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Best of the Worst: Wicked World

It's another spotlight episode! This time on the recently unearthed film Wicked World, from the man who made the all-time classic THINGS. And just to be clear, we didn't alter the editing of the scenes in Wicked World. The way they are presented in this video is how the movie is actually edited!



fuck yeah


My weekend just got exponentially better.


I hope there's a gimmick waiting for me


Dark Harvest 2: The Maize is still worse than anything you guys have seen, if Things and Wicked World are the worst that you've ever seen.

Marvin Falz

That was very enjoyable! Thank you!




This episode and the Corny tape from the Wheel have taught me a valuable lesson: if a frisbee falls in the woods, just leave it there.


The dialogue in this movie is exactly like the dialogue in death stranding


The movie's sound quality rivals that of Christy.


Josh's Wisconsin Winter beard is majestic! Great to see him back on RLM!


I’m fed up with this wicked world!

Benjamin Forman IV

Jay? Jay!!!! Vanilla Wafer Porter??!? WHAT THE Fffffffff.....No...No. Sometimes your heroes have flaws. Deadpool digs fluffy unicorns and Snoop Dog thinks he can act. Even Ellen loves to dance. Give Jay this, Ben.


Mike "I am not trying to be a contrarian" Stoklasa

Twit In A Hat

Me at 16:54 into this video: welp, that's enough internet for one day.


I meant to compliment Jay's sweater. Is that a Twin Peaks jackpots symbol??


I know I'm 3 months late but this is one of my favorite spotlights ever. I completely related to everyone's reactions and I WISH this movie was on Amazon. I could not sit through Things. so I am anti-things. But pro-Wicked World. at least until I actually see it.

Leo Puppytime

‘Ooh watch your step Fernanda.’