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Nerd Crew Live!!! Star Wars News!!!

The gang is back with a live stream featuring all the latest Rise of Skywalker news!! Watch till the end to bid on a live auction for charity!!!



Fuck yeah! Very cool!


Very cool!


Nerd Crew IN DA HOUSE!!!


Fuck you!


You call yourself Star Wars fans, but where the hell is the Etsy-sourced Baby Yoda?


Talk about The Mandalorian!



Twisted Wishes

They talked about baby Yoda and I clapped!!! Then they clapped and I clapped because they clapped and I remember them talking about clapping!!!@! My brain is imploding!!!@%^##@@!!


You forgot to cut all this out! Love the nerd crew videos.


Disney social credit!


Boy do I love cots....


Also please talk about Mandy's DeLorean.... I mean The Mandalorian.


Great phone number by the way


I can't wait to hear what the nerd crew TM says about the Macaroonian... Manchurian... Vindeloovian... Municipalian... Menstrutian... Pavlovian... The Paul Verhoovian... About helmet guy. Can't wait to hear them talk about Star wars TM Helmet guy TM.


These Are getting better and better , great Machiavellian anal-lysis of the Star Wars script misplacement , theft and potential sale and miraculous recovery by Disney Corp when they screened eBay for said theft, and of course blame it on the black guy.


Please tell me that the audible ad was real


Eight dollars for tampons?? For that kind of money I want all the additives I can get.


It's painfully obvious that Mike is disappointed Star Trek themed socks are much less popular than Star Wars Socks. Somebody send him a Star Trek whiskey set and am Enterprise shaped bottle opener, quick! Come on guys, lift his spirit, load that set up with the far more popular toy options from the hit series, CBS: All Access: Star Trek: Discovery! The man could be literally moments from death. Though, that may get him an early screening for the Rise of Cirrhosis!

Marvin Falz

One has got to admire you guys! Fake YouTube livestream, black screens in times where YouTube develops its own sort of credits score system, just like Twitter and Facebook. The good thing is, nobody can force anyone to use YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and I sincerely believe money loss will "cleanse their soul." This or they go down at some point. Like Disney Star Wars. Then somebody in the future will watch the Nerd Crew, be confused, then search the internet for "star wars disney" and find out it is true. All of it.

Manuel Johnen

Please never change...


Who called the number? What happened?


Mike has adopted my baby Yoda theory in this Nerd Crew episode. It is now immortalized, and I am forever grateful.


Holy shit... were those real sponsorships for your fake show? I think they were! Where am I? What incredible, dystopian world are we living in!? I need a nap.


RLM fans are definitely weird enough to call that number. Also, the editing to simulate an actual live-stream with all that dead air at the end is amazing. Mike's attention to detail is scary.


that Lego X-wing in front of Jay that's the original set from 1999, JESUS it might just even be an empty box but man do you spend the effort on your props for your fake nerd show


This line makes the Nerd Crew episodes for me. I know everyone loves "Very Cool!" and deservedly so but a subdued "Oh, Wow." from Jay, Rich or Mike makes me crack up. So simple but so perfect to parody the braindead world of pop culture YouTubers.


thank you

Steve Can Still Believe

Anyone else enjoy the new Mandalorian episode? Or am I just a disney shillpleb?

Lauren R

You fuckers triggered my fear of jazz hands.


I called the number it said they are experiencing technical difficulties. I want those socks


I hate myself for buying a Disney+ subscription, but I am enjoying The Mandolin. I also think "baby Yoda" is a good way to show that the Mandorian has some heart and that he's not just a cold killer. Mike even complained that Cassian Andor (or whatever he's called) from Rogue One was too dark/murderous of a character, but here he is saying that baby Yoda doesn't belong in this story. Then again Nerd Crew isn't for serious commentary...I'd like to here what RLM actually thinks of the show.


This episode is a bunch of dudes working through their feelings on Star Wars

Sarah Low



This Mandandelion show sounds great


I got really depressed when I realized that 15 days of Star Wars socks was a real thing.

David Perek

Will 'Rise of Skywalker' will be JJ's Waterloo?

Josh Marjonen

The joke where rick had to name the black actess was such a well placed joke these guys are fucking geniuses


That Sith Stormtrooper is the easiest photoshop waitin' to happen. Put the "h" before the "i" and change the red values to brown, and voilà.


Tshi Stormtrooper, he's disappointed in the cooking of the duck meat.

Dane Liergaard

Next time you do this live gag, you should each find the worst product you can, hide them from each other and reveal them in real time to get your honest reactions.


very cool to see mike is enjoying the majorian


I'm sad to see RLM hitching their wagon to the false alt-right narrative that feminism has killed Star Wars. I know you guys didn't like The Last Jedi, but come on. There are plenty of low-rent youtubers out there to feed that need for the fat 8Channers for whom it is a massive blow to their self-esteem to suggest that The Last Jedi was anything other than a brand-destroying failure for Disney/Star Wars. I really think you guys are above that.


Feminism didn't kill star wars; the over corporate mouse house are. Ask anyone in the industry and they'll likely agree. ILM / LFL have been bleeding turnover since the acquisition. (Edit: they really didn't mention feminism, overtly or otherwise.)


I don't think them not liking the movie means they are part of the toxic narrative online that so many other videos show towards Star Wars now. There is some truth to Disney destroying the franchise though. My friends all despised the movie and thought it was insulting, and they couldn't care less about political nonsense, feminism or anything else people are attaching to the movie. I tried to accept it for what it was at first, but I saw it again and thought more about it and I hate what it did to the characters that I used to adore. Even Mark Hammil didn't like what they did to his character or the others.


"How did this get in front of me?????" I love the little random lines like that. Keep up the good work, guys! <3


I don't know. It'll be hard to top the Ghostbusters action figure with ghostbusters crossed out and star wars written on top.


Nerd Crew is just genius. I get excited whenever I see a new one. You guys are the best