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Oh nice! I loved Linda Hamilton in this!


Jay and the Wizard having a serious discussion. Then, Jay and a drunk sharing stories from the bar ...

George L

Really looking forward to this one! The Exorcist is one of the best, if not THE best, horror films ever made and the third one is quite compelling viewing too. May need to rewatch them in preparation for the Re:View.


1st of October I hope. ;) spooooky.


The Exorcist isn't scary! There's hardly any jump scares or shaky cam. Boring!


Yay The Excorcist 3! Maybe after watching Mike and Jay talk about it I can FINALLY get my boyfriend to watch it.


I'm sure Pazuzu feels left out...


They made three of them??? Well, I guess Pazuzu was up for some... revenge! (looks into camera)


Lovely! Looking forward to them.

A White 1993 Camry

The exorcist gets funnier every time I see it

Manuel Johnen

Oh, this is gonna be good... who else here thinks part III is the best one...?


So excited for these!!


she didn't run at the camera once, what's up with that


I prefer The Ninth Configuration to Exorcist 3 but I’m stoked for these reviews!


A Josh Re:view, thats good stuff. Still waiting for that Smokey and the Bandit or Crank 2 Re:view. A man can dream, can't he?


Shit, this is going to be like Psycho from last year, right? Where we find out there are like 4 or 5 Exorcist movies and a TV series or two as well that no one has heard of?


Yes another re-view with Josh the Wizard! No offense to Mike and Jay. It is all good at Halloween time!


Switching between the 2 pictures suggests that Jay did not leave his seat between the 2 videos. (Linda Blair with 'How to Get Revenge' voice) DEDICATION


Some of my favorites! Also, random fun fact for today, it's the 15th Anniversary of Shaun of the Dead. Lots of spooky films to watch this week.

Mike St Louis

TAKE MY MONEY!! Love you guys!


Glad to see some spooky reviews coming, superb program. Did you guys decide on a set for the Halloween BOTW? I'm hoping for a bedroom set with a Wendy's ad and Warhammer figurines.


I couldn't see it when it came out cause I'm Catholic. I read the Mad Magazine Satire The Ecchorcist instead. Nobody said I couldn't do that.


Wow Brad Dourif in The Excorcist 3 is one of my favorite horror film acting performances of all time. I thought he was very menacing. Honestly though I like him in everything he's in.


Cannot wait.