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Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Rich and Mike's Predictions

Yes. We now know it's Jakku. Please do comment about it though.


Kyle Williams

Just watched it again after seeing the movie. Overall you did pretty well. For the most part where you were wrong you weren't way off, or your second guess ended up being correct (e.g. the character that dies). Seems like the biggest error was thinking Lea was being handed the light saber when it was Ren, or that the Star Killer would last all three movies. Though on that one it seems like the writers were in on the joke as in the movie itself it seemed like the characters felt more like "jeez, another one of those things?" instead of "Oh my God, what do we do?"


Rey's planet is Jakku. What the fuck am I paying you people for.


May the force be with you always!


It's so weird seeing Mike without Jay.

Marvin Falz

47 minutes? This is going to be a real treat.


This was pretty great.


This is a great video, but certain parts are making me nauseous, particularly where you're panning the camera side to side while putting up a photo/caption like at 10:43-ish. I know one other person mentioned it on the RLM site, but it might just be us two and no one else. It's not happening on a small screen, but when shown on a much larger screen, it becomes an issue. I don't know the proper term but I guess it's a dolly tracking shot. Thanks.


Maybe she is crying because it was revealed who the new darth guy is?

Jonathan McGaha

I'd like it if this death star thingie is an original, huge, primitive prototype which was just kind of a proof of concept before the Empire started building lighter, more mobile and smaller ones and the Empire just went back to try and turn this clunky one into a viable weapon since they have no resources anymore. Like you guys said, I like the idea of the Empire as the underdog, that could complicate the narrative. Or maybe it's an ancient weapon what they stumbled across and used to inspire the Death Star(s) later, but now it's all they've got. Something like that. I'm also wondering is are they gonna follow the three-part-progression of the original three movies? First movie, triumphant goodies, second movie, triumphant baddies, third movie wrap up.

Jonathan McGaha

Also, guys, this was super in-depth: thanks!


I expected this video to black out after 3 min or to suddenly become really ridiculous. Cool you guys can still surprise me. :D I really didn't expect a serious (but still fun) in-death discussion. Awesome stuff.


Also here's my prediction for the Han and Leia scene: "I love you!" "I love you, too!"


Do it Rich, Fulfil your destiny and then you can take your place at Paply's side!


"Yes. We now know it’s Jakku. Please do comment about it though."


I would LOVE to see them go over the recent Reddit post that poses the theory of Jar Jar being a Sith Lord


I've watched it a few times, I hope for something like this for every star wars movie coming! which will be a MILLION, why? Because mickey mouse! Following on with what Rich says, Think if Han has been stuck on that planet since the battle where the star destroyer comes down with the falcon being on board and Han going down in the crash (one year after endor) and he can't get off due to a lack of starships and not knowing where the crashed SD is for some reason! This is why he's looking for the falcon, Trying to get off! Leia could be up the duff by the point of the battle so, he doesn't know about his and leia's kids and who they are! Add that the new empire is now looking for Finn who crashed on the planet due to his escape on the attack on the SD in orbit, Enter that battle with the storm troopers and Ren coming down to the planet. Did Finn maybe steal the Lightsaber from Ren? Are we oldies going to be seeing via han solo eyes in the movie? that would incredible! Becuase we are also older and no fucking nothing about what has happened since Jedi. Maybe!


Cool video, but for the love of god when is Space Cop coming out?

Don Bright

"I love you infinity!" "I love you infinity plus one!"


I'm just glad Rich put his shoes on for this one.


i want to see an episode like this of the new adam sandler movie trailer !!!!! please do one !!!