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The Mandalorian - re:View

Mike and Rich Evans sit down to talk about a new Star War. It's The Mandalorian aka The Boba Fett show!



I've been looking forward to this


Very cool

Mike St Louis

Very cool. Been curious about the Mandolin and baby groot.

Bill Lehecka

Re: Carbon Freezing. Since this takes place after Return of the Jedi, is it possible that after the Empire found out it was viable for bounty transport in ESB, it became more popular to transport bounties that way? Tech got better. It became all the rage. Portable enough to put in ships... That’s how I equate it.


When listing the influences on George Lucas for the original Star Wars movie, you forgot to mention the 1955 movie "The Dam Busters" for the trench run sequence. Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NMfBKrdErY


Kinda surprised you guys didn't have major problems with baby yoda. What made yoda cool in the OT was that he was just a little guy that you would never expect to be a jedi master. He wasn't a jedi master because he belonged to a race of aliens that got 100+ force affinity or whatever.


I was glad you guys didn't talk shit about baby yoda. When I heard about the show I was completely disinterested. Bored by too much Star Wars these last few years, but then I saw baby yoda and he was super cute and, I just wanted to see more of him (only semi embarrassing to admit)...then I just kept watching because the show is great! An episode or two dragged, but the last two brought it back for me.


I haven't seen the series yet because I've been quite sick of Star Wars and all the Baby Yoda memes. However, I think I'll give it a shot in the future after listening to Rich talk about it here. That he really enjoyed it when he has been so tired of all things Star Wars for so long tells me it must have some merits.

Lauren R

I too immediately thought Amy Sedaris was playing Old Lady Ripley dress up.


What sold me on it was the small scale story. Plus Favreau is just better than Abrams on every level.


It's still really lazy, and as story-telling goes, it robs the scene in ESB of both of it's unique imagery and it's function as a story element. In the first sense, it's a cheap recall of something familiar, in the second it devalues the risk that was taken with Han's life. It's a case of "world-building" taking priority over emotional resonance.


Uncut Gems.


Someone explain the Richard Gere thing to me....


The music is really good which is also refreshing. Its not just more john williams


The Member Berries making a cameo in a RLM video to mock pointless Star Wars crutch nostalgia was just perfect.

Steve Can Still Believe

Interesting how you like the episode with Bill Burr. Everyone I talked to about it wasn't into it much.

David Perek

I am a bit concerned that this show peaked with the AT-ST episode, which just gave me the best nostalgia to 90s Star *Trek* I have had in 20 years and made for great on-scene character development of Mando that we actually see and get to learn the subtitles of his character. I was really hoping for more of that kind of star hopping from that episode but it then seemed to take some different turns. One big issue for me were the finale episodes, which frankly felt rushed, a bit difficult to follow, and in the end pointless. I actually liked them being rushed, in keeping all the juicy fan stuff OUT of the rest of the series, but I still have no idea why Mando went back to that planet to an obvious trap so easily as his situation on-screen didn't seem so untenable, like an episode was missing. The ending just replaces interesting real-world feeling Nazi doctor villain with less interesting but more action figure like Nazi Samurai Man with the first implausible survival incident of the series. At least Nazi Samurai Man is a good actor.

Daniel de la Vega

We've been so broken down by 20 years of terrible Star Wars movies that a semi-competent but ultimately pointless and forgettable show looks amazing by comparison. Like come on, the main bad guy shows up at the end of the second to last episode? And they just tell us he's bad and put him in a TIE fighter to prove it? Weak.

David Perek

Also, did RLM go through this re:View without mentioning practical special effects? That seemed to be something that really struck out about this series, perhaps even to extreme, and may have led to its 90s TV feel.


Yeah, this and fallen order pretty much came out around the same time. It was like... wait a minute. This came out from the same company that gave us the Abrams trilogy? Fallen Order came out from EA, one of the biggest "screw you" gaming companies not called Konami? What world are we living in?


Prediction: the dozen AVATAR sequels nobody asked for will get re-edited/repurposed into a Disney+ TV series


Am I the only pedant/nerd who feel bothered that this was in fact not a re:View, this was a -review-! Man RLM is completely twisting the genres these days!


I think Mike is probably right about Boba Fett showing up - didn't the epilogue of the Tatooine episode show a mysterious figure approaching the assassin's body? I don't think that was further explained unless I'm forgetting something


That Sex and the City reference made me do a spit take, pun intended.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Andréanne Dion

That Richard Gere joke... I laughed harder than Rich Evans.


I generally really like Ludwig Göransson's scores, especially for Black Panther and Community - but the Mandalorian score always just sounds like the Temple of Doom music with a bit of Good the bad and the ugly thrown in


I want to watch this but I am afraid Mike will say I am dumb for liking Baby Yoda.


Just watched this insightful video about the making of The Mandalorian. They used these LED lit domes for the background for what seems like most of the shots! https://youtu.be/gUnxzVOs3rk