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Star Trek Picard - RLM Teaser Trailer

He's baaaaaack! And I'm not talking about Picard.


Aaron Von Seggern

Fuuuuuck was so hard for the whole thing


Juuust now finished the first episode of Voyager, and finished DS9 today. Perfect timing! So, will it be ready when I finish the LAST episode of Voyager? teehehe


An acquired taste: Confirmed.


Oh, so it's going to be a Plinkett review?


So you really liked it, eh?

Joshua Mannix

Sorry, what was your overall opinion? I didn't pick up on it.


I got the CBS one month trial to watch this. The only thing that made it enjoyable was the RLM review episodes. I wouldn’t have made it otherwise. Thanks guys!

Bill Lehecka

Is Plinkett replacing Re:View??? But seriously, will we also get the final Re:View? One of my message board friends has been jonesin’ really hard for that last Re:View...

Joshua Cubbin

No one's ever really gone


RLM is amazing. I am grateful for your content in these uncertain times. I can be certain that as long as Mike and the gang draw breath, there will always be a little Plinkett in all of us.


RLM hates Star Trek Picard!


It shouldn’t be surprising. I mean we have all seen the previous Kurtzman projects but come on! What are they thinking? This looks worse than Discovery. What a waste...


OOOOH, so it's personal now huh?


This has made my day brighter.


UUUUUURGH screw you guys, now I need to actually watch the last two episodes.

Marvin Falz

Plinkett destroys Picard. This is going to be good!


I guess Rich finally got sick of Star Trek which is too bad, we'll miss him for this last one. Bring on Plinkett!

Joey Hollywood

Are they making a re:View plus a Plinkett video?


the last episode was so bad he jettisoned rich and went straight to plinkett. Ho boy.....


While I really would like a Plinkett video for SW Ep9, I feel like this one is more personal for Mike, and thus will be a masterful work to behold.


Always welcome a new Plinkett review but was hoping to hear from Rich as well. It might genuinely be the last chance we have to hear Rich talk about anything Star Trek related.


Am I wrong to dare to dream that 2020 might give us two Plinkett reviews - Picard and Rise of Skywalker? I know I shouldn't be greedy, but the way the rotten, putrid corpses of Star Wars and Trek have been paraded through the streets since December should definitely merit multiple commentaries from our favorite elderly murderer.


star trek picard unmitigated disaster is an under statement


I'm fully expecting this to be 2+ hours, given how much Mike can casually talk about Star Wars, let alone rant.

Juan Calvo

I think if Mike was sent to a war and was able to make it alive he'd try to make sense of it in the persona of Mr. Plinkett.


Star Trek XII: So Very Tired


Hopefully Rich is okay or in a really strict quarantine/lockdown which prevents him from filming the re:View for the final two episodes of Picard. Either way, a new Plinkett review is just what we needed to lift our spirits during this weird time.


Still haven't watched any of Discovery or Picard, and ya know what? I don't plan on it. I did however watch the new Twilight Zone and I honestly wish I could get those hours of my life back.

Bort Ward



I'm looking forward to this. As a kid who grew up falling in love with the future TNG depicted and which DS9 and Voyager iterated upon, I've never seen such a tone deaf and debilitating jettisoning of the tone and spirit that made Star Trek something I loved and shared with my friends. This is not a show interested in kindness, character, philosophy or speculative fiction leveraged towards a bettered mankind - in fact it doesn't seem interested in them at all.


Well said. There is a review of Picard in The Guardian titled "Star Trek: Picard is the dark reboot that boldly goes where nobody wanted it to" that is worth a read, if you haven't already. I feel like it encapsulates how I felt in many ways, but I’m sure the Plinkett review will be even more cathartic. The new Picard series made me sad more than anything. Sad that this is what studios think audiences want; sad that Patrick Stewart thought this was well written; sad that this is where the franchise has ended up… Drilling eyeballs out and shooting people. And kinda like the RLM Prometheus video. Like what? So Data’s babies all live on this one planet? So you can make Datas out of his positrons that go blowed up? So the crew of the La Sirena suddenly cares about these Data Babies? So like the black goo…?


We need NEW post-Coronavirus Star Trek.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLCxAJdCZGg - in case anyone wants to enjoy all the cheap stockfootage pumped into STP :)


Is this the new most disappointing thing since his son?


Awesome that Plinket is back for a review! Man, watching that trailer was hard to get through. You guys are awesome but the subject material gives me anxiety 🤣

Brad Clarke

Can’t wait for this !


No Re:View, just straight into Plinkett. Best decision ever! This show deserves that kind of respect lol


Can't wait! I didn't hate the show though, better than nothing. I liked it more than Discovery for sure, it disn't try to fit 1000 ideas into one episode.

Brad Clarke

I am getting desperate to see this one

