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We just shot a video of Rich and Mike talking about initial thoughts on the first episode of Picard. Coming soon!




Make it so!


thank god, i thought we would have to wait months RLM is worth every penny on Patreon


guess i have to watch it now


When did picard become an elderly asian gentlemen?


I"m sure you loved them space ninjas with biker helmets

Mike St Louis

I guess this means Rich signed up for CBS All Access again. Mike should bring out the Cancel CBS All Access button just in case...


Grateful we won’t have to wait until the season finishes

Gavin Scott

It was goooood.


A little surprised you guys aren't waiting for a few more episodes, but looking forward to this! I loved the episode, and hope Mike and Rich were able to find some enjoyment in it in their cold, dead hearts.


Hope they talk about baby yoda!


It was really uninteresting and mediocre on my first watch.


I just recently watched both seasons of discovery, just to have a better understanding of what where they talking about... it didn’t help


100% agree. It’s a generic Sci-Fi plot with Star Trek wrapped around it. “A drop of magic blood made twin clones. For some reason.” The nostalgia references were fun though.

Marvin Falz

"coming soon" Ha! Great! :D


I've been joking since the Mandalorian that Picard would add in a Baby Data


Hopefully they enjoyed it - but always interesting to hear their thoughts either way


Get a VPN, put that shit to UK, and watch this crap for free.


Can’t. Wait.


Return of the Count the Producers segment.


*phew!* I got burned on CBS All Access with Discovery so I'm reading and listening to all the reviews of the new show before giving anyone any money. Can't wait to see it!


I can hear Rich now on their season two recap video. "Why, why did we watch season two of Star Trek: Picard, Mike?"


oh myyyy goooooooood !!


Hope you guys decide to do a weekly recap on each episode. This looks better than Discovery at least.


Poor Rich needs a paid vacation from having to watch all this Alex Kurtzman Trek.

Michael Matzat

In germany it's on amazon prime. Watched the first episode and liked the first episode. I hope it keeps itself to being mostly calm as this episode was.


Oh my god this is awful


I really liked the first episode, despite its flaws. Can't wait to hear about how Mike's heart skipped a beat while Rich was bored throughout the episode! :P


Just finished the first one, enjoyed it! Fan service was subtle enough without feeling like a cartoon was punching you in the face with it.


Elderly man complains to a underling of his favorite things being ruined?

Joe Bloe

I'm surprised at how positive the response to this first episode has been. The premise has potential and the Picard/Data connection is well executed but the way they're telling the story is... bad. It's disjointed, overly dramatic, inserts unnecessary over the top action and uses cheap tacticts that pretty much just set you up for the mindset that things happening on screen don't really matter in the grand scheme of things. I also think they've committed to the idea that the society of the TNG show is now gone and it's just our society but with lasers. That said Mike will love it.


The fight scenes were rediculos! What was the purpose of putting a bag over Dahjs head? Was it supposed to be scary, or were they trying to hide the face of the stuntwoman?

David Perek

Alex Kurtzman is the demon we all summoned by complaining about Rick Berman so darn much.


He looks so warm and inviting. Who wouldn't want to watch several seasons of that?


Picard doesn't like children, which is why he now owns a pit bull.


Picard looks like a retired mob boss there, not a retired space captain

David Perek

I think this works as a first episode, but if they keep the flaws with this up it will get old fast and leave little to show. Also, I think Stewart is doing a good job trying to play an anti-angry old man who literally had everything he stood for corrupted and ruined, but that character is awkward.


The writers probably should have decided on what the purpose was for people to be attacking Dahj prior to filming the scene. I guess they got high instead.