yeah, but what’s the story with that doll face-down in the floor? Something sacrificial, no doubt.


Oh, dear. I sense the arrival of another 45 minute video cataloging the newest acquisitions. Not sure if I should feel envious or nauseous about the accumulation of such quality.


That... is a big pile of DVDs


That’s Annabelle in miniature. She lost a knockdown-dragout fight with Braaaaaaahms.


You need to do another junka, followed by a mass destruction.


‘Excellent!’ 🎸 🎵🎶

Tim Fuglsang

So where do I donate more money than is possible here on Patreon so you Barry J. Gillis-wannabes can finally get a halfway decent studio?

Dimitri German

Watch out, there’s a spooky Annabelle doll in the corner.


Time for a sale...


Who is adding dvds?


Oh, an unopened Nukie, that's got to be worth nothing


Looks like it’s time for the first annual RLM rummage.


Like a trailer-park Library of Alexandria.. But seriously, how many one-of-a-kind tapes / dvd's might be lurking in this trove?


You should do a studio tour video for patrons!


Spread the misery. Any doubles or copies that don't work get sent to random assholes on Patreon or throw them in when people buy your merch. Don't forget to have Rich cough on them first though.


Maybe a documented journey to Ikea?


Toss out the Nukie wall, that’ll buy you more time!


This is why I have Plex and 6x 500 disk CD wallets. I had an entire room dedicated to movies and it wasn't enough. Now they all sit in a few CD wallets and ripped and on Plex.


You guys do realize that your spirits will be trapped in the warehouse until you watch every single one, right?


Don't worry, there are a finite number of Blu-rays, dvds, and vhs' after all.


"That way madness lies," - Shakespeare


Honestly, even if 95% of them are terrible movies, that is still an impressive sight.


This is what happens when you don't destroy enough movies on Best of the Worst. Also when you don't do enough Best of the Worsts.


Is your P.O. box up and running? I hope you like spaghetti horror, Charlton Heston, and the bible.

Rick Drake

You could use those sliding shelves that libraries use to conserve space.

James Murphy

What your saying is, send more trash


You need a librarian/archivist.


I volunteer, of course.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Now you need an Indiana Jones warehouse. It's the only place you can put the Wheel of the Worst to keep it from coming back. The Wheel is a source of unspeakable power and it must be researched. And then you can have Top Men doing that research. Top...Men.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

"O God, I could be bounded in a warehouse and count myself a king of infinite space -- were it not that I have bad movies"


What we need now is a video of Mike reading the title of every single DVD in the collection. It's the only way!


Melt them in a vat of melted Star Wars figures.


how many are duplicates?


When does your Mammoth Video certificate come in the mail? Pretty sure you've reached full blown rental store status.


A while back I faced a similar crisis with my DVD/Blu-ray collection, and after doing some research, I starting buying DiscSox plastic sleeves. The idea is that you keep the paper art work any inserts, and the discs, but throw away the plastic box. It'll even fit "snapper" cases, and most DVD case variants. The result is you can get between 3x and 4x the number of discs in the same amount of shelf space. The negative side of this, is that you can't see the spines, so you have to organize your collection pretty well. The sleeves are also pretty expensive for what they are.

Manuel Johnen

This is beautiful... <3

David Perek

I vote for hiking up the Patreon limits and using the money to rent out a Faux 90s video rental shop which is only used for storing your stuff and closed to the public in a very rude and forthcoming way, despite appearing in every detail to be a functioning mom and pop video rental shop.

Andréanne Dion

Build a shrine to Nukie in another room and voilà!

Manuel Johnen

Oh, you have "Decoys"...? Do that on BotW someday...


Ebay them. Sign them "From the RLM vaults" or some shit like that, to make it unique.


Wow! What do you think that wall weights?


That's a lot of movies for a podcast


Agreed. The minute I saw this post the Dewey Decimal Rap sprang to mind.


All the way up to the ceiling? Well, shoot...that stumpy table is not going to help our lil' Jay reach those tapes at the top!!


Need some MALMs or KALLAXs from IKEA. Clean it up real nice. Make some rolling shelving out of them.


You need some compact shelving. https://www.southwestsolutions.com/office/high-capacity-storage-shelves-for-audio-visual-media-dvd-8mm-vhs-beta-cd-tapes


The flat to the wall style they have would be easy enough for a master carpenter like Rich Evans to duplicate.


I would say, store the duplicates away, obviously not the Nukies, but seeing your video going over your VHS and Disc collection, there were a lot of duplicates.