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We've shown this in the past,  but here's a look at the full editing timeline for the most recent Best of the Worst. These things are a nightmare!




Your editing is what makes you the best movie channel on YouTube. Hands down. You guys care about what you do and it shows.


Ah yes, the good ol' Premiere rainbow. I have seen it many times. Many nightmare edits.


And yet, still a convoluted beauty in the pattern..

Daniel E. Passaro

It’s appreciated. You guys are really good editors, who do quality work on big projects.

Sarah Low

Still pretty organized! Gotta love nesting sequences though.


Is there something wrong with me that I look at that and feel excited? Like... Look at that craft, that attention to detail, every frame where a mistake could slip through but DOESN'T because you've got that shit.

Stephanie Lloyd

Good gracious! Your guys' editing is super fun to watch though so thanks for suffering through it for our entertainment.


That looks like the results of my DNA test that said I'm an asshole.


Seems like more effort is put into BOTW videos than the films you watch in them.


I noticed that the editing was especially excellent in the last episode. Thanks for all your hard work!

Jason Pargin

How long does that take?


I need Plinkett to shit star wars into grave before Dave Filoni gives me a new hope.

Joshua Mannix

Thanks for the continuing great work guys.


I think about this a lot and wonder if the ‘worst’ part is really when you need to painstakingly piece together the bits of hell you just recorded. Thoughts and prayers.

John Kott

At the risk of sounding kind of cornball, I hope you all know how much we love this aspect of your work. We're all film fans, and we all know how artistic and time consuming this element is. The fact that many of us have watched your episodes over and over for years now is a testament the quality of your craft.


I appreciate updates like this. (Biased because BOTW is some of my favorite viewing.) I figured this was a complicated affair, but this is so interesting. Appreciate all the work you guys put into this.


I truly appreciate every new video you guys put out - theyre always a highlight of my week's entertainment. Keep doing what you do!


I was very impressed with the overlapping voices and clips making fun of all the plots in Mission Killfast. That must have been quite a bit of work for that gag


I literally just subscribed to your Patreon today. Looks like it was the right day to sign up!


That's why BOTW > Re: View > HiTB


It was a very good episode though.


love a peek behind the curtain! i’d watch a making of any episode


Looks impressive but needs more black frames in there.


I’m a hackfraud professional editor who cut several shows for comedy central. (political comedy which has been a real joy since 2016!) anyway my question is: what’s your favorite crossfade length? I like 3 frames. thanks!


I feel guilty all those years I wasn't providing monetary support


The arc of the text for the ending credits... It's those little details that deserve praise. Was that a pre-made template effect, or something you whipped up in After Effects on your own? Either way, so simple yet stylish.


Do you guys uses nested or subsequences at all? It's a great way to partition off blocks of the timeline into more manageable chunks.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

This is why I'm a patron. It's not like I get a bunch of stuff for my $15 a month, but the work you guys put into your craft deserves to be recognized and you've earned every penny you get from your patrons. I only wish I signed up sooner than a few months ago!


I missed Best of the Worst. I missed Rich. I needed that episode. Thank you! :)

Rick Drake

If you guys ever get a shot at editing a big movie, you'll probably do pretty good and win an award. Maybe something from Nickelodeon or MTV. Maybe even the Golden Globes!


I’m blowing this up and framing it as a reminder of how much worse my life could be.

Marvin Falz

Wow, yes, amazing! There's too little space to appreciate your editing choices here, but I can tell you this, there's usually at least one really interesting sequence of creative editing per video. And it's quite fantastic how you guys use footage from other movies, especially when they're the crappy ones you torture yourself with, and include them as reactions to your discussions, or tell a whole new story with that footage. And last but not least and only conclusive in this comment: your audio editing is really strong, the choice of music, and the use of sounds.


Same dude. Especially because most of the time I kept saying to myself "I should go sign up on Patreon"


Respect for the hard work you do.


I have no idea what I’m looking at


As a former television editor myself I have to say that is a hell of a lot of work. I always admired an editing timeline as a piece of art in and of itself. Be interested to know what editing platform you use. Would also think that a behind the scenes video of either Mike or Jay putting an edit together would be interesting. I always remember people not in the industry never appreciate how much work and effort goes into it. Thanks for posting.


Is that the DNA results that prove that Rich Evans is the love child of Shaq and Dom Deluise's fat fold?

Mr. Derek Magnuson

I’ve edited video and podcasts before so I appreciate all the hard work and detail you put into your hilarious programming. 👍

Manuel Johnen

I recently finished a music video for a band I know... took me two months for five minutes.


I make AMVs as a hobby, and holy crap that timeline is scary...

Jessie Zimmer

Me too, I don't know how it'd work, but I'd love to see even a bit of how they edit.

Jessie Zimmer

Basically: hard work. As someone who's only done a *little* bit of editing for YouTube, it can be enough to make you pull your hair out some days. And my videos were 30 minutes, tops. I can't imagine doing - like - a two hour episode.


Thanks for all the hard work guys, it's much appreciated. :)


Wow, impressive. Do you guys find it easier to edit backwards in Premiere? Maybe that's just us, lol.


From what I can tell, Mike uses Final Cut Pro and Jay uses Adobe Premiere. They both have very distinct styles. Did you edit TV news or for network shows? I used to work ENG for a local CBS station.


Best of the Worst really is one of the best things on YouTube. I'm not sure if you guys being really obviously bored with the concept and the movies is an act or genuine, but I'm sure it's 80% shit and 20% interesting and we get all the interesting bits. I really wish I could buy back episodes on Blu-Ray or something but I know that'd cause all kinds of rights issues. Just know that there are people that appreciate what you do, and how much work it takes to do this stuff and make it interesting.

Bort Ward

Frauds. Everyone knows you use screaming, rambling non-sequiturs, and jumpcuts with a single audio track and camera to edit a video for YouTube.


Looks like the Enterprise D ops station.