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Mike and Jay (along with Rich and Jack) attempt to comprehend the thought process that would go into creating a lazy, creatively-bankrupt film such as Adam Sandler’s “Pixels”. But more importantly, the gang analyzes and differentiates the phrases “for some reason” and “for no reason.”


Half in the Bag Episode 92: Pixels

Mike and Jay (along with Rich and Jack) attempt to comprehend the thought process that would go into creating a lazy, creatively-bankrupt film such as Adam Sandler's "Pixels". But more importantly, the gang analyzes and differentiates the phrases "for some reason" and "for no reason."


Taylor Hensley

Jacks entrails make me hungry for turkey sausage.


Oh my god, Fake Plinkett finally became Real Plinkett.

Dave Pallas

I'm really sorry you guys had to see it...but better you than me.


Who the fuck hates Fred Savage?

Marvin Falz

"But more importantly, the gang analyzes and differentiates the phrases “for some reason” and “for no reason.”" - Why I - among other traits - like RLM: always aiming for accuracy in expression.


Costume designers, apparently <a href="http://uproxx.it/1HZ1Bfe" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://uproxx.it/1HZ1Bfe</a>

Clay Douglass Major

<a href="http://www.salon.com/2015/07/29/adam_sandler_is_done_why_pixels_may_be_his_last_gasp_of_crude_misogyny_partner/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.salon.com/2015/07/29/adam_sandler_is_done_why_pixels_may_be_his_last_gasp_of_crude_misogyny_partner/</a> Looks like The Media™ is starting to call an end to Sandler's career. This is pretty scathing.