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Nerd Talk: Sequels, Spin-Offs, and Standalones




Wow, really? I'm so sick of comic book movies already.

Dave Pallas

I mean it's a bit at times, right?


That was great, you hack/frauds But please next time, tell the fat guy we don't need his nerdy advices. We're grown-ups. AND THIS IS WHY I CAN'T WAIT FOR GROWN-UPS 3 : THE GROWNING


Rich Evans, our hero. I was pretty excited about my future movie plans....until you guys said everything. Every. Thing. Oh well. There's always porn.


This is WONDERFUL. I love it when RLM goes after the Hollywood machine. Well, maybe the Disney machine at this point.


I'd love to watch a whole series of these. Hilarious


I laughed and then I cried. Fucking movies

William Sircin

And yet I'd trade all those impending cinematic masterworks for JUST ONE Vending Machine Batman movie.

Marvin Falz

I'm so excited for the movie, where they reveal that Darth Vader is Batman's secret identity. Day job: Dark Lord of the Sith, night job: The Terror that flaps in the night. It will also be revealed that Luke is Batman's son Robin, who is destined to bring balance to Gotham City. Holy lasersword through one's own heart.


I think what it boils down to is it feels like uncertain times for a lot of people so people want a degree of security in their movies. Hollywood has tried non-sequel/reboot stuff and it keeps bombing lately. I think in the 1990s when the world felt slightly more stable people were more in the mood for edgier more experimental stuff. I could be wrong, either way I think the trend will eventually reverse.