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Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory - re:View

Mike and Jay are back to talk about the 1971 classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! If you've only seen the Johnny Depp version from 2005 there is something wrong with you and I feel so very very sorry for you.



Fuck yes

Joshua Mannix

You know...I was just about to read and go to bed...


Really?! I’ve got work in the morning..




BRUH it's 5 AM, I was just about to sleep 😭


The hack frauds that we all need right now.

Neil Peart, Lord of Drums

Holy shit please, for the love of all that is good in this world, do a re:View of Cronenberg's Crash. That movie is like Jay's dream (and most other people's nightmares): disfigurement, creepy sex, amputees, freaky fetishes, and scar-fucking (no, seriously, that happens!). Or I guess you could do a re:View of Paul Haggis' Crash, if you want to make a more comedic episode.


Thank you so much for posting this tonight!


There are bugs on the lens for the first few minutes. I kept poking my screen to kill them cuz they looked like they were on my monitor. Also, have a watch of the 13th Warrior, it's pretty fucking awesome one you get a quarter way through. I deserves a re-view.


How is this Patrons only, but I can see it on YouTube?


I can say that kids do love the original. It's a hit at my household.


Oingo bingo is my favorite band too! I was almost tempted to go to Coachella because Danny Elfman said he would perform some of their songs live. Would you guys ever talk about The Forbidden Zone?


What a fun episode. Although, I wish you guys talked a bit about Roald Dahl hating the hell out of the movie. I find it so interesting that the author of the source material hated everything that made the movie a classic (Wilder's casting and performance, the songs, etc.).

Jessie Zimmer

I genuinely think Patreon lies about this, because with the exception of the behind the scenes stuff, all of the RLM shows (Half in the Bag, Best of the Worst, and Re:View) are available on their YouTube channel.

Jessie Zimmer

I wasn't expecting this until the weekend, so getting it on a Monday is a real treat. The boat section and the Oompa Loompas scared *the shit* out of my as a child. Also Slugworth. Is it weird that I miss when kids movies weren't afraid to be - at least somewhat - darker? I grew up on All Dogs Go to Heaven, Secret of NIMH, Brave Little Toaster, etc. Stuff that had some dark, sad shit in it. Also see: Watership Down. I am a grow-ass woman and I still haven't worked up the courage to watch that one. I think the closest recent films have come to that 70s-90s feel is Coraline (2009) which I love for many reasons.


Hey guys, I'm aware that you don't give a shit about your audience's opinion (especially Jay), but, since you mentioned that, to see Beetlejuice re:Viewed by you would be nice. I think this is one of those movies which are really appreciated only by people who actually give a damn about good films.


Y’all gotta cut Charlie’s mom some slack. As a kid I fast forwarded through her song too, but as an adult I’ve come to appreciate it (very similar to the music in Disney’s “The Rescuers”)


Me too. It kind of soured my love for the movie once I found it Dahl hated it (did he walk out of the screener?)


I miss Gene Wilder. He was a great actor and a classy, sweet, lovable man. ...just like Johnny Depp.


Who knew that Mike, our star trek and paranormal loving, hard drinking, gallows humor telling founder of RLM had a sweet spot for this film and still will watch it from time to time to this very day? I don't mean this in an insulting or joking matter. There's something incredibly sweet about that. Great work fellas. The original is one of my favorites as well.


I don't even know if you could do this type of film today that's clearly a children's film, but also has the weird dark moments. I'm thinking of a film like this or Return to Oz.


Jay and I have the same favorite band.


I love this movie.

CarSVernon .

Lol the 'have you heard this band called the beatles' guy dumping on Oingo Boingo. Anyways, love the passion but Roald Dahl is virtually impossible to properly adapt, nothing ever feels or has the sinister vibe of his books (in part accomplished thanks to his illustrator).

CarSVernon .

Wow someone namechecking The Rescuers, one of the most sadly overlooked Disney films ever

Marvin Falz

Someone on YT explains that the conflict in this movie is 'hero vs. environment." Someone else in the thread explains that the real golden ticket is the pureness of the soul. That made me think of Dr. Amp's golden shovels and his motto "shovel yourself out of the shit" (for only 29.99 ;-)). Shit is symbolic for the environment which tries or seemingly tries to corrupt the soul/human heart, and to shovel oneself out of the shit is the attempt to find the pureness inside oneself and keep it clean, keep the house clean. The thread, where you'll find the mentioned comments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5htSJ1C7ts&lc=UgxlwM7uFjAN4Yq66uJ4AaABAg


Great review! I was so glad to see how Mike and Jay felt about Grandpa Joe, one of the few characters in film who really makes me furious. I do like the quirkiness of the Burton film, and seem to remember him or Depp saying it was an attempt to be closer to the book, but the Wilder film is definitely an ageless classic for everyone.

Michael Matzat

I love the youtube video of someone explaining how snowpiercer might be a sequel to this. :D


I'd pay to see Mike reenact the whole movie playing all parts


Nice review and nice shirt Mike :)


Jay bringing up Oingo Boingo during the review reminded me that Primus did a cover album of all the songs in the movie.


Imagine how much this movie would have been hated if it was a contemporary movie and we knew all the details surrounding it going into its release. Author of the source material publicly disowns it because he doesn't feel it is an accurate portrayal of his work, another guy brought in to re-write the original author's screenplay to the point where said author wants nothing to do with it, songs written and shoehorned into the movie before it even has a structure or script, funded by a global food conglomerate to market a hypothetical future product, etc. We are way too cynical now for a movie like this to become as legendary as it did.


I posted this in the community section too, sorry for the double post. Just kinda hoping they see it. Long time patron, first time poster. I just wanted to say a sincere thank you to the RLM crew. Your Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Re:View came up after I was submitted to the hospital for surgery. It got me through a very, very rough and scary night.

Juan Calvo

I wanted to see the movie for the first time after this recommendation but Netflix only has the Tim Burton's version.


Brand new patron here, after 10ish years of watching literally everything y'all have made, it finally occurred to me that I ought to pay you for it. Tipping point was definitely this episode of re:view, which is my favorite one yet! Thanks for all you do.


Everything. Literally EVERYTHING is available on some 3rd party website


Much like the Plinkett prequel reviews of yore, I didn't realize how much I needed to hear a reasoned and comparative dissection of the awful Tim Burton remake as part of this. I also never thought I'd hear the phrase "diarrhea water" to describe a special effect. Perfect. xD


Still trying to process Oingo Boingo having a diehard fan.


The scariest thing every year is Dead Man's Party playing on loop in every Halloween mix.


one of my all-time favorites. don't know what made you guys choose this, but I am really appreciative that you did.


This is what I love. You can tell that Mike has a nostalgia and childlike love for this movie, and hates what it became in the remake (similar to that Space Wars film). While Jay’s biggest excitement comes from being able to talk about Oingo Boingo. That’s quality shit, right there.


Please do re:Views of other Gene WIlder movies! Young Frankenstein would be a great one to do.