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We may have one more video out before the end of the year, depending on how long editing takes. If it's not ready by tomorrow, it'll be out sometime soon. Either way, thanks for all the support this last year! We kept busy and we got a lot done. It's taken a bit longer for the blu ray replication of Space Cop to get taken care of than we had expected, so now it looks like the movie's going to be a "Fuck You, it's January" release. Appropriate?

So again, thanks so much for all the support and Happy New Year, everyone!



Thanks for the hilarious year, you schmucks!


Looking forward to Space Cop. Keep it up.


Fantastic work by everyone at RLM. Really innovative & well done.


Thank you for all that you guys do every day. It's been your best year yet. Looking forward to 2016!


You guys are the best! Thanks for providing quality entertainment to take my mind off how much things suck!


My dogs start to sing during the plinket farting scene - Thanks!


You guys have been killing it this year, thanks for not using the patreon money to just drink booze and watch movies....er..oh!


Another great year. Thanks weird guys from the internet!


I hope there's a new Fuck You It's January video coming soon!


Thank you for all of the amazing work you do. Can't wait to see Space Cop.


FUCK YOU YOU HACK FRAUDS But happy new year


Thanks for all the vids! I've been working my way through all the Bests of the Worsts whilst recovering from, well, nearly dying, and I'd say it was just about worth sticking around for, on balance. *tilts hand slowly from side to side* Now, will you close the fuckin' doooooor?!?!


I think it's absolutely perfect that Space Cop is going to be a FYIJ release. Any update on the VHS release?


Thank you guys so much for everything you do! You are the best and I, along with many other RLM fans, really appreciate your hard work and dedication to making hilarious and fun content! Much love, happy new year!


Also when are you getting your commentary tracks to your movies on <a href="http://redlettermedia.vhx.tv/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://redlettermedia.vhx.tv/</a> and when are you going to get Oranges: Revenge of the Eggplant <a href="http://redlettermedia.com/films/oranges-revenge-of-the-eggplant-2004/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://redlettermedia.com/films/oranges-revenge-of-the-eggplant-2004/</a> on there as well? YOU HACK FRAUDS!


Happy New Year! Thanks for all the great videos this year, some of your best yet. And hitting 100 episodes of HitB is no small achievement!


Great job on this year guys


Happy New Year guys. I miss the stream-a-thon but know you're busy with Space Cop. Thanks for another year of great stuff.