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Hi, all! We shot a random video today that should be posted later this week and are also currently editing the Christmas episode of Best of the Worst. We tried to do something a little different for the Christmas episode and had a good time doing it (which is not always the case with BOTW). There's also that Star Wars moving coming out soon so we'll probably do a video about that too I guess, maybe.



Awesome, looking forward to all the things coming in December. Any word on the annual New Year's stream?


What's the new year's stream? I only became an RLM fan in early 2015...


They may not do it, but I hope they do.


So... How about that new Star Trek trailer? Fast and Furious enough for you?


Oooh boy. HitB episode 100 is going to be Star Wars. Fitting.


Star Wars moving picture, Shirley! :D


Oh cool. I'll look out for it.


It would be EPIC if this 'random' video was Space Cop.


What Star Trek trailer? The only trailer I saw today was for Fast and Furious in space.


I'm hoping that Space Cop will be available for purchase before the new year. I know it was sent out @ the end of oct. for DVD printing. Any chance you guys can give us and update when we can buy/watch it? I'm super pumped to buy/see it. Also keep up the amazing work on all your videos. You guys are the best! Well… except when compared to Neil Breen because he is the best @ everything that has ever existed, (by the way check out his kick starter video its like 10 mins. He keeps rambling asking for money, but he's such a ego-maniac that right after that he keeps saying I don't need your money, I already have enough for my new movie. It's fascinating watching I guy ask for $ then saying, Look I got boat loads of money for this flick but give me $ anyway.)


In a preRecord stream @ the end of Nov. Jay say he doesn't plan on doing this year because last year people were recording it and posting/streaming it on youtube without permission. And it became a big headache. He said he'll think about it(after someone asked him) but he didn't sound thrilled about the idea of doing it again. I don't think it will happen after all the BS stuff Jay had to deal with last year.


Couldn't give 2 shits about Star Wars. BOTW is fine. And can't help but notice 100th episode of HITB is on the horizon.


Star Wars is shit twice ?

Don Bright

I liked the part where Dominic Torretto drove the Enterprise out of the skyscraper and it went into the other skyscraper.


Shits is the key to all of this