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Hey, all! We know there's been a lull in videos the last couple of weeks, so thanks for being patient. We were shooting several videos, editing, and finalizing all the materials for the Space Cop blu-ray and digital release. But here's our interview with Max Landis, and there'll be several more videos coming out in the next few weeks. 


A Conversation with Max Landis

http://www.redlettermedia.com - Max Landis, the screenwriter of Chronicle and American Ultra, mysteriously showed up in our studio somehow so we decided to have a discussion with him about screenwriting in Hollywood and being a talking a whole bunch on Twitter.



Is this a joke?

Taylor Hensley

We "The Internet" both approve and disapprove of everything, and also nothing, that happened in this video.


At first I thought it would be an insufferable continuation of twitter trainwreck material. But hmm. It's allright I guess. It's good this exists.


Wow, I'm kinda shocked how much I was won over by Landis.


That weird young man had some really interesting things to say. I'm also glad he, unlike some other person in the room, thinks that Jurassic World is a stupid movie.


Every comment this guy makes is really just a way for him to talk about himself


ok fine! Now I like Max Landis. Thanks Internets!


I wish there was some deeper incite gained, Max is always so scattershot, you can't get much before he's on to the next thing. The title is very accurate, it's not an interview - just a conversation.


Leonard Maltin has spoken on his podcast about when he gave Gremlins a poor review. Maltin was friends with Joe Dante, and the review strained the relationship. Finally, Dante offered Maltin a chance to make it up to him, by coming onto the set of Gremlins 2 and getting murdered for the camera. Not the exact same situation here, but I definitely felt a similar feeling of closure watching this.


Jurassic World was awesome. The overall tone/feel trumped any smaller lapses in logic. It's a movie about cloned dinosaurs after all! That said I did feel kind of bad for the "iRex" at the end. Fun interview RLM!

Drunk Dalek

I enjoyed this!




Thank you, guys! It was a fun interview to see!


No worries - I was in a coma for several days so I actually appreciate you not adding to my subs-box overflow! (I'm not kidding.) I was trying to explain RLM to my mother. If now quizzed I'm not sure she'd do much better than: "They know about films, they're from Wisconsin and their hearts are in the right place." Still, probably covered the absolute essentials, there. And I'm still not kidding! :D

Joe Bloe

They're in Wisconsin. I don't think any of them are actually from Wisconsin. Wisconsin is just the Meca for creative types.




I wonder if he is a patreon supporter

Jonathan McGaha

I've liked Max Landis for a while now. He's a smart guy. He says what he thinks and he does interesting things. I'm glad this happened.


Really enjoyed that. Mr. Landis comes across as a nice, honest guy. Great insights into the industry.

Don Bright

if Max Landis was on Patreon I wonder if I would support him? hmmm


I love the fact he was a fan and wanted to come have an actual conversation with you guys about your comments. I wish more creators were as interested in joining in conversation with reviewers/critics/etc. Or that they felt like they could.


This was great guys, one of your best videos in quite a while, kudos to Max for showing up and his insights

Dane Winton

Really enjoyed the interview. Good job guys :D


This wasn't quite as unexpectedly wonderful as the Len Kabasinski thing, but still a good watch. I think Max fell slightly short of making an interesting point when he discussed what in a movie is fair to critique (ie: "none of it, or all of it"). I think he feels that you can only fairly critique a script as long as you know how much it was changed during production (ie: through editing, costume, etc) - almost as if it's a critic's duty to source the first draft of each movie script (or the draft that the screenwriter was most happy with) before he writes his review. Of course, that's nonsense - no critic could or should do that. But if that's how Max feels, shouldn't he ask for some sort of diminished screenwriting credit? If he feels 15% of American Ultra was changed - but not through rewrites - shouldn't his credit be "85% Written by Max Landis"? The point is, as Jay and Mike indicate, there needs to be a cut-off. Max took the credit (and the fee) for the script, so he has to take the criticism. There's no incongruity between that and acknowledging the collaborative nature of film production. What Max calls "a blur" is really just the nature of film!


Kudos to Max for coming on, and I look forward to his BotW, but I'm not won over by him.


No judgement; Does anyone know what's going on with the sexual harassment allegations against Max Landis? I hope it's bogus, but he's kept a pretty low profile since December 2017. Does anyone have any info? I really hope he's not an asshole. I mean, he seems like a lovable asshole, but I hope he's not a deplorable asshole. I have no clue, so I'm asking the mob/crowd.


Well this hasn't aged well...